Plunge into a heart! Alma mater owes you a boy friend, professor graduation speech apologizes...

When the commencement makes a speech, professor of college of Chengdu normal school apologizes to the student: Alma mater Is am sorry you, owe you a boy friend, the netizen hallooes warm heart. The heart that still writes down so that the alma mater when leave school holds for you?

Professor graduation makes a speech: The school owes you a boy friend

On June 20

Literature of institute of Chengdu normal school and news institute hold the commencement

Professor Liu Hongren represents a speech as the teacher

He says

Do not want what to tell with everybody

"You are flourish with alma mater now, alma mater will be flourish with me tomorrow " empty talk

Say alma mater is owing instead classmates are too much

Plunge into a heart! Alma mater owes you a boy friend, professor graduation speech apologizes...

He says

Alma mater most I am sorry your

Owe you a boy friend

Plunge into a heart! Alma mater owes you a boy friend, professor graduation speech apologizes...

The classmate below the stage shouts

"Right! "Right!!

Plunge into a heart! Alma mater owes you a boy friend, professor graduation speech apologizes...

Professor Liu says

School men and women gives birth to scale 1:9

Just when amative youth is seasonal,allow fellow students

Do not have love to be able to be loved

Plunge into a heart! Alma mater owes you a boy friend, professor graduation speech apologizes...

He urges each fellow student

Seek a person that is worth love rapidly

Dynamic talks about a love

Plunge into a heart! Alma mater owes you a boy friend, professor graduation speech apologizes...

The south that has you according to @ of alumnus of institute of Chengdu normal school not south, professor Liu Hongren is a teacher that has the milk of human kindness very much, he attends class very interesting concern with the student very good also, by everybody kind become " big father " . When graduating, can pat oneself with the student, beg United States colour even, be very wet, have sense of humor, very the teacher that is student consider.

Netizen: Very lovely professor

Plunge into a heart! Alma mater owes you a boy friend, professor graduation speech apologizes...

Plunge into a heart! Alma mater owes you a boy friend, professor graduation speech apologizes...

Plunge into a heart! Alma mater owes you a boy friend, professor graduation speech apologizes...

Plunge into a heart! Alma mater owes you a boy friend, professor graduation speech apologizes...

Plunge into a heart! Alma mater owes you a boy friend, professor graduation speech apologizes...

These teachers also care your important event on the commencement

Besides Liu Hongren, during graduating, still a lot of teachers worry about for the student's important event.

With institute of Chengdu normal school rather, be located in the university of electronic science and technology of Chengdu likewise, the schoolgirl is rare lack resource. The Li Yanrong that president of university of electronic science and technology assumes when expresses on 2016 students commencement:

"Love is the one part of the university, a few classmates complain school woman student is little, be aimed at this one circumstance, I also replace them anxious... at present the male woman student of our school compares already from 7: 1 progress arrived 4: 1, classmates also do not stare at eye in this school only. Classmates also do not stare at eye in this school only..

2016, the degree that the Xiong Saidong that Suzhou university president assumes when holds in this school awarded ceremonially to publish the speech that one end length amounts to, investigate data about this school samples graduately among them, firm firm stamp became medium when the laugh of season graduate dot and tear are nodded.

"You are average during the university talked about love 1.09 times, was lovelorn 0.57 times, but, 73.95% what final and lone scale still achieved regret making a person. 73.95% what final and lone scale still achieved regret making a person..

2015, the Suwenjin that Jimei university president assumes when makes known his position on the commencement:

Once somebody asks me, do not bear undergraduate love? Regard the president as me bad to make known one's position, but if do not affect school work, I feel OK. I hope those had not talked about amative classmate, graduation hind makes the best of time to search beautiful love!

No matter hill is tall henceforth great distance

The blessing often is accompanied beside

Alma mater is between the heart

Good-bye of all corners of the country

Heat reads:

Leave a message in language minor details the area leaves a message participate in interactive, leave a message content wins the number that nod assist tall person can obtain this period send a book " devotional people " , wish lucky!

Chief editor: Sun Aidong

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