Complain grow in quantity: The apple states Macbook/Pro clavier problem is maintained freely

Complain about all sorts of quality of dish type clavier all the time many, the maintenance value of high specified number also is the reason that the user says groove. The apple was aimed at this recently a series of problems made a response, acceptance undertakes be maintaininged freely to its; To the upkeep costs of the user before this, also can undertake refund seeks advice.

Complain grow in quantity: The apple states Macbook/Pro clavier problem is maintained freely

According to service page of the apple, the plan after this carry out covers the following aspect: Letter or character accident repeat input, letter or character cannot be inputted, clavier key-press feeling has " agglutinant " or response means is abhorrent. The user is right of clavier of malic notebook computer complain a few weeks in the past to mix grow somewhat in a few months, the user says clavier often is met when encountering dirt invalidation, and flimsy design makes again its hard repair. Although maintenance acceptance of the apple comes very late, but adopting measure to solve a problem always is right.

Complain grow in quantity: The apple states Macbook/Pro clavier problem is maintained freely

In the meantime, malic spokesman provided the following statement:

"Today, we rolled out a clavier service to plan for our client, does the likelihood in covering certain MacBook and MacBook Pro model appear the following one plant or the fraction clavier: of a variety of behavior? Agglutinant " of? of core of Zha of Yang of  of chaste tree of allow of Huang of people of a certain kind of acute hearing rate of Qiu of thoroughfaring Chinese toon of hut of food of  of location of banner rich clam or the key that did not respond to with consistent pattern. "Malic complement says, this process " may be involved change one or more key-press or whole clavier " .

Complain grow in quantity: The apple states Macbook/Pro clavier problem is maintained freely

Before this a few outside media discloses, after making work according to malic government " talent " with accredit dot of tripartite maintenance collects data to show, the problem appears on MacBook Pro, MacBook most is clavier of butterfly type construction, the clavier fault rate of 2016 MacBook Pro is 11.8% , and clavier of 2017 type of MBP2 Dai Die up to now fault rate had been achieved 8.1% , this is really not the data of save worry. A few users already at this point the problem had collective suit to the apple.

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