About " 6.23 " bulletin of traffic accident circumstance

From policeman of tribute artesian well

About " 6.23 " bulletin of traffic accident circumstance

About " 6.23 " bulletin of traffic accident circumstance

On June 23, 2018 18 when make, from tribute auspicious of public transportation group starts motion line of business Chen Mou of limited company driver some surchage drives plain C202** is large and common passenger car by go to from terminal of tribute city passenger transport travel of direction of yellow small towns of edge beach area, when travel is in to Wang Gonglu 22km+500m, car side breaks up to earthy bank falls on the right side of road, cause the passenger inside the car to get hurt, the traffic accident that car is damaged.

After the accident, government of center of public security policeman, police station, 120 emergency treatment, place and social car are begun in time come to help, hospitalization of 26 the wounded, driver Chen Mou some already was adopted criminal coercive measures. Current, this case is in further investigation.

From artesian well of detachment of pointsman of tribute city public security bureau area group

On June 25, 2018

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