This emperor is good at using design, after closing one hero first, put, it is for a purpose only

Our country ancient time is a bottle of collect field of influence, existing all the time in those days the contradiction between ruler and official in feudal times; Official in feudal times can be faithful, but this kind of faithfulness still must see the boy or girl friend that he treats; Some faithful it is pair of ruler faithful, the emperor wants to see this kind of faithfulness most, but however common people place is detested.

This emperor is good at using design, after closing one hero first, put, it is for a purpose only

Climb blindly namely actually to gubernatorial faithfulness add power, this is the flunky beside the emperor that says in our mouth. Jackal is become long, walked out of very hard from which; Accordingly, in heart of a lot of officials also know exactly about sth, what is what they know the emperor wants, after establishing contribution for the emperor in them then, they can choose demit official to come home.

Official circles existence of ancient time wears a kind to cover a region commonly, the emperor was not becoming an emperor before, he needs the help of a lot of fierce chancellery and support, they are together the important matter of consultative seize power, struggle on battlefield together, be on the peak of influence together; The emperor becomes an emperor, chancellery nature became heavy official.

This emperor is good at using design, after closing one hero first, put, it is for a purpose only

Should go up after the emperor, the emperor begins to suspect those once had helped his secretary, especially the official that those continue to establish next extraordinary service after found a state; Want these officials to be in only build the emperor exceeded on result, then he had bad luck, the emperor is met certainly with a kind special kind lets him disappear at the moment in his.

From of old this kind covers a road to did not change all the time, a few clever chancellery also understood a way of the emperor gradually, they choose to be in build official circles is exited when result is proper, come home to spend the time that go surely; And the target that those officials that see without eyesight can become imperial put sb out of the way only.

Be in latter-day, zhang Zunlin once wanted to cover road bribe fierce with this will, but oneself play bigger more finally, play oneself dead actually. Such saying, the divine Wu Digao that then he still cannot catch up with the Northern Qi Dynasty really is joyous.

This emperor is good at using design, after closing one hero first, put, it is for a purpose only

Gao Huan very the intention that is good at a monarch, he catchs official in feudal times those who get firmly when v/arc be on the throne not only, after dying, he should have done the work of this respect for the son. He first carry on an administrative unit in Xizang gives the chancellery a surname oneself coop in the prison, the son that follows him next says this is the fierce that I leave you will.

A surname carry on ancestor it is hero of a teenager, his gest is very fierce, young when follow Gao Huan to fight; Because of his excellent performance, gao Huan likes him very much, do not want to let him become good-for-nothing after him is dead, want to let him help him son, recalled this way then.

This emperor is good at using design, after closing one hero first, put, it is for a purpose only

When after he is dead, his son can give a surname in the past put, such a surname can be thankful the does not kill favour of his son, well assist a ruler in governing a country his son, this is Gao Huan most the uses official in feudal times method that be good at.

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