Bilk gang is set " defrost nation capital " amount of fraud experience record 100 million yuan

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Bilk gang is set " defrost nation capital " amount of fraud experience record 100 million yuan

Recently, in the Ministry of Public Security unified deploy and Sichuan save director of syndicate of Public Security Department of Public Security Department, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region to fall, sichuan province is wide mechanism of public security of and other places of yuan of city public security bureau and Guangxi, Guangdong acts jointly, uncover the Ministry of Public Security to hang out one's shingle supervise and direct " ethical capital defrost " bilk case, arrest guilty suspect 64, capture, freeze experience case fund 8.23 million yuan.

In December 2017, mechanism of public security of and other places of Sichuan, Xinjiang, Zhejiang is in succession in the job discovery the name is " ethical capital helps deficient management committee up " illegal organization, carry small letter group development member, with " defrost nation capital " for, fiction supports deficient, medical treatment, relieve wait for a project to carry out bilk. The Ministry of Public Security labels this record 1 hanged out his shingle 2018 supervise and direct case, appoint Sichuan to save a Public Security Department administer, clear of public security bureau changes divisional bureau to be in charge of case detect doing the work.

Investigation discovery, in August 2017, the bilk gang that heads with Feng Mou, Li Mou is being hit " the social duty that performs party and country to gift, attend ethical capital defrost to be used at essence of life to help deficient project up to carry out definitely " cover, falsify document of national ministries and commissions, pretend to be national staff member, right Wang Mou China undertakes " brainwashing " , hold water " ethical capital helps deficient management committee up " . Wang Mou China holds the post of chairman, set ministry of branch, human affairs, propaganda department, superintend ministry to wait, still built agency of level of state of 293 30 provincial branch, city and 2286 counties area level working group.

Guilty suspect with " ethical capital defrost " after " income of a huge sum " initiate of victim of lure by promise of gain, the member passes the means pay admission such as small letter red bag, cost handling card to wait. Capital chases class hand in collect by chairman of group leader, section chief, cent, turn finally to bilk gang by Wang Mou China Zhang. Came in September 2017 only in November, wang Mou China turns give 7.84 million yuan.

The analysis that passes 2 months grinds sentence and careful is investigated, case group lock decided two to wash money to cover show a gang, deciding this case is Internet of experience have the aid of is run, collect returns profit, pass annul, what bilk is an organic whole is new-style, mix model crime.

Mixed this year in Feburary April, police begins concentration twice to control net operation in and other places of Guangxi, Guangdong, Henan, Beijing early or late, came true to be opposite member of plan of behind the curtain, development, take a paragraph to cover now, the entire chain blow that forges the link such as the file.

Current, main crime suspect already reached this record entirely case, amount of record of preliminary estimation experience amounts to 100 million yuan.

Police expresses, "Ethical capital defrost " it is a set bilk gimmick, but still a few is on guard the masses with poorer consciousness is deceived, there is no lack of among them the college professor person that has higher culture rate. Public security mechanism reminds broad masses, do not believe alleged " the defrost that find treasure " , to the investment of redound of affirmatory a huge sum project of conduct financial transactions maintains high vigilance.

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