Same Zhang Quanguo coils, 20 province admit fractional line to differ 165 minutes, take an examinati

Up to today, the line of mark of the university entrance exam that already had 25 province has been announced in succession.

Wait to go out oneself besides Beijing, Zhejiang, Tianjin, Shanghai, Jiangsu outside coiling, other 26 province use whole nation coils one, roll 2, roll of 3, the line of mark of the university entrance exam that already had 20 province has been announced in succession.

Small make up a whole nation to coil one, roll 2, roll 3 have statistic respectively, discover the whole nation coils to admit fractional line highest with lowest, differ the mark is as high as 165 minutes.

The university entrance exam differs a minute, have thousand possibly the person platoon of about a hundred was in before your.

This fearsome mark, make examinee and parent very helpless.

Also can plaint only, take an examination of again well, still be inferior to giving birth to pair of places.

Most of in deep sorrow letting a person is not poor so a few minutes, however same Zhang Kao coils, the fractional line tower above that oneself save is other save ten minutes, about a hundred minutes, what others takes an examination of without oneself obviously is good, went up to compare oneself good school instead, this is the place that lets be indignant of a lot of students.

Same Zhang Quanguo coils, 20 province admit fractional line to differ 165 minutes, take an examination of well still be inferior to be born well

Use whole nation coils 10 province such as the Henan of one, Heibei, Shanxi, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Anhui, Fujian, Shandong.

Outside dividing Guangdong, Hunan, 8 other province admit fractional line to already was announced, but no matter be more highest than what already announced even tall, even lower than lowest, will play the difference between the province that admits the province with top mark and lowest greatly further.

Now liberal art 2, science department 2 admitting the province with fractional top line is Jiangxi completely, the examinee of Jiangxi forces more painstakingly. Its Chinese division admits fractional line 568 minutes originally, wanting those who compare lowest is 505 minutes of tower above of Shandong 63 minutes; 411 cent tower above of 2 Heibei that should compare lowest 496 minutes 85 minutes.

And science department just a little this the mark that admits fractional line tower above is higher. Science department admits fractional line Jiangxi 527 minutes originally, compare 435 minutes of tower above of Shandong 92 minutes, 358 cent tower above of 2 Heibei that compare lowest 447 minutes 89 minutes.

Jiangxi science department admits fractional line 2 times to exceed Shandong one 12 minutes. The netizen plaints, this can read science department in Shandong.

The examinee of Jiangxi had cried on small gain one big, state Jiangxi wants station C this year, this mark line is tall fearsome, coil with a piece together, why must compare others tall so much?

Same Zhang Quanguo coils, 20 province admit fractional line to differ 165 minutes, take an examination of well still be inferior to be born well

Use whole nation coils 11 province such as the Gansu Province of 2, Qinghai, Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Ningxia, Xinjiang, Shaanxi, Chongqing, Hainan.

Outside needing 25 days or so to announce except Qinghai, Xinjiang, Hainan, 8 other province admit fractional line to already was announced.

Jilin is liberal art science department admits the province with fractional top line, it is respectively mix 533 minutes 542 minutes. Lowest is Liaoning, it is respectively mix 368 minutes 461 minutes.

Jilin liberal art compares Liaoning originally 81 minutes tall, and science department a tower above 165 minutes!

Be very fearsome?

In 8 province, liberal art admits fractional line 2 batches highest is Ningxia, 498 minutes, lowermost is Inner Mongolia 399 minutes, two province differ 99 minutes.

Among them, liberal art of Ningxia, Shaanxi 2 admit a line to compare Liaoning fractional line parts tower above mix 25 minutes 37 minutes.

Science department admits fractional line 2 batches highest is Gansu Province 436 minutes, lowest is still be Inner Mongolia 336 minutes, two province differ 100 minutes. Among them Gansu Province, Shaanxi, Ningxia, Chongqing, Jilin admits fractional line 2 times of 5 province to part originally than Liaoning tower above arrives 37 minutes 68 minutes.

Same Zhang Quanguo coils, 20 province admit fractional line to differ 165 minutes, take an examination of well still be inferior to be born well

Use whole nation coils 5 province such as the Yunnan of 3, Guangxi, Guizhou, Sichuan, Tibet, outside dividing Tibet, 4 province already were announced admit fractional line.

A Yunnan mixes liberal art of Guizhou admitting fractional line is 575 minutes, the Guangxi of tower above lowest 28 minutes.

Liberal art admits fractional line 2 times highest it is Sichuan 492 minutes, the Guangxi of tower above lowest 89 minutes.

Science department admits fractional line to be returned highestly originally is Sichuan, 546 minutes, guizhou lowest 484 minutes, two province differ 62 minutes. Same science department admits the Sichuan with fractional top line 2 times, 458 minutes, compare lowermost Guangxi 345 minutes, tower above 113 minutes.

The examinee of Sichuan is very get hurt.

The student of one science department of Sichuan says: After seeing fractional line with respect to paralysis, why to take an examination of a piece of examination paper together, the family can get on 484 minutes, cannot I get on 545 minutes? What do I differ than them? Why does Sichuan want so outstanding?

Article department is achieved formerly, the data statistic collect that chart announces according to saving official website each is made and become.

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