Recently, newest research shows general Hua Yongdao, consumer more and more sound box of assistant of habitual use speech, intelligence and device of other speech activation will finish all sorts of day-to-day jobs, of more than 50% suffer visit an user to complete the operation such as problem of information of the alarm clock of search weather, news, set, navigation, search in searching engine, inquiry through intelligent speech. ? In fact, be in early 2016, baidu author, president holds CEO plum Yan Hong concurrently to already predicted when accepting CNBC special report speech application will greet intelligence to erupt, likelihood after 5 years, the person of the half can use speech, image to undertake searching inquiring. Plum Yan Hong's fatidical speech times comes, pu Huayong: Consumer of half the number uses speech to search information to look now, plum Yan Hong's prophecy and research report conclusion of nearly two years very be identical. Report of Maximize Market Research of market research organization shows, market of global intelligence speech predicted to will reach 18.84 billion dollar 2026, in 2017 it is to year of 2026 compound increase rate during 32.67% . Study advisory company Ovum is forecasted, the facility amount that carried intelligent speech assistant 2021 will exceed 7.5 billion, more than wanting when the population of this age bound. Baidu regards global artificial intelligence as the domain " number one player " , driving China ceaselessly, and even global market grows. It is reported, baidu cerebra in more than 110 3 functions that already opened a source at present, include speech, image, Natural Language Processing, video, enhance the many way such as data of a collection of illustrative plates of reality, knowledge, intelligence, among them the acoustics model that Baidu speech technology is based on industry to precede and speech model, can have sound and literal news mutual transition. On congress of Internet of the 3rd world, plum Yan Hong expresses, the speech recognition ability of Baidu cerebra can be achieved in the accuracy rate below quiet environment 97% , the audition that compares normal person is a bit more not bad. In the meantime, application of Baidu intelligence speech has succeeded in many setting be born. On 2017 plenary session of Baidu world, plum Yan Hong is passed personally the video of transcribe, showed more of intelligence, the AI seesaw pattern that need not wake up a word. In video, he what using breakfast clicks mobile phone Baidu " earphone " function of icon use TTS, can hold with speech freedom control iformation flow of mobile phone Baidu, finish at will hear news, adjust broadcast ordinal, search 100 divisions, volume is adjusted wait for an operation. Plum Yan Hong expresses this one function " do not need to pressing conversation, also do not need to wake up a word, resemble speaking with the person same nature. " this year July extremely peak of commerce of science and technology of guest park 2018 Rebuild is met on, li Ying of general manager of department of Baidu map career discloses, already more than 100 million user is in function of assistant of speech of use Baidu map. In August, baidu issues bulletin of Q2 quarter money, announce Baidu input method day all speech request already was achieved 335 million times. Money newspaper shows Baidu 2018Q2, duerOS ecosystem is rapid and outspread, june, duerOS speech is waked up more than 400 million times, the data inside 3 months turns over times. The intelligent equipment that Baidu rolls out also times suffer reputably, the sound box of degrees of small intelligence that came out June created 90 seconds to sell 10000 record. In August, the amount of intelligent equipment activation of embarking DuerOS breaks through 100 million, duerOS still extends business to industry of retail, hotel, automobile, widen commerce uses setting ceaselessly. This year in April, the system of engine of artificial intelligence car of embarking DuerOS -- WindLink3.0 of east wind Aeolus is released formally, issue what be about to appear on the market in east wind Aeolus brand-new whole department mark matchs on the product, future still can enclothe east wind Aeolus 3 years all range of products. "Degrees small degrees small, help me order there is the public house of swimming-pool, 5 stars class that has 24 hours of gyms, price does not exceed 3000 yuan near 3 yuan of bridges " , "Degrees small degrees small, my airliner whether incur loss through delay? " future, the user need not be troubled again when drive how to type input multiple word of command, zhang Zhang mouth can obtain information. Overseas market, this year January, since Gu Ge announces from last year Home Mini will deliver goods in October, average per sec. sells this equipment give. Besides, google Assistant already was now on more than 400 million equipment " settle down " , include smartphone, earphone, television and watch to wait a moment. It still can control many 1500 intelligence to live in equipment, for instance intelligent bulb or outlet. In the meantime, yamaxun announces to already made work a sound box of intelligence of series of more than 50 million Alexa. Newspaper of money of the 2nd quarter showed Yamaxun 2018, end on June 30 its clean sale of the 2nd quarter amounts to 52.9 billion dollar, relatively the 38 billion dollar last year, grow 39% compared to the same period. According to money newspaper, yamaxun regards one of key business as Echo and Alexa this year, echo and Alexa were rolled out in France, provided brand-new Alexa experience for French client. In addition, still roll out Echo in India and Japan, return meeting general Echo and Alexa to push this year to Italy, Mexico and Spain. Plum of no less than as man of virtual and ability grand place predicts, market of global intelligence speech has erupted in the round, already should enclothe intelligence with setting household, medical treatment, can apparel, the car carries wait for a society to live main field. The square respect aspect that the intelligent speech system that is a delegate with Baidu AI is pervading an user to live, pass " emancipatory both hands " , let an user gain more convenient, efficient intelligent life experience. Future, intelligent speech will become more normalization, as strange as the job vivid union is more close together, through " dialog " this one mankind's most natural communication way provides a service for the user.
Plum Yan Hong's fatidical speech times comes, pu Huayong: Sound of term of consumer of half the num
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