Jade article inn is con the tourist is checked

Jade article inn is con the tourist is checked

Doorway of popular tourist attraction draws a customer, flicker tourist gets on a car, collude taxi midway transfers, driver again brainwashing, cheat the tourist sell inferior jade article into high price of jade article inn... near Fang Zhuang the jade article inn of a con tourist is checked yesterday, at present this inn already closed close down waits to punish. Drawing near of summer vacation time, travel busy season comes, inn of jade article of law of police general severe Cha Fei.

Shenyang tourist Ms. Wu group 4 people, ramble last noon the Imperial Palace, in the Imperial Palace east the door is built get on a black car, want to ramble again in periphery. The car is done not have a little while on, the driver leaves a little, "Will play to Beijing, you must ramble 5 gas. Of the grand air of the Great Wall, bully gas of the Imperial Palace, Summer Palace delicate, the clever energy of life that still has jade article store and money are angry. " the jade article store that black car driver says is " 3 money drive movement " , he tells Ms. Wu to wait for a person, this inn since had not opened since 1949, open these days only, "Your luck is really good. "Your luck is really good..

Arrived in inn, classics counterjumper introduction, recommend, ms. Wu decision buys to a mythical wild animal to the son hang, price 1999 yuan.

Place favour encounters area of stage of police of stage of total fleet of force of drug of annular eclipse of city public security bureau, abundant, abundant to travel appoint, industrial and commercial, traffic appoint execute the law the branch such as canal of team, city is checked into inn, prevent a tourist to be deceived. This inn already was instructed by door of The Ministry of Commerce and Industry close down, wait to punish.

Policeman of detachment of travel of total fleet of force of annular eclipse drug tells a reporter, this is by inn of black car driver, taxi driver, jade article collective plot beforehand, coax tourist high price buys the fraud of inferior jade article, no matter say how to change on demit, covering road and gimmick is similar. To give up tourist misgive, driver midway feign mounts car trouble or be to temporarily urgent matter lets a tourist transfer, the likelihood when the tourist is most trades a vehicle 3 times. During, several drivers cooperate the have a change of luck of didymous tourist and brainwashing each other, make a tourist right " famous tourist attraction " magical believe thoroughly. Inside inn " Great Master " again phonetic loan characters is such-and-such and such-and-such association, well-known personage name, with " open light " " pray blessing " " contribution " high price of tourist of the coax that it is a name buys the jade article with low value, calligraphy and painting.

Policeman of total fleet of force of drug of annular eclipse of city public security bureau introduces, last year, thing town closed down in all the inn of much home jade article that commits the crime through similar measure, criminal detains 46 suspects.

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