Guangxi phoenix hill causes big damage caused by waterlogging to kill by strong rainfall

Guangxi phoenix hill causes big damage caused by waterlogging to kill by strong rainfall

Block of hill body coast decides way

Feng Shan of network of national meet an urgent need on June 25 message (reporter Zheng Xueqing) on June 24 23 when make 20 minutes, heavy rain of light of county of Guangxi phoenix hill, local rainstorm arrives big rainstorm, accompany have short when the strong convection weather such as thunderstorm gale, 25 days 0 when case, phoenix hill county appears in succession hill body coast, big waterlogged wait for calamity, the county is wided, the partial way to this county is interrupted. Branch of local fire control is received many cases call the police.

Guangxi phoenix hill causes big damage caused by waterlogging to kill by strong rainfall

Come to help to be stranded pregnant woman

On June 25 10 when 06 minutes, countryside of sound of tall of county of Guangxi phoenix hill one pregnant woman (amniotic fluid embolism) need to transfer hospital of people of Feng Shan county to undertake cure, because road is flooded by water, need fire control undertakes rescuing. Branch of phoenix hill fire control dispatchs a rush to deal with an emergency forms into columns, 10 2 fire engine, officers and soldiers are headed for come to help. 10 when 43 minutes, phoenix hill squadron reachs the spot, via investigating discovery, the spot is by pluvial besiege for 1 pregnant woman on highway. Phoenix hill squadron organizes officers and soldiers to use assault boat to undertake rescuing instantly, 12 when rescue the personnel that be stranded 05 minutes and reach hospital of people of Feng Shan county.

Guangxi phoenix hill causes big damage caused by waterlogging to kill by strong rainfall

Scattered masses

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