" heavy pound " release Fangyuan information? Prove material makes a holiday? "Contract of yin an

" heavy pound " release Fangyuan information? Prove material makes a holiday? "Contract of yin and yang " ? Check you to did not discuss!

Each estate intermediary serves an orgnaization:

Manage action for orgnaization of intermediary of normative room area, cogent safeguard masses legal interest, enhance the superintendency strength of estate intermediary orgnaization further, inform concerned work as follows now:

One, gravity investigates estate intermediary orgnaization to break the law violate compasses act

Estate intermediary orgnaization exists in management activity following violate those who violate one of compasses act, flower the area lives build bureau general foundation relevant provision, inspect its clue weight to offer written caution respectively, talk about main controller, amerce about, write down net of credit archives, time-out to sign attributive, cancel estate intermediary to serve an orgnaization to put on record the punishment such as certificate, be suspected of will turning over relevant section of crime to investigate its criminal duty lawfully.

1, false Fang Yuanxin is released to cease in the different channel such as door inn, website (did not obtain property right person still did not dismantle after 2 weekday since business of information of written precatory Fangyuan, building or the day that the contract that rent signs, regard false Fangyuan as information) , start a rumour, pass ballad and room of degree of hype day price, hype the action that the misdirect consumer such as disloyal information or market expect;

" heavy pound " release Fangyuan information? Prove material makes a holiday? "Contract of yin and yang " ? Check you to did not discuss!

2, revulsive, abet, assistance buys room person to wait for means through falsifying proof data, diddle buys room qualification, cheat carry or cheat borrow housing accumulation fund, avoid is restricted to buy be restricted to shift the action that waits for disturbed market order;

" heavy pound " release Fangyuan information? Prove material makes a holiday? "Contract of yin and yang " ? Check you to did not discuss!

3, source of room of hold the market, corner, adopt in-house subscribe or employ a person to queue up to make a sale exuberant false atmosphere and seek profit illegally through frying date selling a house, fry price of house of drive up of person of room person, carry out room to wait together operate the behavior of market price case;

" heavy pound " release Fangyuan information? Prove material makes a holiday? "Contract of yin and yang " ? Check you to did not discuss!

4, assist party to sign " contract of yin and yang " avoid trades the behavior that duty expends;

" heavy pound " release Fangyuan information? Prove material makes a holiday? "Contract of yin and yang " ? Check you to did not discuss!

5, structure of interior of building of change of do sth without authorization is broken up rental, hire manager to do not accord with the building of standard of safe, take precautions against natural calamities to offer service and low take in high price is hired (carry out) the behavior that earns price difference;

6, estate of embezzlement, divert trades the behavior of capital;

7, did not walk on running hand face to tell obligation, offer compulsively borrow money for you, assure the behavior that serves expense of additional collection;

" heavy pound " release Fangyuan information? Prove material makes a holiday? "Contract of yin and yang " ? Check you to did not discuss!

8, divulge, sell or the individual information of undeserved use client, the behavior of seek profiteering;

9, did not obtain business charter to not was in flower the area lives build bureau put on record, do sth without authorization pursues the action that estate broker serves;

" heavy pound " release Fangyuan information? Prove material makes a holiday? "Contract of yin and yang " ? Check you to did not discuss!

10, running a place marked position is official show the content such as information of content of service project, service, rate, orgnaization, did not make a building trade by the requirement the behavior such as business stage Zhang;

11, use the act that risks name of the member that use a realtor to sign estate broker to serve a contract;

12, without accredit of party of building business contract, ill will has the action of net autograph.

" heavy pound " release Fangyuan information? Prove material makes a holiday? "Contract of yin and yang " ? Check you to did not discuss!

2, result of the court decision of executive judiciary, ruling

The court decision of executive judiciary and ruling result are the responsibility that orgnaization of each estate intermediary should use up and obligation, to the dispute of building business contract of estate intermediary orgnaization and party, concerned judiciary already adjudicated or the ruling signs a net to sign a contract by cancel of estate intermediary orgnaization and party, carry out according to the result of court decision or ruling, inside formulary time limit cancel net signs a contract, do not carry out to refus, flower the area lives build bureau general to suspend this company total net signing attributive in the round, the clue is serious, will cancel estate intermediary to serve an orgnaization to put on record certificate.

Guangzhou city is spent area housing and construction bureau

On May 4, 2018

" heavy pound " release Fangyuan information? Prove material makes a holiday? "Contract of yin and yang " ? Check you to did not discuss! " heavy pound " release Fangyuan information? Prove material makes a holiday? "Contract of yin and yang " ? Check you to did not discuss! " heavy pound " release Fangyuan information? Prove material makes a holiday? "Contract of yin and yang " ? Check you to did not discuss!

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" heavy pound " release Fangyuan information? Prove material makes a holiday? "Contract of yin and yang " ? Check you to did not discuss!

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