person honor: Zhou Yu is discharged send character, yang Yu annulus is helpless hit wild, as a resul

In Wang Zherong boast, players most the thing nothing is more... than that abhor discharges a teammate that encounters an actor to perhaps send character, because have them,in the match 10 have 89 meetings to be defeated! This is not small make up the platoon yesterday an actor was encountered in contest, although be 3 rabbi two auxiliary battle arrays, fortunately teammate people did not abandon, 4 dozens of 5 against the wind break up dish, gained a victory finally, look together!

person honor: Zhou Yu is discharged send character, yang Yu annulus is helpless hit wild, as a result 4 dozens of 5 against the wind break up dish

It is battle array choice above all, in small make up Suo Dingzhong after Chan Yangyu annulus, 2, 3 buildings criterion the second chose Zhou Yu and Cai Wenji, did not wait for teammate inquiry, zhou Yu explains: "Rubbish game, retreat rapidly swim, I think cent namely " ! The likelihood is 4 buildings experienced despair, chose tooth of a Jiang Zi, 5 buildings are locked up decided Xiang Yu, as a result of the battle array too too awkward, have 3 rabbi two are assisted, so but with Yang Yu annulus is hit wild! Hostile it is medium the battle array of the quadrature in compasses, yang Jian, palace this, demon of Milaidi, ox, Zhuang Zhou, although do not have archer output is not low however!

person honor: Zhou Yu is discharged send character, yang Yu annulus is helpless hit wild, as a result 4 dozens of 5 against the wind break up dish

Did not give an accident, zhou Yu leaves bureau went sending one blood, and grouse: "Anyway this game lopsided, teammate foolish, play chicken feather to retreat hole, had better seal date " , teammate is opposite apparently this is very malcontent, but still do not abandon, continual stabilizes growth, do not accomplish as far as possible be disturbed by actor Zhou Yu. Because other teammate play is outstanding, poll and do not have too big difference economically!

person honor: Zhou Yu is discharged send character, yang Yu annulus is helpless hit wild, as a result 4 dozens of 5 against the wind break up dish

Time comes, zhou Yu may stung by conscience, then optional stop sends character, begin to cooperate teammate to make a group! Although our battle array is too unreasonable, fortunately Jiang Zi tooth is in, saying to be returned in early days so is more successful, when making a group especially, what Cai Wenji adds Yang Yu annulus is strong answer blood, teammate absolutelies refuse to at all, won two round battle repeatedly so!

person honor: Zhou Yu is discharged send character, yang Yu annulus is helpless hit wild, as a result 4 dozens of 5 against the wind break up dish

Apparent, 3 rabbi two additional the battle array does not suit to pull later period, so we chose in push, the big move that Zhou Yu's a sea of fire coordinates Jiang Zi tooth and Yang Yu annulus are arms line ceaselessly to add blood, the road in unplugging repeatedly with strong attitude 2 towers. Knowing is on too dish or our battle array is too strong, in an arms line we pushed crystal smoothly!

person honor: Zhou Yu is discharged send character, yang Yu annulus is helpless hit wild, as a result 4 dozens of 5 against the wind break up dish

As a tank, xiang Yu carried the harm of 27.5% not only, still hit the output of 23% , because this full-court MVP is not him to not be belonged to; Under photograph comparing, the military successes of actor Zhou Yu appears too dazzling! Although discharged a contest to gain a victory, but small in making up a heart, still be furious unceasingly, why does beauty of yourself hate day want complicity whole team? Do not tell young associate people had come up against such teammate? The welcome leaves a message share!

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