Wine spring " 5 · 18 " telegraphic bilk case is accused successfully broken

On June 24, city public security bureau holds greeting ceremony ceremoniously, receive detect to do " 5 · 18 " policeman of group of case of telegraphic bilk case is triumphal. In police of Guangdong river source assist energetically below, "5 · 18 " telegraphic bilk case is accused successfully broken, arrest guilty suspect 18.

Wine spring " 5 · 18 " telegraphic bilk case is accused successfully broken

On May 18, 2018, wang Mou of dweller of base of life of spring of wine of jade door oil field calls the police say, its by other revulsive, trade phonily in some platform fries gold to be cheated capital more than yuan 20.

Receive alarm hind, height of Party committee of city public security bureau takes seriously, transfer instantly group of case of composition of keen-witted and capable force, wang Lichao of secretary of Party committee of public security bureau of deputy mayor, city, director holds the post of a group leader, linkage of fluctuation of mechanism of public security of city, county, resource is shared, duobumenduo alarm kind the net gets online next synthesis fight, spread out quickly to this case detect the job. Case group policeman flows to proceed with from address of experience case website, IP and bank account, capital, reel off raw silk from cocoons pares chrysalis, track down by following clues, the careful through more than days 30 is investigated and huge data is analysed, successful lock decides guilty shelter feature to reach commit the crime member. On June 21, in police of Guangdong river source assist energetically below, case group is in city of Guangdong river source to illegallying or forcibly occupy the feature of 2 crime shelter of source the city zone is begun unified receive a net to capture, with one action arrests illegal crime suspect 22 people, computer of capture experience case 33 stage, mobile phones 38 ministry, frozen capital more than yuan 1.25 million, destroyed this to be used thoroughly trade phonily the gang of especially big crime of platform executive bilk. The trial investigation that passes rigor, fixed evidence, discriminate crime, final criminal detains guilty suspect 18.

35 policemans grow wine spring public security road long-range raids, fight bravely day and night, flounder 6000 more than kilometer, on June 24 before dawn returns send under escort of group of all crime suspect wine spring.

As we have learned, "5 · 18 " district of case of experience of telegraphic bilk case personnel of case of wide, experience amount of record of much, experience is high, commit the crime method secretive, detect does difficulty big; Case group brave carries weight, advance despite difficulties, uncover this case successfully inside shorter time, this is afterwards of wine spring public security " 6 · 11 " the case of another telegraphic bilk that case epigenesis result detects. In recent years, wine spring public security uncovers telegraphic bilk case more than cases 490 early or late, suspect of crime of bilk of public prosecution telecommunication 150 more than person, destroy gang of telegraphic bilk crime 25, sequestered, freeze illicit money more than yuan 2000, illicit money of pursue and wipe out more than yuan 800, effect of crack a criminal case ranks complete province front row, to maintain harmony of whole town society stability made positive contribution.

(Kingdom is whole)

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