Others dazzle is rich my farm! Sow beg show daily life, body home passes 100 million still open a tr

Very much nowadays person desperately make arduous efforts, just have been to rich life to can break away from poverty to break away from farm, in cruel rich hind average person likes to flaunt wealth, this phenomenon is striking the group is very common, be like a twenty-five-stringed plucked instrument of boxing king Mei Wei, boxing Wang Taisen, the mouth prepares Chinese medicine by roasting it in a pan " Connors - Maigeleige " , etc, they like the money of play the peacock, strike even China giant star, one dragon, yang Jianping, be in cruel rich hind now and then also show next good lives, those who open millions is luxurious drive, piece row special pull wind to wait, but famous fist Wang Bo begs Thailand to be mixed however they are big different.

Others dazzle is rich my farm! Sow beg show daily life, body home passes 100 million still open a tractor to go farm

Boxing Wang Bo is begged

Sow seek the daily life that showed oneself recently, he resembles a very average farmer to the person's feeling, living daily besides training is soil farm, pass like social status not at all 100 million, come on the stage cost exceeds 1 million yuan Thailand famous fist king, but he is persist one's old ways, think you dazzle again it seems that your rich I am planted my cropland.

Others dazzle is rich my farm! Sow beg show daily life, body home passes 100 million still open a tractor to go farm

Boxing Wang Bo is begged

Next graphs are sowed beg the setting that reveals tractor farm, earn an about a hundred person of 10 thousand anyhow so like him, it is absolutely won't go to what go to the fields goes wearing broken dress, but sow those who beg is daily cross very common, drive a tractor, ride motor, do coolie, those who eat also is very common.

Others dazzle is rich my farm! Sow beg show daily life, body home passes 100 million still open a tractor to go farm

Wang Bo begs next graph fists to just was planted cropland on the spot ate to rise · , sow beg express: "This is my life is all " . It is reported is sowed beg very small when, father relies on shadow boxing and farm to make a living namely, father shadow boxing did not make very good name, domestic condition is very so poor, sow those who beg strike career also is daily hardships, 8 years old began shadow boxing, social status passes 100 million be he hit 20 old fists to must come slowly, he what got used to such lives does not have one transfer to a lower level to abandon.

Others dazzle is rich my farm! Sow beg show daily life, body home passes 100 million still open a tractor to go farm

Boxing Wang Bo is begged

Wang Bo of fist laying a plan begs outdoors to pick fructification photograph, sow it is thus clear that beg very special really, this also may be the account that he still maintains good form 36 years old up to now.

Others dazzle is rich my farm! Sow beg show daily life, body home passes 100 million still open a tractor to go farm

Boxing Wang Bo is begged

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