Uruguay Vs Russia: Suyakawani sends reserve of article of dagger the name of a river in Shaanxi and

Uruguay Vs Russia: Suyakawani sends reserve of article of dagger the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces to cut Li Shefu partner first 9 cling to

Beijing time on June 25 at 22 o'clock, a group the 3rd round at the same time start shooting, uruguay Vs Russia, two teams that give a clue ahead of schedule contend for direct dialog group head name.

Uruguay head hair: 1- Musilaila, 19- Kasaileisi, 17- pulls Keyatesi, 3- Ge Ding, 22- Kesuoerte, 8-

Reserve: 23- Martin - Xierwa, accept of 12- bank handkerchief, 4-G- Ba Lei is pulled, 16- mark on the west - Peileila, 13- Jiasidu - Xierwa, 5- Carlos - Sangqiesi, 7- overcomes Lisidian - Luodeligesi, 10- heart - Alasikate, 18- mark on the west - dagger Mai Si, 11- Si Tuya Buddhist nun

Russia head hair: Husband of Ye of cost of 1- A gold, 10- Simoluofu, 3- Kutebofu, 4- Yi Ge Nasheweiji,

Reserve: 2- Maliao - husband of Nuo of Feiernadesi, 5- Xie Mei, 7- Lu Neifu of Kuciaiwafu, 12- , 14- Gelanate,

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