Malic market prise exceeds 1 trillion dollar, CEO library gram wins award of share of 120 million do

Before paragraph time apple makes the whole world the company of science and technology that first market prise exceeds 1 trillion dollar, be proud the person's outstanding achievement lets a person envy unceasingly, and the orgnaization that invests malic stock, individual also gain. After malic share price goes up greatly, gram of library of · of Mu of CEO the base of a fruit also became the person that be benefited, because his stock is rewarded after 2013,follow couple of malic share price, gram of this Zhou Wu library will obtain stock of 560 thousand apple to reward, value 120 million yuan, the library is overcome under photograph comparing the firewood of 1200 much dollars proposed a toast last year is cole dishful.

Malic market prise exceeds 1 trillion dollar, CEO library gram wins award of share of 120 million dollar

After Qiaobusi dies, dimu Cooke becomes malic company CEO to arrive all the time now, the board of directors when assuming office gives a library to overcome stock of 1 million apple to serve as award, nevertheless these stocks are to suffer be restricted, arrived 2011 between 2021 counterpoise all right group by group. In addition, these stocks are fixed price originally, cooke and board of directors came to an agreement 2013, the stock is rewarded the expressional link up with with the apple, malic share price is being experienced at that time low fan period.

1 million stocks look not much, nevertheless this is malic stock fractionation before, malic stock was torn open 2014 7, the stock of library gram hold is 7 million, when the library overcame CEO to allow to expire 5 years 2016 share share lift a ban, cooke has been covered at that time show 130 million dollar, fall one round to suffer be restricted stock lift a ban was 2021, namely Cooke holds the position of CEO10 when year.

Gram of this Zhou Wu library still will win the award of 560 thousand stock, value 120 million dollar, share price of the apple in going one year after all goes up greatly 35% , market prise broke through 1 trillion dollar, want malic share price to do not have big burst before Zhou Wuzhi only dish, this 120 million dollar is final.

Library of · of Mu of malic CEO the base of a fruit overcomes current social status to exceed 700 million dollar, affirmatory future can be in Cooke place of a certain time is naked contribute, because Cooke does not have children, he regards his nephew as oneself piece, when after he graduates, Kukehui considers to donate major property to beneficent orgnaization, a few days ago still the report says Cooke presented value the stock of 5 million dollar gives beneficent orgnaization.

Cooke holds a post in malic company fulfil does not consider the firewood of CEO tall, base pay is 3.07 million dollar, bonus + other encouragement is 9.32 million dollar about, add up to probably 12.8 million yuan.

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