" inn of department apprentice explore " Sichuan 9 sweet (inn of Jin Fuda mansion)

[inn name] Sichuan 9 sweet (inn of Jin Fuda mansion)

[address] the road austral Ou Xinquan of river of stage of the Fuzhou City 2 buildings of 12 Jin Fushang mansion

[average per capita] 100 ~ 150 yuan

[near future activity] to celebrate Sichuan 9 sweet four years, on August 20 ~ 26 days 6.8 fold, to inn consumption sends 66 yuan of acting gold certificate namely during the activity.

[feed judge] what time passes is really fast, one in an instant 1 inn already came to the 4th year. In these 4 years, the brand is in grow, in effort, changing, exclusive and changeless is hold to to what dish tastes. The safety of 18 years of consistent day is healthy, each eat is met the face before the guest will be one-time the bovine oil footing that does not have broken bits slowly in pouring boiler, make the colour and lustre of fresh Gong Liang dizzy catch whole noodles in soup, let a person must be missed.

9 sweet 1000 abdomen: Whole journey puts delicacy on the ice to carry, ensure flavour of tunnel plain change and feed capable person fresh fragile tender mouthfeel, the be agitated in boiler 15 seconds, dip in on secret makes balm Qing Dynasty heat up reduce internal heat, flavour more very.

Fresh black hair abdomen: Select the most fresh and tender character, the lock is decided fresh, every piece grain is trenchant, nix of size of around leaving boiler is too big difference.

New pig yellow larynx: every piece even large section, interest of each Dou Ren is very, interest of light rinse mouthfeel, long the tasty that boil and not sodden. Often feed still can make the skin smooth and ruddy.

9 sweet 1000 abdomen: Whole journey puts delicacy on the ice to carry, ensure flavour of tunnel plain change and feed capable person fresh fragile tender mouthfeel, the be agitated in boiler 15 seconds, dip in on secret makes balm Qing Dynasty heat up reduce internal heat, flavour more very.

Lotus black slices of fish meat: This is knife of a unusual trial labour and place dish dish is tasted, each section grain of do one's best is trenchant, no matter be rinse,white soup or red soup do not affect the delicious mouthfeel that it takes oneself.

" inn of department apprentice explore " Sichuan 9 sweet (inn of Jin Fuda mansion)" inn of department apprentice explore " Sichuan 9 sweet (inn of Jin Fuda mansion)" inn of department apprentice explore " Sichuan 9 sweet (inn of Jin Fuda mansion)" inn of department apprentice explore " Sichuan 9 sweet (inn of Jin Fuda mansion)" inn of department apprentice explore " Sichuan 9 sweet (inn of Jin Fuda mansion)" inn of department apprentice explore " Sichuan 9 sweet (inn of Jin Fuda mansion)" inn of department apprentice explore " Sichuan 9 sweet (inn of Jin Fuda mansion)" inn of department apprentice explore " Sichuan 9 sweet (inn of Jin Fuda mansion)" inn of department apprentice explore " Sichuan 9 sweet (inn of Jin Fuda mansion)? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

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