Evil spirit friend: Some meter is to hit absolutely strike back battle! Huang Zhang: Sit back and wa

Evil spirit friend: Some meter is to hit absolutely strike back battle! Huang Zhang: Sit back and wait it falls 300 I come again

After this mobile phone is released especially welcome, release formally tomorrow, because the exterior designs the configuration with the mobile phone,function is added still is 2698 yuan. The brave dragon with was won the cheapest with one yuan 845 taste a mobile phone newly, still hit pressed millet a 8, let millet suffer.

Evil spirit friend: Some meter is to hit absolutely strike back battle! Huang Zhang: Sit back and wait it falls 300 I come again

But millet is like also is not good those who offend, government of millet mobile phone announces to think proceed with millet today the attention of 8, there is important matter happening tonight, the likelihood depreciates namely come nick evil spirit a group of things with common features of 16, this has not begun leakage in the flagship store of tripartite initial conduct propaganda! 6+64G 20 day fell at 0 o'clock 100, still add send a millet hand ring 2.

Evil spirit friend: Some meter is to hit absolutely strike back battle! Huang Zhang: Sit back and wait it falls 300 I come again

This friend having evil spirit has said some meter is to hit absolutely strike back battle, huang Zhang is like is not confused look, express sit back and wait it falls 300 I come again, look Huang Zhang still holds out self-assured, estimation still should have what chip!

Interactive leave a message: If begin initial sentence,do not cross millet, of yellow Zhang Nengkang live?

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