Last year, li Wenxing incident makes Boss straight hire was immersed in a crisis. After one year is being lain between when, with the platform of 58 Internet invite applications for a job that are a delegate with net of city, go to market, made the tall hair division of bilk case.
The report that comes from insurgent news says, from net of Chinese judge copy clerk the search arrives in recent years 60 in carrying the 58 bilk case that release information of false invite applications for a job with net of city, go to market, person of 248 the accused is passed release bilk of information of false invite applications for a job, more than 5500 the injured party are decieved, bilk amount is close 100 million yuan.
Internet invite applications for a job sends an area high into bilk caseThe last few years, regular meeting of classics of industry of Internet invite applications for a job appears incident of a few bilk. In March 2016, national network letter does to ever shut 16 to break one's promise lawfully;2017 of website of invite applications for a job year wisdom couplet invite applications for a job is in-house in June employee bootleg to apply for a job person resume;2017 year Boss is hired continuously appeared Li Wenxing incident, and net of go to market is exploded to go out have false position event.
If not be media appear in nearly 58 with city and net of go to market the case of platform of invite applications for a job of this kind of Internet makes a pool, probably a lot of people are not clear, amount of record of bilk of industry of Internet invite applications for a job is close 100 million yuan. Say candidly, this is number of a special bloodcurdling. In order to resolve demand of enterprise choose and employ persons, help user finds platform of Internet invite applications for a job, the last few years made the bunco tool of illegal element unexpectedly, this one phenomenon is fetching and thoughtful.
All the time since, internet invite applications for a job is the object that capital favors. 2000 around, when domestic Internet just started, the 3 big tycoons that future does not have invite applications for a job of care, wisdom couplet and net of China person of outstanding ability had been industry of domestic Internet invite applications for a job. Among them, future appears on the market already successfully without care and wisdom couplet invite applications for a job. From commercial pattern, do not have care and wisdom couplet invite applications for a job like future platform of such Internet invite applications for a job, had become the delegate of industry of traditional network invite applications for a job. Recently two years, under Internet a place with a draught, perpendicular invite applications for a job and essence allow platform of invite applications for a job to be born early or late, industry of Internet invite applications for a job enters diversity period.
After Li Wenxing incident happened last year, platform of domestic Internet invite applications for a job makes known his position in succession, want to strengthen examine and verify of qualification of enterprise of invite applications for a job. The result went one year, 58 with city and net of go to market amount of record of experience of bilk of platform of this kind of invite applications for a job is close 100 million yuan. Apparent,
Since the 58 qualificatory examine and verify that with city and net of go to market platform of this kind of invite applications for a job had strengthened business of invite applications for a job, why to return somebody to be deceived? From inside the report of media, we discover the brillant intrigue of these cheater not hard. The region is covered in a variety of bilk in, the commonnest legerdemain pays the deposit of all sorts of items namely. Well-known, in process of invite applications for a job, a few enterprises can ask to apply for cost of dress of personnel pay such as, IC to block expenses of cost, food to wait normally. With the debt of all sorts of nominal collection applicant, had made swindler of invite applications for a job's simplest and direct way. Because the number of this kind of cash pledge is not large, be in normally 200-500 or so yuan, a lot of applicant can be duped. Though every cost that applicant pay controls 200 yuan, the hundreds of deposit that pay same amount to on 1000 people very, this is the number with sizable brushstroke.
Control from 2000 up to now, time of ten years, internet invite applications for a job is same almost kind of trade pattern, the enterprise hands in Qian Laiping stage to release information of invite applications for a job. Even if be Boss hires platform of such perpendicular invite applications for a job continuously, also be the enterprise hands in money to release information of invite applications for a job. So low admittance doorsill, natural meeting makes the land of the first selection of illegal element bunco. Strictly speaking, platform of Internet invite applications for a job, the company to invite applications for a job has superintendency responsibility.
Write finally: 58 wait for trap of invite applications for a job of existence of platform of Internet invite applications for a job with the city, and experience table is near 100 million yuan, although this won't form annihilative blow to pattern of trade of Internet invite applications for a job, but had become a kind of huge management risk. If Internet invite applications for a job still stands fast,hand in money to be able to send the mode of information of invite applications for a job, so the industry of Internet invite applications for a job that essence of life deceives people on post, will the brim of decline of one pace trend.