P2P industry is highest of end play a way, did this inscribe you to understand?

P2P industry is highest of end play a way, did this inscribe you to understand?

On small gain one paragraph of enjoyed a law newly to cause everybody attention about P2P, plan like that company group young associate also spread out heat to discuss accordingly (welcome everybody to enter group participate in discuss) , does the game problem of this P2P have solution really?

Say a thing that just heard today, a company developed hand of a special mental retardation to swim, namely the sort of you can be gone to inside charge money, next the system helps you upgrade automatically, hang machine, throw a person.

This game has a very magical set: The RMB can charge value play money, play money also can change a RMB, changing scale is same, only collection the poundage of 1002. The result attracted silk of a lot of namely (can play game to hit equipment to earn money) , also attracted a lot of local tyrant (can spend money to charge the person that be worth cruel) .

To here also be a very ordinary hand swims only story, next the company began coquettish to operate: The company distributes product of conduct financial transactions through the old-style Chinese private bank in game, buy product of conduct financial transactions with play money, can achieve the earnings of high specified number, accrual year change 30% much.

This falls child the way that everybody discovered suddenly to one lays money. Silk of a lot of hits equipment to sell money to be carried before showed, the result hits equipment to sell Qianbudi to show now, change go old-style Chinese private bank buys product of conduct financial transactions.

Every month fills local tyrant before money plays game inside by wife talk about again and again, one-time now put 100 come 10 thousand, every month still can have accrual to carry now, the family is more harmonious.

Next everybody discovers, play money is a RMB, conduct financial transactions is bought to seem to follow actual Limaili in game money is same, this plays meaning can become rich! Next everybody begins to go to the cost is charged in game, silk was bought hundred thousands of, local tyrant bought a few ten million have.

Somebody raises doubt: 30% much year turn profit, is this Pang fraud? Can break down sooner or later!

The company comes out to explain: The Pang fraud in reality, final meeting breaks down, because,be capital idling, capital won't grow, because this is final cannot cash, we are different, the company distributes play money, the company can distribute infinite play money, because of this nonexistent cash problem.

Everybody listened to suddenly be enlightened: The company says very reasonably! Somebody feels not quite right, but say not to come out where to have a problem again.

The result spent period of time, everybody discovers suddenly, I am brushed, play money cannot be carried showed! Everybody this suddenly be enlightened: Do we seem to be deceived?

Everybody informs against public security bureau, public security bureau says to kick them went out: Old-style Chinese private bank leaves to calculate economic bilk in game, is the person chopped to calculate in that game do not calculate intended homicide? Since be the thing of game, go first culture bureau asks first.

Everybody went again culture bureau, culture bureau says this game is in we here pass fully case, game itself is lawful, but bad, since public security no matter, you go to or directly the court is sued.

Then everybody goes the court is sued, the court passes cognizance, maintaining this is contract of a service, the contract has two content, the first is to agree the RMB can buy game currency, but can buy a RMB without money of definite agreement play, the 2nd is the content of game, is conduct financial transactions issued to violate in game do not break the law? Since commit murder not to break the law in game, that issues product of conduct financial transactions to violate a wool law.

The court adjudicates accuser loses a lawsuit: According to the contract, the accused provides fictitious service, also provided fictitious service really, because this is nonexistent break a contact.

After the court decision, the judge gives them a court: If think to be put in criminal bilk, seek public security directly! A flock of silk, local tyrant appeals for help together now.

The clever place of whole thing depends on, the many branches such as public security of whole thing over or across, court, culture, not be a kind of any typical illegal behavior, need much branch to execute the law jointly, individual branch not dare easily reason, issued judgement, according to its branch knowledge, it is lawful likely, but much branch executes the law jointly, where is easier said than done?

The netizen expresses:

Can anticipate 2 version it seems that appeared: Money of play of area piece catenary. Allege next sum total of this play money is decided, later less and less, explode rate is lower and lower. Everybody comes rapidly, arrive to be gotten first first! Next your ~ that understand

So the authenticity of this P2P game, how many to have after all? We collected plan like that the view of young associate:

Communication & is discussed

Xue: Those who deceive people, completely impossible, so do early collect money bilk is caught.

Goosefoot: Any digital asset and Rmb cannot direct and two-way change, two-way changing is economic crime, the government offers play money to change the channel of the RMB, itself commits a crime namely.

Triumphant: That does the business with digital curbstone money, have legal risk?

Goosefoot: Have of course, but issue at least just want avoid this risk. Distribute Q money e.g. Tecent, can buy with Rmb, but the medium of communication that Tecent cannot provide someone else to change Rmb with Q money absolutely, otherwise Tecent sins namely. But if have someone else,Q sells currency in tripartite platform, that Tecent does not sin.

All: But, fictitious article should be no problem through tripartite platform.

Goosefoot: Not be to be no problem, the example of Q money is Tecent avoid only this risk. But the person that sells Q currency in tripartite breaks the law, capital Zhang date can be closed down. tripartite platform of domestic also can hit this kind to trade, otherwise platform itself can be done dead.

C: Q money kind bank of fictitious money people has made specific definition, resemble there is a shoe-shaped gold or silver ingot used as money in feudal China grandly before, also have store of a shoe-shaped gold or silver ingot used as money in feudal China.

S: Press you (goosefoot) train of thought, direct seeding platform fills money to buy token to buy a gift, direct seeding turns through the gift directly token is carried now. Whether do this sin?

Goosefoot: Direct seeding is so dry, cannot saying to break the law still is illegal, can say law was not limitted only.

C: Direct seeding discriminating, direct seeding money also is one-way. But advocate sow peaceful stage to the autograph is mixed about be stationed in a contract to conversion extends, should pay tax, join the management action of compasses. Platform sells those who gave fictitious money to also want to pay tax, belong to management income.

Goosefoot: Him platform does not sell fictitious currency, it is tripartite is selling.

C: Platform sells, fight a fish to sell fim, dozen admire fim changes send a plane the rocket.

Goosefoot: Oh. This is direct seeding platform.

C: Do you say digital currency trades is platform?

Goosefoot: Yes. Direct seeding can design 2 kinds of money, 1 kind is consumptive money, 1 kind is settle accounts money. Consuming money sell, settle accounts money does not sell.

C: Offer electric business to hang the logic that pick a brand not to break the law, platform cannot be received bank and pay channel, pay orgnaization and bank to violate otherwise compasses.

Goosefoot: Yes.

C: The person that sells so can be done only with individual account, but the amount that take became large enter wash money instead.

S: Yes, a lot of left to pay channel can have a lot of personal account.

Triumphant: The paper currency issued by the reactionary KMT government from 1935 onwards of that bourse trades area, bourse serves as platform square, legal hazard how?

Smooth: For avoid this problem, bourse offers money money to trade, and do not offer paper currency issued by the reactionary KMT government from 1935 onwards to trade.

Triumphant: Okex and igneous money have paper currency issued by the reactionary KMT government from 1935 onwards to trade area, bourse was to provide platform, broker dealer is not him bourse.

Xue: ? No matter paper currency issued by the reactionary KMT government from 1935 onwards is direct do or offer platform to let broker dealer do, break the law. So, domestic platform " go abroad " .

S: At present current to digital asset state just is being done superintend, but a lot of bounds blur, what so a lot of places are done now is to violate compasses do not break the law.

C: Jural it's hard to say, the person has gone a few article all right, the first is the cognizance of bit money, it is commodity. Next commodity trades had gone out to trade systematic requirement, do not allow successive contest price, do not allow to match etc. The paper currency issued by the reactionary KMT government from 1935 onwards that hangs the mode that pick a brand namely trades and did not prohibit on legal principle.

Xue: Review below 94 good, need not so complex.

C: Bank card does Otc to be frozen now, main reason is upper reaches pays card to disobey wash money, and trade digital money does not have correlation, discuss next theory of law only just, exchange move abroad, advocate if trade because of what match,mode is in of domestic dispute law.

Triumphant: Were that Usdt and Eth maintained to be commodity?

C: If be domestic main body,manage a hardship with respect to dispute law, USDT and ETH had not gone out clearly seemingly civil, but this reckons meeting analogy arrives bit money type.

Triumphant: Paper currency issued by the reactionary KMT government from 1935 onwards trades area, it is Btc, Usdt and Eth commonly.

C: Resemble mailing money to get stuck to still can trade now, silver also can trade, tea, annatto also can trade, but trade mode suffers be restricted.

S: Basic problem is national control any blame are legal article and legal money make the conversion that decide a value.

C: Is blame legal how does article understand this? Only illegal control article is defined, if pure discussion law, very rigorous still.

S: Gold silver is current have value, its value nation is approbated, gold reserve also is in measure a money to lay in cavalcade.

C: Only the country specializes in gold, law sets gold trades to outside dividing Shanghai gold exchange, do not allow to do business.

S: And canal of nation of other goods value accuses, prohibit normal and current level reachs prep above under average and current level.

C: Be in charge of those who charge price is to send change appoint, providing finance is people bank and silver are protected.

S: Who is what manage money accusing Qq and capital fund of fictitious money figure then?

C: Bank of Qq money people, manage a money, you can check the article that is in people bank to Qq money, because money of the earliest Qq is OK 1: 1 paper currency issued by the reactionary KMT government from 1935 onwards changes.

S: Btc Where is Eth? Usdt is so-called also 1:1.

C: BTC is not domestic thing, but BTC people bank has been sent civil, had done for many times maintain.

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