Success of star the university entrance exam is comparative, zhao Jiamin, Guan Xiaotong is to learn

Achievement of the university entrance exam is announced recently, the exam achievement of star examinee also got the attention of a lot of people, and for instance the achievement that wait begins Wu Lei, Song Zuer and Li Landi to be announced one by one, everybody discovers this moment, their achievement has calculated very pretty good, but also be to be in 450 minutes to wander up and down almost, true mark is particularly high have hardly.

Success of star the university entrance exam is comparative, zhao Jiamin, Guan Xiaotong is to learn bully, and Zhang Xincheng is to learn a god!

With easy melt 1000 royal seal get attention fully euqally this year have 3 people, wu Lei, 1000 royal seal and Song Zuer. This 3 people serve as very small the child that appears in the circle, they attend itself of the university entrance exam to be being paid close attention to by too much person, because this has many people to be in more after achievement of the university entrance exam comes out the achievement that understand them for a short while, and most those who get attention is Wu Lei's achievement undoubtedly. Come out in achievement of the university entrance exam that evening, the achievement that Wu Lei lays as liberal art was in by exposure on small gain platform, almost everybody is in the result that knew him for a short while. Fortunately Wu Lei withstands what pressure takes an examination of is pretty good, regard an art body as examinee, wu Lei took an examination of to be close to 2 devoir to figure the score of the line very much, english especially outstanding, 120 minutes. The boreal report that before achievement of this written examination is entered, he enters oneself for an examination also is of appropriate appropriate, this year second half of the year Little brother Wu Lei is formal undergraduate.

Success of star the university entrance exam is comparative, zhao Jiamin, Guan Xiaotong is to learn bully, and Zhang Xincheng is to learn a god!

The examinee of a few star that achievement of the university entrance exam comes out first is Li Landi, Wu Lei and Song Zuer respectively.

What Li Landi takes an examination of is Beijing coils, chinese 106, maths 75, english 110, article put together 175, always divide 466.

What Song Zuer takes an examination of is Tianjin roll, chinese 102, maths 63, english 127, article put together 162, always divide 454.

Success of star the university entrance exam is comparative, zhao Jiamin, Guan Xiaotong is to learn bully, and Zhang Xincheng is to learn a god!

What Wu Lei takes an examination of is Sichuan roll, chinese 89, maths 73, english 120, article put together 174, always divide 456.

Under contrast, the English that discovers 3 star examinee is very pretty good, weak sports is maths not up to much, this also brought about total cent is not especially other tall, but the play in shadow of the north on this mark is appropriate appropriate absolutely, in art examinee is planted had comparatived outstanding.

The Guan Xiaotong that can solve binary simple equation compares above 3 are examinee of great mind class, in those days maths of the university entrance exam was taken an examination of 131, other 3 success are very remarkable also, so her total cent is 552, even if do not go up boreal shadow also can look for a this very good 2 before last in Beijing.

Success of star the university entrance exam is comparative, zhao Jiamin, Guan Xiaotong is to learn bully, and Zhang Xincheng is to learn a god!

According to complete province rank, the netizen made a piece of relatively fair rank. It is fierce really that Zhangxin becomes little elder brother, the university of appropriate appropriate bully.

Success of star the university entrance exam is comparative, zhao Jiamin, Guan Xiaotong is to learn bully, and Zhang Xincheng is to learn a god!

Zhang Xincheng still does not have graduation, 95 years, be worthy of the name is outside the play in play learn bully! ! Or art take an examination of one's deceased father bully! ! Play melodrama is in, sing dance act in a play all of dub musical instrument goes.

Success of star the university entrance exam is comparative, zhao Jiamin, Guan Xiaotong is to learn bully, and Zhang Xincheng is to learn a god!

The classmate that art of of the same age takes an examination of says he is to take an examination of a god! ! Zhang Xincheng attended countrywide art to take an examination of 2014, obtained boreal shadow to perform creation major the first, on play performs major (melodrama direction) the first name, medium play melodrama performs major the first, army art the good achievement that demonstrates the first! Finally with achievement of the university entrance exam 560 minutes, achievement of culture, professional double first enters melodrama of central Thespian institute is. Transmission sound is taken an examination of casually in taking an examination of also is before 10! !

Success of star the university entrance exam is comparative, zhao Jiamin, Guan Xiaotong is to learn bully, and Zhang Xincheng is to learn a god!

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