Break the law to be scolded by the vent one's anger on net of condemnatory truck driver policeman r

Break the law to be scolded by the vent one's anger on net of condemnatory truck driver policeman result is gone arrest

The advent of information age

Give individual person however " discharge personal spite " open drain mouth

The network ased if the tool of their utterance unbridled

But, in gregarious platform

True can " the mouth does not have block "

This not

Somebody gives us advise sb or explain sth by using one's own experience as an example!

Break the law to be scolded by the vent one's anger on net of condemnatory truck driver policeman result is gone arrest

Case reviewing

Recently, group of policeman of public security bureau of the county in dragon discovers when beginning network go on a tour of inspection to work one netizen of before dawn released a few information with small gain date on June 2, information roughly content is in abuse Long Li's policeman.

Break the law to be scolded by the vent one's anger on net of condemnatory truck driver policeman result is gone arrestBreak the law to be scolded by the vent one's anger on net of condemnatory truck driver policeman result is gone arrest

After discovering this one circumstance, public security bureau of the county in dragon leads a directive to ask policeman group combines net inspect group to begin thorough to investigate the work.

On June 6 afternoon, this netizen is arrived to handle a case please center, be informed through the inquiry, this man is called Cai Mou, 35 years old, person of county of beacon of Guizhou Province breath. Some was opening before dawn Cai to haul the freight car that come into stock on June 2 because overload is punished by Long Li's policeman,in the county in dragon 210 countries 200 yuan of driver's licenses write down 3 minutes, he of the accurate in the heart pulls money those abuse message were sent on small gain after appointing a place.

Break the law to be scolded by the vent one's anger on net of condemnatory truck driver policeman result is gone arrest

The content that has a news among them is: Van of expensive dragon highway cannot go, but let a policeman,accident is on June 4 Cai Mou is in expensive dragon highway is in by Long Li's policeman because of brand of name of intended keep out the punishment that writes down 12 minutes with 100 yuan of driver's licenses.

Cai Mou says he is be cheated to go up by the person of a load pull of expensive dragon highway, brand of keep out name also is companion him teaching.

(explain: Expensive dragon highway belongs to a city fast artery, prohibit freight car is current, and in expensive dragon highway many entrances place is installed finite tall lever and clew card. )

The policeman has an inquiry to Cai Mou

To Cai Mou's behavior, basis " public security management sanctions a method " regulation, public security bureau of the county in dragon detains 5 days of punishment with administration to Cai somewhere lawfully.

Gregarious platform is abuse policeman, detain!

Break the law to be scolded by the vent one's anger on net of condemnatory truck driver policeman result is gone arrest

Internet is not the ground outside the law! ! !

Small alarm give everybody popular science law of one laxative remedy:

" public security management sanctions a method " the 42nd regulation, barefaced affront other is concoctive perhaps the fact is calumniatory of other, place be detained 5 days below or fine 500 yuan below; The clue is heavier, be in 5 days of above 10 days to be detained below, can be in 500 yuan of the following amerce.

" public security management sanctions a method " edit the right that carries out functionary action clearly lawfully to people police is added to protect in asking for an opinion to stalk of grain. Opinion draft puts forward, affront, fling abuses, minatory, surround, the behavior of the people police that intercept is carrying out a post, should the money before according to sets from heavy punishment.

" criminal law " blame of affray of the 293rd provoke, handle battle of 5 years of the following set term of imprisonments, arrest or control. (provoke affray blame: Use website sth resembling a net to carry out abuse, threaten other, the clue is abominable, destroy the criminality of social order, and fictional and false information, perhaps be being known perfectly well is fictional false information, dispersed on website sth resembling a net, perhaps organize, incite personnel to distribute on website sth resembling a net, jeer make trouble, create public order of severe disorder, conviction with provoke affray blame punishment. )

The main show of disobedient policeman

Break the law to be scolded by the vent one's anger on net of condemnatory truck driver policeman result is gone arrest

1, provoke affray, willfully make a trouble.

When the policeman investigates traffic to violate act, the person that break the law is intended and loud Bacchic, carry a disturbance, cause masses to surround view, the person that some irregularity in public abuse policeman, or block car to reject to handle, some is flat lie in motor vehicle to browbeat in order to die on the road, common occurance of this kind of phenomenon.

2, ill will is complained, pester intentionally.

The person that a few traffic break the law or accident party execute the law to the policeman, handle a case dissatisfactory, to abreact personal spite and ill will is complained, unjustifiable pester a policeman.

3, dash around madly, develop card forcibly.

Illegal driver jockeys in policeman signal when the examination, increase accelerator suddenly to develop the past continuously, to in an attempt to escapes an inspection, some is baleful even hit a policeman, cause policeman body to harm.

4, roughhouse, force fights a way.

The policeman executes the law in the process, the person that be executed the law roughhouses, use the lethal weapon such as block, dagger, chopper to have violent charge even, bring great menace to policeman person safety.

Disobedient policeman direct is met how

1. does not comply with the behavior that policeman directive jockeys, basis " law of road transportation safety " regulation, encounter when pointsman spot is directed, ought to pass through according to the direct of pointsman, will give punishment otherwise.

The behavior that 2. policeman bars the car keeps, disobeyed " punishment of public security management is sent " , working personnel of office of block up state carries out a post lawfully, police of block up people carries out a post lawfully, will be in the warning perhaps fines 200 yuan below, the clue is serious, be in 5 days of above 10 days to be detained below, can be in 500 yuan of the following amerce.

Special remind

Execute the law, it is to be a society to escort the Emperor convoy. The policeman executes the law is to ensure road unobstructed, defend safety of people life property! Abide by highway code self-consciously please, traffic of understanding, support supervises the work.

Impeach, put forward with proper way please. The administration that to people the police makes lawfully is punished, should give esteem and understanding, this is the citizen's law-abiding inevitable requirement. If disagree, can reconsider through administration, the proper way such as lawsuit puts forward.

Caution, the network is not the ground outside the law. Broad netizen should nod impulse many bits of reason, less, if be show off temporarily of talking around fast, wanton on the network abuse other, abreact personal spite, be sure to get of law punish severely.

All sorts of gregarious platform had become most person to share the mood

Reveal the network platform of ego

However. . .

Release undeserved opinion on public affairs to be able to offend probably however law

Get legal punish

The policeman austral @ Guizhou

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