The apple wore about 25 thousand illegal application to involve lottery and gamble content mostly be

The apple wore about 25 thousand illegal application to involve lottery and gamble content mostly below Chinese application shop

The story that occupied a CCTV recently says, the apple deleted process of about 25 thousand illegal application from this platform recently, 1.4% what these application occupy gross of Chinese application shop to measure about, removed 500 many contain " lottery " the applied process of model of written characters.

CCTV is in last weekend say in the report, false to selling lottery and the illegal application program that provide gamble service undertook malic company clear large-scaly.

Malic company says in a statement that gives medium: " of law of dispute of gamble application process, the applied process shop that is in China is unallowed. ... the applied process that we had deleted a lot of trying that illegal gamble is released to use a program on our App Store and developer, we search these to use a program in effort and prevent them to appear on App Store. "

Domestic center intermediary criticises the apple allows developer to upload illegal program and content on its platform recently. Last year, law sets concerned code of China of malic comply with to serve a lot of fictitious and special nets be removed from inside applied shop of China.

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