Go up self-contradictorily Lin Fu

On good attack bear oneself, pig, 〔 says civil: Ursine, be like pig, hill house, the winter hibernates, spring piece. Shi Shu: Rebuke can be cultivated on scramble, see person criterion reverse casts the ground and fall. Pig, call wild pig also; Be born one year old to be Zuo , 2 years old are Zuo . 2 animal all can dash forward person. 〕 gallop chase a beast [by: It is the emperor got a pleasure ground to oneself above, chase. Small now emperor begins have fun. ] . Scanty expostulate with says on Sima Xiangru: "I hear content to have congener and different can person [by: Small dialectics: There is very much in be the same as. ] , reason force says black is obtained, victory speech celebrates avoid, yong Jiben, Yo. 〔 black is obtained, force of king of fierce of the Qin Dynasty person also. Celebrate avoid, of Wu Wangliao child, shoot can nimble arrow also. Meng Ben, ancient a brave and strong man, water does not avoid all right flood dragon dragon, liu Hang does not avoid jackal, huffish and expiratory, noise uses a day. Xia Yo, yi Meng person also. Beautifully adorned, sound run quickly. The I of 〕 official, steal with humanness sincere those who have, animal Yi Yiran [by: The beast also has fierce. This word lets us the person looks today have a place it seems that at odds, as if Chinese fierce emperor does not know the beast wants to have a person, very fierce, the advance benefit emperor that can allow a person to eat fleshy congee with that almost placed on a par. ] .

Go up self-contradictorily Lin Fu

Today danger of block of Majesty good hill, shoot beast of prey, the animal that meets ease capable person suddenly [by: Can have big tiger, good be afraid of. ] , the land that be astonished does not keep, 〔 division Gu Yue: Do not put, cannot get how to put also. Tribute father says: Do not put, you Yan unexpecteds, later development cloud puts the idea that change. Shoot, and also break up. Soldier, read abrupt. 〕 makes the Qing Chen that belongs to a car [by: Before the treasure car that can run to you immediately the ground. ] , 〔 belongs to a car, note see 13. Division Gu Yue: The person that belong to, character couplet is belonged to incessant also. Dirt, call to go and remove dirt also. Yan Qing person, exalted meaning also. The person that say is clear path to sprinkle dust with clear dirt road therefore, blame also. 〕 area returns thill not as good as, shi Qiao of person have no time, although black is obtained, ability 〔 Pang Meng of Pang Meng, the person that ancient be apt to is shot also. The Mencius says: Pang Meng learns to shoot Yu Yi. Pang, pi Jiang breaks up. 〕 must not be used, 〔 appropriate bear above paragraphs is sentence. 〕 withered Mu Qiaozhu, all embarrass [by: Gave an issue bad to do. It is dangerous to came, have not enough time to save you. Darling. ] . It is introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad, jump over result hub to fall and Qiang, exterminate is received the cross board at the rear of an ancient carriage also, 〔 thes cross board at the rear of an ancient carriage, hind car crossbar also. 〕 does not danger [by: Incidentally hand put forward 4 enemies outside. We notice to part here corresponding is thing north and south 4 direction. How was current the Qiang nationality mentioned basically. ] ! Although perfect and impunity, the place appropriate that is not the emperor originally like that is close also [by: Very dangerous. ] . 〔 is close, its are stingy break up. 〕 Ju Fuqing line goes after that, in road and gallop, still hold a short wooden stake from time to tome change; 〔 piece bow with hands clasped to: Hold, bridle is held also. A short wooden stake, Zuo horse mouth is long hold also. Division Gu Yue: A short wooden stake, call the hook heart of the car also. Hold a short wooden stake change, character gag bit or break, hook a heart or go out, send bend to be defeated in order to injure a person also. A short wooden stake, gigantic month breaks up. 〕 condition experience abundant is careless, 〔 abundant is careless, mao Cao also. Ruins of 〕 gallopping grave, before the happy 〔 empty of advantageous animal, read ruins. Happy, phonic the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces; Similarly hereinafter. 〕 and inside without put the idea that change, its are it is not difficult also to kill [by: The contrast of even place and this kind of chasing place. ] .

Go up self-contradictorily Lin Fu

The husband is light 10 thousand those who multiply is heavy do not think how, happy give the besmear that 10 thousand have one peril to think amusement, I are stolen do not take for Majesty. 〔 is, break up at bogus. 〕 [by: Offer oneself view finally. Anyhow is very dangerous. Tell the big boy of a someone of does not know risk riches and honour that teaching archness namely. Without what real great truth can be told. ] Gai Ming person foresight Gu Yue of division of Yu Weimeng 〔 : Bud, call thing only then, be like the person that be born at the beginning of the wood also. 〕 and the person that know avoids danger at aeriform, 〔 knows, read wisdom. 〕 disaster solid hides Yu Yinwei more and send the place at the person ignore person also. Reason low adage says: "Family burden a thousand pieces of gold, sit not to hang down hall. " 〔 piece bow with hands clasped to: Go-between of Wei made of baked clay fall also. Division Gu Yue: Hang down hall person, outside close hall edge, fear dropping oneself fall ear, the that be not Wei is made of baked clay also. Of Yan Furen child criterion self-love is deep. Although 〕 this character is small, can instruct big [by: Connect a state of mind that is adult to teach small emperor, so from the back the logion of these a few from a small clue one can see that is coming also appears be without force. On forest one is depicted on Lin Yuan's baronial dimensions, then numerous official of ratio of depict the emperor is going up forest chasing occasion, pour into high-spirited imposing manner, constructed to have the beautiful literary image of extensive Hong Juli, become the language of the first grand that behaves atmosphere of flourishing age dynasty. How does this moment small emperor listen to go in so? If see him again go up Lin Fu that is complete not be a thing. Estimating this is backside somebody in direct. ] . "Go up of be apt to. 〔 takes an examination of different to say: This is not more this year thing; Because the village is aided,save Dong Ou to reach incognito only then piece eventually of character. 〕

Go up self-contradictorily Lin Fu

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