2 people are suspected of heart city functionary embezzlement blame is found out lawfully

2 people are suspected of heart city functionary embezzlement blame is found out lawfully2 people are suspected of heart city functionary embezzlement blame is found out lawfully

Recently, procuratorate of people of heart the city zone in order to be suspected of functionary embezzlement blame, thoroughfare to day of heart the city zone lawfully community of Xiao He village resides street agency appoint to sue of Wang Qiuying of Xu Liming of manager of office of property of Xiao Yue of limited company of meeting month beautiful property, accountant. Current, the case is being dealt with further in.


Procuratorate of people of the city zone of origin Piao heart

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2 people are suspected of heart city functionary embezzlement blame is found out lawfully2 people are suspected of heart city functionary embezzlement blame is found out lawfully2 people are suspected of heart city functionary embezzlement blame is found out lawfully2 people are suspected of heart city functionary embezzlement blame is found out lawfully2 people are suspected of heart city functionary embezzlement blame is found out lawfully2 people are suspected of heart city functionary embezzlement blame is found out lawfully2 people are suspected of heart city functionary embezzlement blame is found out lawfully2 people are suspected of heart city functionary embezzlement blame is found out lawfully2 people are suspected of heart city functionary embezzlement blame is found out lawfully2 people are suspected of heart city functionary embezzlement blame is found out lawfully2 people are suspected of heart city functionary embezzlement blame is found out lawfully2 people are suspected of heart city functionary embezzlement blame is found out lawfully2 people are suspected of heart city functionary embezzlement blame is found out lawfully2 people are suspected of heart city functionary embezzlement blame is found out lawfully2 people are suspected of heart city functionary embezzlement blame is found out lawfully2 people are suspected of heart city functionary embezzlement blame is found out lawfully
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