A what Ren Yi is the Ren Yi that Jiang Zi tooth tells after all?

Jiang Zi tooth all the way eastwards, go when those who accept him is feudal, not anxious.

Abundant business empire had been defeated thoroughly. Now is to receive triumphal positive result, shook the past to go all the way slowly, make an on-the-spot investigation all the way local customs, gust of each district taking a place is fastfood. Feudal it is over there, won't oneself grow a leg to run.

A what Ren Yi is the Ren Yi that Jiang Zi tooth tells after all?

Half, jiang Zi tooth encountered a person head on. This is called " inning person " what does the person call the name, there is a record on the history. Figure: This person should come from neat ground, also situation of very should clear place. He knows the world condition had produced change, changed day. He still knows free from restraint toward east who is this old man that go, want what to do. In the meantime, very clear also after this old man reached neat ground, what is what need faces.

Accordingly, this person should have a clear purpose, one direction receives Jiang Zi tooth namely on the west, remind Jiang Zi the tooth wants ready-made, brewing a counteractive motion together, those who await them is the enemy's ring of encirclement. If do not have other clearer objectives, this person should be " Lei Feng " .

Such saying of the signal that he gives Jiang Zi the tooth: "I hear this thing gets the opportunity very hard, it is very easy however to lose. I see you old elder brother sleeps so dependable, not be to accept a nation for certain. Not be to accept a nation for certain..

Jiang Zi tooth is much cleverer. Listened to understand, this is to reminding my a long delay may cause trouble, stressing the ability in the hand is a bird. A job that must want to know is, name of the last ruler of the Shang Dynasty reputedly a tyrant of fierce king cut down that streak, business empire is following Dong Yi to fight, week kingdom is equal to a way of escape that took the chance to copy business empire. OK and should conjectural, together at that time is to refuse to obey business empire is in charge of, now became new empire, by what a word whole gave Jiang Jia together? So, together somebody prepares the colonist that should revolt new arrival.

Jiang Zi tooth becomes aware also did not sleep, taking person the same night to be driven toward battalion grave. Just arrived battalion grave, counteractive force of place argues territory under one's control with respect to the past, this is the resistance that according to plan of colonial to newcome power has an organization. Not bad, jiang Zi tooth arrived first one pace, had done early fight the preparation that battle, also do not calculate accordingly brash meet head-on.

Adopt policy of armed strength conquer and benefit civilian fulfil, force returns newcome colony very quickly is the effective control advantageous position that mastered neat ground. To having political experience and the ruler that manage a resort for, this is not what tickler.

The counterforce of neat ground by clean up. It is in period of time, will be in office with a kind of what kind of concept, become superstratum to lead the decisive issue of core discussion.

Discussing once is to those who undertake is in between Jiang Zi tooth and a person that call battalion to swing. Battalion swings the department bandit that is neat country, position is not small, belong to member of administrative layer core. Ordinarily, conversation should have a level very much, also should have deal very much.

Did not record on document argue and discuss, have simple one asking and the other answering only. Because,this also is, state in what core viewpoint of value reads aloud on, from the consistency that is put in height at the beginning.

A what Ren Yi is the Ren Yi that Jiang Zi tooth tells after all?

Jiang Zi tooth asks battalion swings this to be in office with what kind of core concept. Battalion swung two words:

"Benevolence, justice. "Benevolence, justice..

Jiang Zi tooth listens, rely on chart. He himself also thinks so. Since think so, very be necessary to communicate deep, look for bit of self-identity. Then, jiang Zi tooth maintains his composure the ground continues to examine minutely:

"A what ghost is the Ren Yi that you say? "A what ghost is the Ren Yi that you say??

Battalion swung a simple explanation:

"Benevolence it is a sweetheart, justice respect namely old. Justice respect namely old..

Have so little meaning. Jiang Zi tooth asks again:

"Cite a case. "Cite a case..

Have bad luck to have bad luck to go up in these two example. Same a concept, unscramble rise to often have very big different. Battalion swings say:

"Sweetheart, namely the son also does not rely on his provide for the aged; Honour old, wife age is older, do husband also should do obeisance to her. Do husband also should do obeisance to her..

Jiang Zi tooth hears here, the face is black:

"I plan is to rely on Renyizhi to manage neat country, you this is to should take neat country of Ren Yi jumble. Pull out was chopped. Pull out was chopped..

This story is written down in " age numerous dew " , it is allegedly Chinese in the your work of Dai Daru Dong Zhongshu. Such going to that see very easy understanding. The view of the Confucianist, how understanding is likely so simple, long young the relation of honour low involves ethics of the right and sexual distinction of compulsory, men and women to wait a series of think complexly, which swing like battalion say so simply.

How does the tooth think as to Jiang Zi, can be guessed only. The leader is angry, but did not explain a reason, consequence is more serious, battalion swung to be chopped head, also did not figure out to dead estimation, what does the leader's Renyi and his Ren Yi have to be distinguished at all.

Place of Jiang Zi tooth says " Ren Yi " Dong Zhongshu explains " Ren Yi " ? Bully, Wang Zhi, can explain with Ren Yi, dong Zhongshu and Jiang Zi tooth also are not one passerby originally, borrow a setting to say a story just.

A what Ren Yi is the Ren Yi that Jiang Zi tooth tells after all?

Nevertheless, idea sincerity of the leader is bad to guess ah.

If have really so story, battalion swings dead enough loss. Equestrian fart of the leader is bad to pat, who can think of the understanding to basic idea, is the difference between two people so big? My Ren Yi, may not is your Ren Yi. The dot arrives till, of the others? Breathe out ah also went.

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