Influencing factor
1, the sexual distinction that decides darling -- father
There are 46 chromosomes inside human body cell, the half comes from father, other in part comes from mom. Have two decisions sexual distinction among them, fetal darling can from X chromosome is obtained over there mom, because the female has X chromosome only, the key depends on fetal darling from what obtain over there father it is X or Y chromosome. If be X chromosome,be the girl, if be Y chromosome,be the boy. What decide darling sexual distinction so is father, because only the male has Y chromosome.
2, the appearance of darling -- each take an in part
Parents is single-edged eyelid, the child is single-edged eyelid certainly; If have,just be double-fold eyelid, criterion darling is double-fold eyelid likely extremely. Parents among them one person is to hold out nose, the likelihood of entail child is met a bit bigger. If parents is fat, fat degree has the genetic gene of 53% . But if parents has not fat, fat odds of the child 40% . Single fat rate can decide through acquired element. If parents is white or it is black, so the child can be white certainly black perhaps, but black white, the child's skin perhaps is neuter, also meet deflection some square.
3, the intelligence of darling -- mom
Intelligence has certain transmissibility, intellective gene basically is centered in X chromosome, but also suffer outside element effect, wait like environment, education, nutrition. The female has 2 X chromosome, the male has chromosome of a X only, so mom's intelligence had more important place in heredity.
4, the height of darling -- each take an in part
The child's height 70% decide by genetic element, parents is occupied each 35% , remain 30% control by him child, namely acquired element, environment, nutrition.