Ancient coin self appraisal and make a holiday

Ancient coin self appraisal and make a holiday

What does appraisal ancient coin have basic basis

The basic basis of appraisal coin is the times feature of ancient money and specific feature. The ancient money of each timeses, have oneself feature.

First money of period of the Qin Dynasty basically has 3 general interest is, namely: Cloth money, knife money and annulus money.

A little sky head cloth is particularly bulky, height is connected first have 5 inches, the body is 3 inches wide of above, and the opens cloth body all the time hollowly abdomen of accept handle, the shoulder is made the same score by the circle, two sides does not have a character, the shovel that is the same as farm tool is the most adjacent. This kind of numismatics won't be the Western Zhou Dynasty the following thing. Money of cloth of period of the Warring States is in form make on happened to change, turn into by sky head smooth head, by big decrescent; The runner of cloth money is in head end, because runner brim has squeeze when mould piece model the much copper outside, present natural state, counterfeiter exposes its money burnish of counterfeit money runner however forge.

No matter major knife currency, cloth money is in form control respect or literal aspect, it is free and bold and unrestrained. Casting money is to use slimy model at that time, every model casting, it is the coin of same place so, the character above was not two same. The literal calligraphy on this kind of coin is fluent, its stroke is one knife and into, do not alter absolutely, the word when counterfeiter forges these coin delimits appear dull, do not have the characteristic of character of coin of the Warring States completely.

The copper cash of the Western Han Dynasty has 8 kinds. Chinese first half, body little pork is thick, the character is extremely irregular, hold out high even sometimes; 8 an ancient unit of weight compare detail drawing partly and the flesh is thin, the character is compressed also; Money of 3 an ancient unit of weight was used only 4, 5 years, the amount is not much; Sort of money of 5 an ancient unit of weight is much. The bogus that sees at present is tasted is almost half, in 5 an ancient unit of weight special article. Counterfeiter uses true money to change the way of quarter commonly, method of useful also casting forges. Cash of 3 an ancient unit of weight changes to engrave and be become by money of 5 an ancient unit of weight, should take care to identify.

Wrong knife of the gold in rank grass money is made elegant, diameter of big coin money one inch 2 minutes, weigh 20 an ancient unit of weight. Carve knife and wrong knife money are two inches grow, wrong knife has " one knife is smooth 5000 " 5 words. Among them " one knife " become with gold fault, become golden wrong knife so. At that time the Qian Wen on money is to hang down needle seal is given priority to, literal calligraphy also is belonged to excellent, bogus tastes some coarse, although some is careful, but the character lacks vivid sense, appear inflexible, fine differentiate can identify eventually.

Ancient coin self appraisal and make a holiday

The Qian Wen that what is ancient money and form are made

Qian Wen namely casting is in the character on money side. Qian Wen go up oneself, right, below, left and read, be called time read or come back read, qian Wen from above to below, from right and left will read, make be read continuously or arrange read. Qian Wen's chirography has seal, be subordinate to, true, careless, travel, thin gold and body of the Song Dynasty to wait, even if same style, gimmick also is metabolic multiterminal.

Form structure of talent of the foundry technology that making is ancient money namely, money, modelling. The coin of each timeses, have its feature, stem from need to also want to set the difference that gives ibid face coin.

For instance some of Fang Kongyuan money has outline, some does not have outline; Some bore a hole are large, some bore a hole are small; Money article some is read continuously, some coming back read. Consequently the coin of each timeses formed his distinctive color, when true bogus of appraisal ancient money this is planted the method also is very scientific. Wear away to make Qian Wen not easy like neat knife cloth, get the outline casting of money taller, there is one to be nodded high among the back, if do not have these features, should be being judged so is bogus is tasted. Even if the knife money of same monetary system, as a result of time concern to also have change early or late. This memorizes the word that often appears in Qian Wenzhong and times feature with respect to need coin lover, lest be duped.

What is vulture mother? How to judge its true bogus?

Vulture mother makes ancestor money again. Use cupreous piece or stannum, lead piece to carve money pattern directly, the model is made with ancestor money when casting money, multiply casting mother money. These mother money issue each district, each district makes Fan Zhu money with mother money.

It is very excellent that the carve of ancestor money is made, the copper that sees vulture mother is golden color at present is qualitative, it is the cupreous material with good quality of a material. The Qian Wen of cupreous carve mother is very elegant, word mouth deep high. Vulture mother money does not see knife trace is resembled, , some more largish than be the same as the fund with current edition, massiness some.

Vulture mother money is made take away after money model, craftsman is with melted cupreous fluid mould on money model, the model flies after waiting for coin to cool, take out coin to machine burnish light clean is become namely.

The Song Dynasty, yuan, bright, quiet period, the development of metallurgy technology and mining technology, drove the development of coin industry. Be current of coin of brass of period of bright Qing Dynasty rises. It is cupreous zinc alloy brassily. How many what appraisal coin contains copper to measure previously, cast money go up at the ground, listen to sound to break its to become look, become kind of tall schilling, cast have Jin Sheng on the ground. Outside dividing brass, still have copper-nickel alloy money, this is the reason with the big proportion of the stannum in cupreous tin alloy, also having money of a kind of copper-nickel alloy is nickel copper.

Volume of vulture mother money is larger than mother money and current fund, mother money compares current fund again largish, it is better also that copper pledges. Because mother money is,just become by casting of ancestor money moulding, so of money outside mouth of predestined relationship outline, word does not have vulture mother deep high, each respect inferiors than vulture mother some.

Mother money pledges besides copper outside, also still iron pledges, somes the iron mother money that iron material moulding makes is bigger than be the same as the copper cash of class to want, massiness some.

Ancient coin lover ought to open iron mother and distinction of iron model copper cash come, iron mother money is the mother money that makes to cast iron money moulding, become current fund by mother Qian Zhu again, it and schilling are mintage only actually is different. And iron model copper cash, it is to be before large quantities of cast-iron money, show the cupreous fluid infuse that will melt, in order to check the effect of money model, consequently these copper cash are called try casting to taste, this is with iron money form makes identical copper cash. This kind of Qian Liu is passed few.

It is to make coin or category no matter, it is the producer type of a kind of handicraft industry, the good and bad are intermingled that creates coin character from this holds high with what cast cost. The copper cash of Chinese past dynasties, in formally constant wrong Fanhe sheds the phenomenon such as copper, make coin not orderly and beautiful, differ in thousands ways also is on weight and quality, it is the money of casting of same furnace place, differ also phasing is the same as weight, be to discern hard more on quality. Chinese coin history revolution that go up, be machine coin was used when Qing Dynasty, standard national currency of new casting copper coin is orderly and exquisite, get people reception greatly, and the government also reaps big profit.

What is to give birth to hole to taste, is ripe hole tasted? How are they differentiated?

Ancient money is contained come up out of land rubiginous color says to give birth to hole, come up out of land so call a new student hole before long; Come up out of land time is longer, still take rust piece sign calls old boy hole, or weigh ripe hole.

Crude pit is tasted also bogus is tasted, the acting ancient money before unborn in those days person is forged, the true bogus that we differentiate crude pit money basically is color of the written language that observes coin, rust. Because the word on coin is much,be written for famous calligrapher, and counterfeiter learns some the word has its look and do not have its god, sometimes character and coin form are made different also, although cupreous rust is true, coin also is false.

Copper also is a kind of stabler metal, in normal temperature, also often not allow below wet circumstance Yi Sheng becomes rusty. The coin after be buried passes a few year of very consummate chiliad, the surface of coin had chemical change, generated cupreous rust, rust of this kind of copper won't fall off. Be decorated too through special processing and the rust that a few bogus taste is become, although very distinct, but after immersing in boiling water, rust is answered fall off.

The face that what is ancient money, back, act, wear, outline, flesh?

The front of ancient money calls an area, general casting has a character, be called face article or Qian Wen. The face has perpendicular line to weigh perpendicular article, horizontal wire says horizontal article. The rear abbreviation of money is carried on the back, the back has a character to weigh back article, if do not have what the character acts the role of without grain again already, call smooth back, average fund back weighs act.

Round perhaps hole is called the square aperture of money wear, also can have been called, case. Perforation is called greatly wide wear, call narrow smally to wear, again the flower is worn. The cash put oneself in another's position outside wearing is called the flesh. Of the flesh outside the predestined relationship is called an edge, perhaps be called outline; Be called along what form frame inside inside outline, or say to do good outline, case outline; Outline calls fine outline finely inside, very fine be called thin outline. Round money back does not have outline of inside and outside before Chinese generation, we say it makes the same score a back, from Han Wu money of 5 an ancient unit of weight begins Di Zhu, coin had outline of inside and outside. Outside outline is double be called heavy annulus or heavy outline; Inside outline is double be called heavy aperture or wear again. Inside the outline outside outline comparing is some lower, we become Yin Kuo.

Connect the distinction of treasure, a shoe-shaped gold or silver ingot used as money in feudal China, heavy treasure

Connecting treasure is a kind of Chinese name from schilling of Tang Zhiqing end, heart of Tang Gaozu fierce 4 years, cast yuan connect treasure. Open yuan of meaning to be innovation epoch, later past dynasties continue to use, often be in " connect treasure " the coronal before 2 words with the title of an emperor's reign, dynasty or country renown. Since Tang Chao, money is a name with weight no longer, and change weigh treasure. Be like " big Tang Tongbao

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