Inform against! Shaanxi is black clew of evil illegal crime is highest award 30 thousand yuan! Add i

Inform against! Shaanxi is black clew of evil illegal crime is highest award 30 thousand yuan! Add inform against a phone!

Hall of finance of Shaanxi province Public Security Department, province came on stage jointly recently " Shaanxi saves clew of black evil illegal crime to inform against promotive method " , encourage masses to occupy solid inform against black vicious power to violate crime. Belong to to check inform against solidly, will give highest 30 thousand yuan award.

Clew of illegal crime of black vicious power includes the following 10 respects

Minatory politics is safe especially political power is safe, system safety and the black vicious power that permeate to political economy domain;

Control basic level political power, operate destroy basic level to change collective of resource of place of an election, forestall, embezzle the black vicious power of asset;

Inform against! Shaanxi is black clew of evil illegal crime is highest award 30 thousand yuan! Add inform against a phone!

Use clan, familial force to dominate home village or town, seek hegemony one party, bully and oppress cruellies kill of common people " village bully " black vicious power;

In proof the ground, hire the ground, black vicious power of incendiary make trouble in tearing open project of change, project to build a course;

In the building project, traffic is carried, industry of mineral products resource, fruit closes store, breed catch wait for industry, domain to take a project by force, force to trade, baleful contest mark, illegal monopoly is managed, collection " protection is expended " black vicious power;

Go in bully of area of scene of mart of trade of of all kinds market, travel bully city, force to trade, blackmail, gather a crowd affray, collection " protection is expended " black vicious power;

Offer gambling house, force to organize a look to leave a woman to walk the street etc hold accuse to manage " yellow bet poison " the black vicious power that waits for illegal crime activity; Illegal usury is put borrow and adopt imprison intended harm, illegally, beating seizes the black vicious power that waits for method force to demand repayment;

Have a hand in civilian dispute processing, suffer employ other to act as " underground goes out alarm team " black vicious power;

Other affray of group of the cement that play a side, provoke, fight to be taken affray, by force extortionary, seek hegemony to just wait for the black vicious power that destroys order of social production, life.

" promotive method " regulation, to public security mechanism check is belonged to solid organize accusation to move with gangdom property send sue, award informs against a person 30 thousand yuan; With vicious power guilty group moves send sue, reward 20 thousand yuan; With gang of vicious power crime specific accusation sues, reward 1000 yuan 5; With experience evil common and of all kinds accusation moves send sue, reward 1000 yuan 2.

Inform against! Shaanxi is black clew of evil illegal crime is highest award 30 thousand yuan! Add inform against a phone!

Inform against the person can take real name or faceless, through be being informed against face to face, letter, phone, network corresponds or other means undertakes informing against. Faceless when informing against, the password that informs against a person to be able to use 6 digit above serves as his code, public security mechanism informs against a person certainly with the password and feedback, award. Public security mechanism will be right the identity that informs against a person, address, inform against the circumstance such as content to keep secret strictly, to each clew that inform against, will check seriously and seasonable to inform against result of person feedback check. Province Public Security Department hopes to inform against a person to be in when informing against, answer to provide the time that produces black vicious power to violate criminality in detail as far as possible, the circumstance such as place, process, and place of course of feature of appearance of means of the full name of guilty suspect, address, communication, main body, activity, conceal and whether the circumstance such as cutting tool of hold firearms, control.

As we have learned, end by May, province Public Security Department " sweep black do " receive in all this year listen to masses to inform against a phone 8 more than 100 person-time, receive inform against material 339. Mechanism of each district public security saves a Public Security Department to sweep through be opposite black do supervise and direct, turn do handhold check, discover in time from which and destroyed organization of crime of a batch of black vicious power.

Inform against a way

1, dial directly " 110 " or dial each district " sweep black except evil " special accuse and denounce at a meeting leads what group office announces to inform against a phone;

2, inform against to mechanism of local public security directly;

3, inform against through correspondence.

Province Public Security Department " sweep black do " address: Xi'an city phoenix town 2 19, postcode: 710016

Province Public Security Department " sweep black do " inform against a phone (working hours) : 029-86165840 86165651

Each city is swept black except evil inform against a phone

Xi'an city sweeps black do: 029-86756110

Salty in relief city sweeps black do: 029-33880615

Public security bureau of treasure chicken city: 0917-3386887

Public security bureau of the city austral short for Weihe River: 0913-2369386

Public security bureau of in good health city: 0915-3213912

Public security bureau of city of business the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces: 0914-2383213

Public security bureau of cupreous plain city: 0919-2189536

Chinese in city public security bureau: 0916-2688887

Public security bureau of Yu forest city: 0912-3692476

Yan'an city public security bureau: 0911-2165908

Yang Ling shows model area public security bureau: 029-87036299

Inform against! Shaanxi is black clew of evil illegal crime is highest award 30 thousand yuan! Add inform against a phone!

Shaanxi 2017 10 sweep black except evil typical case

Case one: The case of gangdom property organization such as Yan'an Yan Mou

Via checking, after Yan Mou was released from the jail in October 2009, in Wu Qi friend of the jail before prefectural get together offers gambling house, use force undertakes hitting pressing to other gambling house and rogue, establish " authoritative " . Yan Mou establishs much home company to regard as early or late covering, "Raise with business black, with black guard business " . Offer usurious, adopt imprison the menace that hold a knife, illegally wait for a method to ask for debt illegally.

In August 2017, yan'an city public security bureau informs against clew according to masses, with one action destroys the black evil crime that heads with Yan Mou to organize, its are suspected of opening imprison gambling house, illegally, the 40 Yu Qi cases such as illegal hold firearms. January 2018, to the 23 crime suspect such as Yan Mou lawfully punishment arrest or arrest.

Case 2: The force such as Han Mou of Xi'an new the city zone demands repayment case of experience evil crime

The force that heads with Han Mou demands repayment gang of experience evil crime, adopt menace, beat up, bind, butt is very hot wait for violent means to beg for a long time for other debt. Via checking, this gang is suspected of be being imprisoned illegally, many illegal crime such as provoke affray, experience case personnel reachs 20 more than person. This case is undertaken with case of experience black organization by Xi'an police detect does.

Case 3: Cadre of village of in good health Han Bin employs case of fierce experience evil crime

On January 28, han Bin area is to villager couple in the home the lethal weapon such as the steel tube that be held by person of several unconscious faces is mauled, guilty suspect drives escape.

Late on Feburary 3, police arrests suspect of experience evil crime 7, capture commit the crime car 1, commit the crime lethal weapon more than 10.

Via checking: Guilty suspect Kou Mou holds the position of the villager in this village during the group is senior, the victim arrives to reflect a condition about the branch for many times with respect to the problem such as village Wu job and Zhang Wu, kou Mou has resentment to this, employ then fierce undertake hitting retaliation to the victim.

Case 4: The case of crime of construction of block the way of get together gang such as Li Mou of Chinese shade county

The last ten-day of a month will rise in November, the get together such as Li Mou of villager of Chinese shade county more than 20 villagers are mixed with grab of block the way a means such as a building site passageway, one gas station of place of illegal block up applies section chief to amount to two months. Police is informed for many times dissuade go out without fruit hind alarm deal with, more than 20 villager such as Tan Mou gathers again, overturn building site crawl, block up official business. More than 50 policeman takes his compulsively lawfully from the spot. The 7 people such as guilty suspect Li Mou by punishment arrest.

Case 5: The case of experience evil crime such as Sun Mou of stage of treasure chicken gold

On Feburary 2 morning, victim Bai Mou drops the building gets hurt. Policeman investigation is informed, because Bai Mou is asked for bills due won'ts do, drop from 3 buildings carelessly when the desert after be being imprisoned illegally below. Police finds out the true identity of the person such as guilty suspect Sun Mou and territory very quickly, arrest member of 11 experience case and punishment arrest.

Via checking, this gang from 2017 since first half of the year, demand repayment in order to replace a person for, carry out 5 times early or late imprison illegally wait for guilty activity, send 3 victims to get hurt.

Case 6: Cattail city county " passionate racing bicycle " case of small letter gamble

Since Feburary, other of some in collusion with passes guilty suspect Wu Mou, Liu Mou establish small letter of passionate racing bicycle group, organize game of 100 more than person. Police arrests guilty suspect 2 people, sequestered computer 1, mobile phone 11, experience proposal value amounts to more than yuan 1900.

Case 7: Area of salty in relief Qin Dou is imprisoned illegally case

Laurel is such-and-such at will be being cheated to come by netizen Wang Mou on November 25 salty Yang Yichuan sells a nest to nod control. Receive alarm hind, qin Dou police will count person rescue. Via checking, should pass the 7 people such as Chen Mou of the dot that sell a check to pass the entrance door that turn over a lock, confiscate the means such as the mobile phone to undertake controlling to the victim, limit person freedom more than days 40.

Case 8: Case of gang of numerous affray of Yu Lin Ju

Via checking, late on September 3, ma Mou is in Yu in relief area produces a language to conflict with Guo Mou inside the hotel, tussle of much person of bilateral get together, wang Mou experience hurts classics rescue again during invalid death. The 19 gangs member that Yu in relief substation will head with Guo Mou is seized entirely and move lawfully send sue.

Case 9: Chinese in provoke affray case

On December 4, 2017 1 when make 30 minutes, the 3 people such as the more than 10 people such as guilty suspect Li Mou and Wang Mou of KTV staff member produce verbal conflict, beat up to Yan Mou, Cao Mou, many security personnel and service give birth to KTV after showing up, ying Mou instructs a person again from many chopper is taken out to be beaten up to KTV staff member inside the car. Ying Mou by lawfully punishment arrest.

Case 10: Shang Luo is obstructive and official case

On November 2 11 when make, division of administrative division of business of town of business the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces is hit pass do a staff member to pass force of the experience in selling a process to fight a way in blow, have execute the law the policeman is mauled. Branch bureau of administrative division of business of public security bureau is received after reporting a case to the security authorities,

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