What does the woman differ than the man? Why does social class differ so big? Piao pity, also be har

What does the woman differ than the man? Why does social class differ so big? Piao pity, also be harm

This accompanies with you: The 74th manuscript

What does the woman differ than the man? Why does social class differ so big? Piao pity, also be harm

Hello, dear friend

In the life nowadays, we can see such phenomenon:

In one's childhood

A little girl acts like a spoiled child, everybody is met inflict bosom, say voice: Lovely

Dan Xiaonan child acts like a spoiled child, meet however by sniff. . . . . .

Was brought up

The woman must get married earlier, next photograph husband godchild. But if late childbirth of marry at a mature age, can be said sound: The poor woman that leave

But the man is in charge of without the person, even if all one's life not marriage. . . . . .

At first sight

Seem to become a woman pretty good really, drink to the dregs is worldly and favorite

But today's begin, I want to say voice:

Feminine social class is very low. When we jump over pity to the female, harming them the more


Female, appendage tastes the existence of type

Indignant? Pay no attention to solution? Still have kind of be filled with indignation that wants to be female raise the standard of revolt? Fasten urgent! Look slowly please:

The evidence that leaves from fast ancient proves, namely original period.

Of the mankind is to need to hunt at first maintain live, and it is the most important to hunt is a tool

What go up in the body as a result of female and male is anatomical different, muscle growth rate of the female cannot be compared inherently with male photograph

Simple for:

Grown man can take a weapon easily to catch hunt animal, but the woman obtains even the weapon however do not rise. If things go on like this, how is the female's social class high rise? More what is more,the rather that the woman returns menstruate. . . . . .

In the primitive age that produces without law and morality. Physical strength, namely fist, decided a position.

So, original period says generally for patrilineal society. The appendage that the woman is a man is tasted, even we are again a bit crueler: Woman, it is the tool that bear

Ask an attention! I did not insult the female's meaning. Because of at this late hour, alive bound still is maintaining in a lot of primitive tribes this kind is consuetudinary, for instance:

Should become the woman a kind of property

Should become the woman commodity to trade

Treat the female as reserve food

Even, literally says. In certain and civilized society. The business that should do the wife commodity, tool, private property still is!

So, we want to know the difference of man and woman. Must recognize a reality: Feminine social class is very low

Next, we are what reasons a little, the social class that created a female is low


Female, rely on protection

Female puny, the most primary reason does not have physical strength namely. This, I above had said

In primitive society, female physical strength cannot be assumed capture alimental task. So, female must male of leech on to, get protection and food thereby. This, be reflected to get incisively and vividly when the female is pregnant!

Put today, cite a case:

A day of night. Female of body of a Gu encountered a male

Abrupt, the male sees lubricious heart rises

. . . . . .

Result, everybody cans be imagined


Female, lack ego evolution

This, also concern with body structure of the female actually. For instance: Menstruation

A month period, allow a woman this body with respect to delicate in health is more extremely frail

Such physiology is tectonic, be destined the female cannot undertake long-term sex, heavy production works

Come, our just think a such pictures:

Early morning, hunter of a female goes out hunt

Long after having results of battle, outdoors pitchs a camp

Scratch, classics of this female forthcoming month, body exhaustion is unusual

Again scratch, appeared a powerful beast

. . . . . .

Result, clearly?

When the female cannot long-term sex, onerous when be engaged in producing work. She lost the ability that explores the world, and a person wants ceaseless evolution, its must basic ability is ego evolution

In the process of ceaseless and cognitive world, the ego that finishs pair of him thinking mode is developmental

So, when the female cannot overcome physiology to construct, can become by: Restrict one

Close oneself in the foregone area of thinking, next ceaseless repetition goes

So, occasionally we can feel very strange:

Why woman, always like to wait for in comfortable area. Repeat very simple hooey next?

Presumably, also be this truth


Female, powerful when can be isolated

Actually, there is no lack of on the history a few crackajack, and the woman with extremely tall social class

For instance: After Han Chao's Lv, the Ci Xi of Tang Chao's Wu Zetian, quiet day

But our weird however discovery a problem, the position of the female when these people are alive did not get rising.

For instance:

Such-and-such princess, still be regarded as the chip with allied politics

Such-and-such girl, still from be born case with respect to foot-binding, till crural spirit necrotic

So far, we can sum up give a point of view: Man, woman, lone woman

Since original period

Came 100000, male honour female low is the law with unchangeable society. If have the range of the low that the female exceeds, that isolates her come out

Be a bit fathomless? We say popularly:

3 individual tussle landlords.

Among them a person, every win.

As time passes, people did not play together with her

Although, everybody knows your card is hit well. But everybody did not play with you namely, you were isolated

Because of you not comply with: Each other has be defeated win this game regulation

And female, resembling is that person that wins a medal all the time. Powerful when be isolated, next apotheosis, become an alien

In the thing square, following this rule actually, and have occupy can take an examination of, here I am listed one by one no longer

A bit more typical:

Resemble transitory maternal society, female myth

Final, can put in endless flow of story, fabulous, history only. . . . . .


Language minor details, I reiterate a point of view:

The female's society is low, it is primitive society the nature to the generation when human society is excessive is regular

Without affront, also do not have bespatter, more meaningless to the fault. Without Yu Huaiyu of necessary be troubled yesterday, put the view in future please

Today, below the civilized society that develops increasingly

Because of female body reason, the social class that creates is low, having improvinging stage by stage

For instance:

Civilization is developmental, make a female OK live independently, and do not need to rely on other protection

Civilization is developmental, make a female OK be explored freely, and do not need to restrict at body function

Of course, if you ask me:

Can be you isolated when is the woman powerful how should do? I cannot answer you really

Because now:

One part female is in longing is powerful, paddle one's own canoe, do not need to protect, those who have honor is living, those who have social class is living

How can I do?

Besides say: You are understandable female, but not commiserative they. Because of pity, itself is a kind of harm

But final option, still mastering in your hand?

Dear, each female brethren!

What does the woman differ than the man? Why does social class differ so big? Piao pity, also be harm


This manuscript part viewpoint is taken from child of bend over of French writer wave " secondary "

I know this manuscript can make I get a lot of abuse, but I feel I am necessary to write

I hope to be able to help those: Suffer the person of affliction because of female imparity position

Let them can understand the current situation, know ego, be happiness thereby tomorrow and change

Finally, into draft not easy, respect please forward

Next time adieu, my friend ~

What does the woman differ than the man? Why does social class differ so big? Piao pity, also be harm

Spend overnight, road does not return

Mo Shi not forgets, not leave Mo Qi

What does the woman differ than the man? Why does social class differ so big? Piao pity, also be harm

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