Scamper gram aunt and Reina controversy Tiger are the lion or tiger, two people Jin Goupin goes out

Tecent video abstains put together art " unlock my north bazoo 3 " leisurely of vermicelli made from bean starch is enjoyed in edition, jackosn and day day play removed you to ask I answer game. The line on small fry teacher, begin the Chinese of Tiger of Xiang Chenchen query and Zebra.

Scamper gram aunt and Reina controversy Tiger are the lion or tiger, two people Jin Goupin goes out

After Chen Chen answers a tiger, aside Reina immediately episode, expressing Lion just is a tiger, tiger is the lion. It is together mongrel, reina is your answer serious?

Scamper gram aunt and Reina controversy Tiger are the lion or tiger, two people Jin Goupin goes out

Scamper gram aunt is caught angrily mad, threaten " Tiger is a tiger " .

Scamper gram aunt and Reina controversy Tiger are the lion or tiger, two people Jin Goupin goes out

Reina unwilling give the impression of weakness, solemn face second is answered, tiger is the lion.

Scamper gram aunt and Reina controversy Tiger are the lion or tiger, two people Jin Goupin goes out

Soon two people conflict rise, the rescue sb from a siege of Wang Jia Er that become aware fills on advanced face seat, attestation Tiger just is a tiger.

Scamper gram aunt and Reina controversy Tiger are the lion or tiger, two people Jin Goupin goes out

Cannot think of, reina is ill-affected, one face is helpless express, your English how so poor, how can I understand you to speak, laugh at gush.

Scamper gram aunt and Reina controversy Tiger are the lion or tiger, two people Jin Goupin goes out

English is so poor this word is attacked broke the vitreous heart of small fry, refute immediately, changsha person is so those who say a tiger, english so say. The cerebral loop of small fry is too clear strange.

Scamper gram aunt and Reina controversy Tiger are the lion or tiger, two people Jin Goupin goes out

Aside Chen Chen looks at two people silently, two people contend for more intense more, also be Real is done laughed.

Scamper gram aunt and Reina controversy Tiger are the lion or tiger, two people Jin Goupin goes out


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