On the history 9 child seize of lineal descent, far the miserable sacrificing oneself for a just cau

Of the purple on the history is contending for the most intense dynasty which? The answer is quiet day certainly. The emperor with so quiet the most intense day which two emperors is contending for between? The answer is Kang Yong certainly between. Of the most intense monarch on the history contend for -- 9 child seize of lineal descent, happen in this one period namely.

On the history 9 child seize of lineal descent, far the miserable sacrificing oneself for a just cause that considers than you

The son that foreword of Kang Xi's emperor ages at that time has 24, among them 9 participated in emperor contention. Nine son is respectively: Big A Ge Aixin becomes aware collect · offsprings Zha of Ge Yin of Die of Ge Yin of Die of Ge Yin of Die of Ge Yin of Ge Yinzhi of Dai of Die , 2 A Ge Yin, 3 A, 4 A, 8 A, 9 A, 10 A. Die of 4 A Ge Yin wins out finally, successive after Kang Xi emperor dies emperor, become Yong Zheng emperor.

On the history 9 child seize of lineal descent, far the miserable sacrificing oneself for a just cause that considers than you

Kang Xi's eldest son calls offspringing Xuan , for benefit the wife of a prince Na Lanshi is given birth to. Benefit the wife of a prince does not calculate famous, but Lan Mingzhu of accept of his elder brother can be a celebrity, it is his force in those days advocate remove hedge destroy of Wu Sangui. The son of bright phearl, na Lanrong if, be a greatly well-known figure more. Do not cross this Daage, can do not have his uncle and cousin / cousin is so argute. Although one's early years compares be in sb's good graces, next too illustrious meritorious military service establish when Kang Xiping decides Ge Erdan, but oneself can say some are foolish however. Be not liked by Kangxi all along after, know all up oneself, discuss Die of 8 A Ge Yin to health stilb, reason is " magician Zhang Mingde tastes Xiang Yin Die to need big expensive " , offspringing Die is brought up by the wife of a prince of maternal a surname in one's childhood, elder brother of reason big A is better to his feeling. He has blind faith in lama, to become an emperor, the method that thought of the town that use have a nightmare actually comes plot a murder the crown prince at that time- - his full brother offsprings Dai . When Kang Xi abandons prince, he was spoken even should replace father mop child if, think not to establish of lineal descent long, he can be become prince, let Kang Xi very be bitterly disappointed. Be offspringed to happiness by his 3 younger brother finally the business that exposed town of have a nightmare, be born firstly eventually by captivity.

On the history 9 child seize of lineal descent, far the miserable sacrificing oneself for a just cause that considers than you

2 sons of Kang Xi, useless prince offspringing Dai (R é Ng) . Of Kang Xi allow empress, suo Ni is given birth to in granddaughter He She. Helishe is produced child when, just meet Wu Sangui is revolting, because empress got fright, difficult labor and dead. And Kang Xi and a bamboo stick used as a toy horse of green plum of empress from a child, sentiment is deep very. Be in so offspringing Dai is two years old when, what change full person not to establish prince is consuetudinary, follow the example of the face before the Han people. Cornstalk establishing of lineal descent is prince. This offspringing Dai became on Chinese history last crown prince accordingly, also be the crown prince with the longest time of v/arc be on the throne. However although Kang Xi's emperor is followed the example of before face, the crown prince in face can not interfere political power before, and of full person consuetudinary it is emperor however child beforehand politics. Come so, time is long, crown prince not reconciled to the right in the hand, the emperor fears by seize power, 2 people are contradictory increasingly become acute. And also form each political parties and groups toward medium chancellery, mutual conflict with. Again other A brothers also were brought up, they are natural also not reconciled to.

The crown prince of this moment, because of Kang Xi as a child bestow favor on be addicted to, nurturance ruthless and cruel disposition, arrogant and domineering, extravagant and overbearing. Not reconciled to did crown prince of more than 30 years, have complaint quite. Kang Xi kills all alone forehead to pursue, filiation tends nervous. And other A brother tigers inspect delay, be only too anxious to the one man of winkle crown prince nods small fault. Brought up finally 47 years in Kang Xi first degrees are abandoned. But Kang Xi is right the love of this son is very deep still, lending Daage the incident that have a nightmare presses down, after a year, claim because 2 A elder brother lost heart sex, but through take good care of sb, restore already. Accordingly answer stand for prince. Regrettablly after this prince appears on the stage afresh, he not only not overcautious, draw a lesson, become aggravated instead, build up members of a clique, blow makes reprisals. Let Kang Xihan appear a heart, fall 51 years again instruct useless prince. Abandon prince to be encircled to ban him to die all the time from now on that momently, but the Yong Zheng in impression gives him a date of close infante of a manage.

On the history 9 child seize of lineal descent, far the miserable sacrificing oneself for a just cause that considers than you

3 sons offspring happiness (Zh ǐ ) , it is a student scholastic. We know " Kang Xi dictionary " , should be he is chaired make up write. He gathered at that time socially a few a person of academic or artistic distinction, such as Chen Menglei, plum cymbals, still have the person such as our familiar Fang Bao, join forces writes a book. This foolish the elder brother feels OK to be denounced so that the emperor gets favor accordingly, accordingly emperor pass him. The fact proves Kang Xi likes quite really, kang Xi old age when often go in the garden of sons amuse oneself, follow Yong Zheng's garden to him namely. And go the time of his garden is far much too go the frequency of Yong Zheng's garden. But of this bookishness offspring happiness to be opposite absolutely store the heart puts think of a way, the door person because of him once everywhere activity, contact following. He also has asked honest person it seems that, for his fortune-telling. Kang Xi sees these things in the eye, but, kang Xi is impossible also emperor pass him. Kang Xi face when be sealed to be infante. Yong Zhengchao when was to obtain a blame, cut the rank of nobility to death, yong Zheng's suspicious disposition is impossible to leave him.

On the history 9 child seize of lineal descent, far the miserable sacrificing oneself for a just cause that considers than you

Emperor 4 child offspringing Die (Zh ē N) , with respect to the Yong Zheng emperor that is later. Give birth to Wu Yashi of mother heart the wife of a prince. The conqueror of the whole exercise that seize of lineal descent. Watch its to be in of Kang Xi face as, extremely use up carefully watch what sb is doing and saying can, show Jun Fu with sincere filial piety, pray to Buddha of be a vegatarian for religious reasons, boast oneself are right emperor the heart that did not covet. Stealthily associate with talent, train door person, carry off finally big. V/arc be on the throne 13 years, go up for Chinese history most diligent politics emperor.

5 sons of Kang Xi offspring Qi (Q í ) , place of appropriate the wife of a prince is strange. It is that Kang Xi small take illicit visit the appropriate the wife of a prince in. Offspringing Qi one's early years leads troops, administer certain the military strength of the banner, he was not participated in 9 child seize of lineal descent in, kang Xi year also be to be sealed to be infante. The account about him is very few. After Yongzheng succession, still cannot allow him, so ending also does not calculate very good, also die between Yong Zhengnian.

On the history 9 child seize of lineal descent, far the miserable sacrificing oneself for a just cause that considers than you

Offspringing Zun of the 6th son (Zu ò ) , also be place of heart the wife of a prince is born, die young early. Heart the wife of a prince although one's previous experience is not tall, lady-in-waiting just. But be not Chang Nengsheng, besides 4 child offspringing Die , 6 child offspringing Zun, still have 14 child offspring auspicious, still have two princesses.

Emperor 7 child offspringing bless (Y ò U) , the record about him is not much also, also be one did not attend store competitive person. Kang Xi is sealed 37 years to be Bei Le, seal the king that it is county 51 years. Yong Zheng dies 8 years.

On the history 9 child seize of lineal descent, far the miserable sacrificing oneself for a just cause that considers than you

Offspringing Die (S ì ) , the 8th son of Kang Xi, give birth to Mu Liangfei, one's previous experience is humble, yu Xin of one's previous experience person library. Quiet day when exquisite child with Mu Gui, on this, it is short that 8 A brother can say other brother one big chunk. Gift of Dan Yin Die is bright, talent is abundant, need a person wide and, wide ties popularity. Face hall hands in a mouth to praise up and down, those who say for " 8 virtuous king " . After Kang Xi abandons prince, new prince of choose of life Zhu Chen, fall toward hall, offspringing Die of recommend by the public, show place of its popular feeling to. Offspringing Die is the leader figure of party of A elder brother, party of alleged A elder brother, it is to be aimed at character of prince party place. In party of A elder brother, not little imperial court weighs me, also have the little brother of offspringing Die , Die of 9 A Ge Yin, does 10 A elder brother offspring? , 14 A Ge Yinzhen. Calculate a very powerful interest group in getting a royal or imperial government.

Compare Die of 4 A Ge Yin however, offspringing Die group too too limelight, mu Xiu Yu Lin, wind urges surely. Metropolis heart has the right exaggerate that Kang Xi connects his most beloved son crown prince malcontent, what is more,the rather that the son with this mother humble one's previous experience. Replace offspringing Die fortune-telling because of Zhang Mingde of person of tell sb's fortune by reading his face again, yan Jigui cannot character, was told Kang Xi by cankered Daage. Kang Xi gives orders Ling Chi puts to death Zhang Mingde, and the rank of nobility of expurgation offspringing Die . Can say, when abandoning prince, offspringing Die hope is the biggest, but be opposite because of Kang Xi after all old prince bear in mind constantly, obtain a blame because of Zhang Mingde incident again, got hit.

After 2 useless prince, group I still support offspringing Die . However Kang Xi is beware of all the time to this son. About Kang Xi 53 years of moment, age day of Kang Xi, offspringing Die cannot congratulate an elderly person on his birthday personally because of the reason of maternal the anniversary of the death of a parent, group person sends the eagle of two checkmate. Kang Xi bate, scold offspringing Die immediately disloyal and disobedient, place of Fu of cheap of library of the person that scold him to be laborious jointly is strange, and claim the favour discontinuity of father and son. Stop the rank of nobility to stop salary. With Kang Xi sagacious, do not know this issue issue goes odd impossibly, but he not only not life person investigation, however make use of a subject to elaborate one's own ideas, explain he has considered the condition of cherish father and son none. Likelihood emperor 8 child the good reputation that fluctuates in the imperial court is told to him is a not small menace really.

Of the same age, offspringing Die contracted typhoid fever, get killed nearly. Kang Xi is in at that time bear heart, it is give an official only: Cure of exert oneself force. Drive wants to drive a Chang Chunyuan because of Kang Xi after, the meeting on the road passes the garden that offspringing Die lives, right now offspringing Die is already stuporous, however Kang Xi still should let other son move its a capital. The reason is actually, bad thing is not come up against when the hope is transient, kang Xi is the monarch with a superstitious be particular about, he is far from these issues that bring unlucky possibly as far as possible. As to the son's anyway, he was not put on the heart.

Offspring however Die still lived to come over, it is evermore only, he no longer the great undertaking of hopeful successive Kang Xi. The rank of nobility that restored offspringing Die instructs to an official's salary below Kang Xi later. But, offspringing Die is in Kang Xi face, it is Bei Le only just. In fact, still support offspringing Die till this moment courtier, ground of great scholar Li Guang (the person that sees Guo Kangxi dynasty should know, a well-known figure) in Kang Xi 56 years, once still had said: "At present all king, 8 Wang Zuixian " .

Yongzheng succession at the beginning of, to stabilize popular feeling, feng Yin Die is cheap infante. Offspringing Die also did not make what fault, however however because a variety of desire together with blame, be offspringed finally Die punish sb for his crime. Privative the rank of nobility, cut except Zong Ji, be forced incognito " Ajina " , it is probably " Zu Shangzhi fish " meaning. Yong Zheng dies 4 years in captivity.

On the history 9 child seize of lineal descent, far the miserable sacrificing oneself for a just cause that considers than you

Huang Jiuzi offspringing Die (T á Ng) , place of appropriate the wife of a prince is strange, belong to party of 8 A elder brother. Academic be addicted to reads offspringing Die from a child, sexual sagacity, happy invention, ever designed chariot model with one's own hands, and its carry first Manchu to turn with Latin write full article. Offspringing Die very have deep love for foreign culture and Western learning, ever taught oneself a foreign language, offspringing Die is good at associate with friend, humanness generosity is easy, serious situation is serious justice, because its are emperor 8 child with emperor 14 child energetically proponent, and hate of the avoid that be by Yong Zhengshen. Emperor 4 child after offspringing Die becomes successor, the hope of offspringing Die group came to nothing thoroughly. Offspring from now on Die begins to meet with repeatedly adversity.

Harmony the first year of an era or the reign of an emperor, act under orders to go to Xining be stationed. Yongzheng 3 years July change the rank of nobility. Yong Zheng 4 the beginning of the year, change goes fizzling out belt, cut except Zong Ji. Of the same age in August, calm charges in an indictment 28, send toward Baoding, try to fetters lock, of short duration hands in Li Fu of governor of straight be subordinate to to imprison, your incognito a place of strategic importance is thought of black. Its meaning says to be " pig " , another say " aversion " , offspringing Die is tormented in jail and die, also having fokelore is by kill with poison.

On the history 9 child seize of lineal descent, far the miserable sacrificing oneself for a just cause that considers than you

Does the 10th son offspring? (é ) , strange mother is a Huang Guifei. He also is 8 A elder brother the person of one party, after Yong Zheng accession, be encircled to ban change the rank of nobility. Qianlong is released 2 years, give complementary country fair grade, qianlong 6 years of die in one's bed. It is better to be end.

On the history 9 child seize of lineal descent, far the miserable sacrificing oneself for a just cause that considers than you

Dozenth height of Kang Xi child offspringing Xuan (T á O) . It is Su Ma pulls aunt to raise big, natural disposition is open-minded very, he also is to was not participated in seize of lineal descent, a county king was sealed to him after Yong Zhenggang appears on the stage, give again subsequently dozen pressure, qianlong appears on the stage later, add again sealed infante.

13 child offspring auspicious, offspring auspicious unripe Mu Minfei Zhang Jia, but in offspring auspicious died that 13 years old years, offspring later auspicious teach heart the wife of a prince to bring up, what go with Die of 4 A Ge Yin so is very close, 2 people feeling special good.

Offspring auspicious junior when, very those who suffer Kang Xi is favorite. Kang Xi every time tour of inspection, be sure its belt is beside. And allegedly this A elder brother " Shi Wenhan Chinese ink, all labour quick is pure and fresh " , "Essence of life is shot at riding, hair hit the target surely, gallop suddenly if fly " . A versatile person of typical civil and military. Kang Xi ever also sent him to go day of hold a memorial ceremony for of father-in-law acting father, a lot of people think at that time the future of 13 A elder brother cannot set limit to. Regrettablly Kang Xi abandons prince 47 years, offspring auspicious sufferred embroil, by brief captivity, offspring auspicious one kind is gotten to be called in this paragraph of time " crane genu wind " ill, be now probably " bone tuberculosis " . This is in at that time, calculate on one kind of incurable disease, have a relapse easily, cannot overworked.

After Yongzheng succession, add Feng Yinxiang to be happy infante, favour bestow favor on have add, and offspring auspicious the sense of property that knows Jun Chen very much, a bit is bestowed favor on without depend on and the with one one's heart making a group of arrogant endeavors, spare no effort in the performance of one's duty,

On the history 9 child seize of lineal descent, far the miserable sacrificing oneself for a just cause that considers than you

Kang Xi offspringing Die of the 14th son (T í ) , it is the character in 8 father party. For Kang Xi as offspringing Die place is fond of, 8 father party places the hope the body in him to go up. Kang Xi 56 years, feng Yinzhen is imperatorial king, assume leadership go out for a battle, go Tibet makes the same score betray, triumphant. Offspring auspicious to be the same as father therefore with Die of 4 A Ge Yin the brother with the mother, but their feeling is bad however, as may unripe as them Mu Defei slants be fond of young son to concern, offspring auspicious to be dismissed defend Huang Ling between Yong Zhengnian, although depressed must not annals, but also calculate must not imprison, because the scenery near Huang Ling still is very beautiful, still also had calculated comfortably however day.

On the history 9 child seize of lineal descent, far the miserable sacrificing oneself for a just cause that considers than you

Kang Xi 15 child later, have not is participated in store fight. About 16 child seventeen child pay still calculates pretty good, especially seventeen A Ge Yunli, in offspring auspicious after dying, it is the little brother that Yong Zheng bestows favor on most.

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