E Er is much this director of one company office sells examination questions answer obtains punishme

Recently, court of people of division of Yi gold suddenly the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces is right 80 hind man square such-and-such make first instance adjudicate with selling key pain illegally, adjudicate 1500 yuan to RMB of square such-and-such fine confiscates guilty earning 10000 yuan.

Details of a case:

80 hind man Fang Mou some, er of another name for Hubei province of group of industry of division of department China coal is much this director of office of limited company of technology of project of mining of Hua Tai of city heaven and earth, have good future originally, greedy however, made reap without sowing fond dream. During coming 21 days on May 19, 2017, the person that some price with 1600 yuan calls Polaris to small letter close bought Fang Mou 2 class create division in the exam " construction project construction manages " " professional project management and solid Wu " " construction project code and relevant knowledge " take an exam. Rear and such-and-such sell to several examinee with high price, gain profit 1500 yuan.

Examinee poplar is such-and-such on May 21, 2017, some is attending Ao Mou 2 class build division to take an exam " professional project management and solid Wu " the mobile phone is used to receive the exam answer that square such-and-such hair comes to the accused person to undertake in course cogged when be checked.

After the court is tried, think, some is Fang Mou of the accused person executive exam is cogged behavior, offer the national exam solution of legal provision illegally to other, its behavior already was formed sell key pain illegally. In view of Fang Mou some can admit some guilt of one's own accord to case hind, offer the guilty fact that states oneself according to the facts, the department is direct, punish lightly lawfully and the accused person plot of square such-and-such crime is smaller. According to the accused person some guilty fact, property, clue mixes Fang Mou the harm degree to the society, according to " criminal law of People's Republic of China " the 284th one of the 3rd, the 67th the 3rd paragraph, fiftieth 2, fiftieth 3 the first, the 64th, the 61st regulation, make above court decision then.

E Er is much this director of one company office sells examination questions answer obtains punishment illegally!

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