" creation 101 " Yang Chao jumps over whole journey thrash, wang Saicong sees no less than going t

" creation 101 " Yang Chao jumps over whole journey thrash, wang Saicong sees no less than going to: Insult other member!

Last night, " creation 101 " fall eventually next big screen, rocket girl 101 go out formally into the group. After also becoming person of afterwards NINE PERCENT to insult male group, witnessed a female group again go out!

" creation 101 " Yang Chao jumps over whole journey thrash, wang Saicong sees no less than going to: Insult other member!

What in regarding Chinese as philharmonic society, just went out is brand-new female group, it is a very happy thing originally, but of the Wang Saicong that suffers however censure, at the beginning, express in small gain: "Korea Mnet estimation regretted to die to sell Tx this copyright of 101... " . Cause many netizen controversy at that time!

" creation 101 " Yang Chao jumps over whole journey thrash, wang Saicong sees no less than going to: Insult other member!

Korea Ment company is the Asia's biggest musical entertainment company, can design complete recreation and musical program independently, the copyright that some dispatch buys Ment was rolled out " creation 101 " . The echo after the program broadcasts is tremendous, this program that says groove to also say this to understand some message runs Wang Saicong very successful.

" creation 101 " Yang Chao jumps over whole journey thrash, wang Saicong sees no less than going to: Insult other member!

Wang Saicong spits groovy poplar to surmount in the comment not only " cry play " , return the Li Ziting that spit groove camera lens is much, so much bank note, and Diss Li Ziting's appearance: A Pacific Ocean was lain between among two eyes, grow so that resemble an in good health fish.

" creation 101 " Yang Chao jumps over whole journey thrash, wang Saicong sees no less than going to: Insult other member!

" creation 101 " Yang Chao jumps over whole journey thrash, wang Saicong sees no less than going to: Insult other member!

Subsequently, wang Saicong complements again: Of Ycy going out was to insult other 10 people.

" creation 101 " Yang Chao jumps over whole journey thrash, wang Saicong sees no less than going to: Insult other member!

The race site last night, camera lens dare not give her apparently, the movement pulled the hind leg of all person clearly.

" creation 101 " Yang Chao jumps over whole journey thrash, wang Saicong sees no less than going to: Insult other member!

The dancing that jump can jump even pupil, with other dance of young lady elder sister cannot be compared. . . And Yang Chao jumps over a response, state oneself had endeavored! But not be to try hard to be able to succeed certainly on the world, you were denied other than you more the person of effort.

" creation 101 " Yang Chao jumps over whole journey thrash, wang Saicong sees no less than going to: Insult other member!

And Fu Qing regards banana recreational as, also did not lose the outer part of king boss, also occupied to go out. But also appeared traffic accident spot, go greatly sound, falsetto part runs basically tone, by netizen doubt: "Where is the Jing of teach of traffic accident spot that why to spit groovy Wang Saicong? "Where is the Jing of teach of traffic accident spot that why to spit groovy Wang Saicong??

" creation 101 " Yang Chao jumps over whole journey thrash, wang Saicong sees no less than going to: Insult other member!

" creation 101 " Yang Chao jumps over whole journey thrash, wang Saicong sees no less than going to: Insult other member!

Ennn. . . Say to want to ask him himself like netizen place probably, although Wang Saicong spoke the doubt in a lot of popular feeling, but the result cannot have been changed, what can expect this group can develop only is better and better.

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