Storm of deep-set audit of firm of house property of center look forward to, experience of city of t

On June 20, the audit result announcement that national audit arrange issues the circumstance such as financial to 35 central enterprises income and expenses.

In the center look forward to that accepts this round of audit, include to guarantee interest group and group of overseas Chinese city two rooms look forward to. Violate because of the fish in audit be exposinged to the sun compasses buy, exceed mark to match car, tall canal to violate relative of compasses investment, tall canal to contract project, appoint intermediary sale, did not press formulary Qing Dynasty to understand place, wait for multinomial problem, get the special attention of public opinion.

[one] protect benefit to violate compasses buy, capital of a huge sum faces loss risk

Storm of deep-set audit of firm of house property of center look forward to,

The audit that releases according to audit arrange reports, the group that protect interest is involved 3 kinds big by the problem of fish 33.

Financial management and respect of accountant business accounting, the group that protect interest is shown 7 place are violated compasses, among them 2016, what belong to an enterprise to affirm income and cost ahead of schedule, much plan profit thirty-six million seven hundred and forty-eight thousand yuan.

Management field, the group that protect interest shares 21 place to violate compasses. Include among them:

Came 2010 2013, place of the group that protect interest belongs to Hubei to protect benefit to invest limited company, Shenzhen to protect benefit estate to develop limited company to buy property external without evaluating, involve amount 1.502 billion yuan;

Came 2010 2011, what belong to the mining industry that protect interest to invest limited company to violate compasses buy two mine company, did not achieve because of ore grade after anticipate, the stop production such as environmental protection punish, 472 million yuan of devoted capital face loss risk;

2011, what belong to an enterprise to violate compasses buy equity, separately pay for sb and expect to be repaid later should ask for the ground to tear open change fund by what former partner pays 155 million yuan of capital, did not call in to audit vogue.

2012, 2 when belong to an enterprise tall canals carry out a risk not strictly to control a standard, appoint two buildings directly dish sale intermediary orgnaization, approve pay advisory service to expend six million five hundred and eighty-five thousand two hundred yuan.

The report still points to, to the end of 2016, the group that protect interest did not achieve small effect by the requirement invalid asset clears deal with, estate goes the job such as inventory.

Fulfil spirit of 8 central regulations to reach clean-fingered provide a field from course of study, the place that protect interest belongs to Hubei to protect benefit to build engineering limited company the administrator of a middle-level, construction that protect interest the relative of a tall canal creates a company respectively, contract to do a job the construction service engineering inside system of the group that protect interest, contract amount 151 million yuan. In addition, still be existed to exceed mark to distribute a car by fish, exceed a standard to take plane first-class stateroom cabin, on business to go abroad (condition) did not approve by formulary newspaper wait for a problem.

[2] tall tube of industry of overseas Chinese city violates compasses investment

Storm of deep-set audit of firm of house property of center look forward to,

Audit result shows, group of overseas Chinese city by fish 3 kinds big in all 17 specific issues.

Overseas Chinese city most a large amount of issue amount happen in management field. 2016, what belong to 29 enterprises such as limited company of estate of city of Shenzhen overseas Chinese to define construction unit and engineering without making public invite public bidding kind goods and materials purchases a supplier, involve amount 2.333 billion yuan.

In addition, overseas Chinese city came 2014 2015, what belong to overseas Chinese city building to build installation engineering limited company to violate compasses external subcontract 54 projects project, involve amount 572 million yuan; Time to careful from 2014, what belong to city of overseas Chinese of Chengdu weather government office 10 enterprises such as industrial development limited company, falling to sell and transfer house property without the circumstance such as ranking company approval, involve amount 530 million yuan.

Time up to careful, overseas Chinese city deregulation is rental house property, involve an area 6491.31 square metre; Did not achieve small effect by the requirement invalid asset deals with, the job such as the official reform that use a car, and estate goes inventory is slow.

The report is special point out, system of finance affairs of overseas Chinese city and information of business system lack share a mechanism, existence types data not not complete, accurate phenomenon; Official business is recieved also have a system diseased, carry out the problem such as lax case, involve amount thirty-seven million and forty-five thousand four hundred yuan; The group did not clear by the regulation what belong to meeting place, came to was violated 2015 2014 compasses recieve 21 times in meeting place official business, involve amount 143 thousand yuan.

Additional, group place belongs to an enterprise to personnel of 19 tall canals violates compasses investment forty-seven million one hundred and seventy-five thousand three hundred yuan become a shareholder enterprise,

[3] protect city of benefit, overseas Chinese to be rectified and reform quickly

Be aimed at the problem that discovers in audit, enterprise of thing of experience of audit arrange requirement is adopted respectively put in imposition of reductive capital channel, filling capture 's charge, call in borrow (borrow) paragraph, adjust items of an account, terminate a contract wait for means, deadline is rectified and reform.

National endowment appoint issue an announcement technically, requirement problem ends look forward to makes clear task division of labor, layer upon layer fulfil responsibility, come true hard " rectify and reform enclothe completely, problem 0 patient " .

To audit result, the group that protect interest issued announcement on June 20, call this second audit " god-given to protecting interest group since healthy check-up and feel pulse consultation, it is huge caution, vigilant at the same time " .

Group of overseas Chinese city also rectifies and reform condition announcement at be being released 21 days, purchase place experience issue to the project, manage executive invite public bidding system of job responsibility of industry a member, increase special superintend and director to examine strength; In the meantime, advance an electron to enrol the application that adopts platform, expand purchase limits, implementation sunshine action is collected. To other issue rectify and reform, express will " responsibility arrives person, aggrandizement is communicated, normative and in-house canal accuses, perfect system is built " .

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