The dog is unripe and different! Dog of the ugliest dog also has the world the right is become champ

[the dog is unripe and different! Dog of the ugliest dog also has the world the right is become champion] local time on June 23, 2018, horse of Lu of tower of American California admire, 2018 " the world is the ugliest dog " selection activity is held in place, the Zsa Zsa of British bullfight dog that comes from American Minnesota is final " Chou Yaqun dog " , ascend champion throne, win 1500 dollars money award.

The dog is unripe and different! Dog of the ugliest dog also has the world the right is become championThe dog is unripe and different! Dog of the ugliest dog also has the world the right is become championThe dog is unripe and different! Dog of the ugliest dog also has the world the right is become championThe dog is unripe and different! Dog of the ugliest dog also has the world the right is become championThe dog is unripe and different! Dog of the ugliest dog also has the world the right is become championThe dog is unripe and different! Dog of the ugliest dog also has the world the right is become championThe dog is unripe and different! Dog of the ugliest dog also has the world the right is become championThe dog is unripe and different! Dog of the ugliest dog also has the world the right is become championThe dog is unripe and different! Dog of the ugliest dog also has the world the right is become champion
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