China has a common saying: The dutiful son gives below bludgeon! Once had experienced the parent that parents beats and scold, follow the educational means of on one generation, also can use the means that beat and scold to teach the child. Some parents also think, beating and scold the child is to correct undesirable action of the child, wanting jumping-off place only is good, so with respect to manage place ought to.
Does your approve of hit the child?
Be in China, parents hits the child, it is a fact that does not dispute. Although present parents has a small number of people not to hit the child, but majority still hits. If you think " do not lay a become a useful person " , "Hitting is close, scolding is love, do not hit be not being scolded is damage " waiting for a viewpoint is reasonable, if you often cannot pass active encouragement, also cannot let child toe the mark through telling a truth, can adopt probably so " dozen " means will teach.
But, as the progress of the times, a lot of people are advocated now cannot beat and scold the child, even beat and scold the child to make up took law, parents beats and scold the child to be able to bear criminal responsibility even.
Remember compere barking contain ever had said a such words: "Parental both hands uses hug child, do not use dozen of child. do not use dozen of child..
However, a lot of parents in the life can cannot help getting angry to the child, can start work to the child even, often be immersed in " offend you to get angry -- get angry to him -- regret unceasingly " dead loop.
As a teaching staff, also be a parent at the same time, my viewpoint is: When teaching the child, do not arrive when blame is have to, can not hit do not hit as far as possible, arrived to be not dozen cannot when, hitting not late also.
Warn each parent here, especially the following the child ten million of these 3 phase cannot be beaten and scold, this meeting affects the child all one's life.
More good data, good method, good educational concept, the teacher also can be shared one by one for everybody. Any problems also can ask me.