British first " do poineering work in British " total final of innovation poineering contest rings

Achieve cast bound big Ga to assemble in British summit of 15 projects summit is right definitely | British first " do poineering work in British " total final of innovation poineering contest rings down the curtain satisfactorily!

British first " do poineering work in British " total final of innovation poineering contest rings down the curtain satisfactorily

On July 27, "British poineering · starts noisy tomorrow " , british first " do poineering work in British " total final of innovation poineering contest and prize-giving celebration does poineering work in British county innovation wisdom build industrial hatch center 301 assembly room are held ceremoniously.

British first " do poineering work in British " total final of innovation poineering contest rings down the curtain satisfactorily

Wen Lin of subprefect of government of British county people makes a speech for the contest, respectively the conduct propaganda from the contest, influence, promotion just faced this second contest a few times this to make detailed introduction.

Holding the position of the commissioner adviser of this second final to be able to say is big Ga gathers, they are the whole nation poineering adviser, vacate poineering hatch of course of study implement poineering industry of city of group president, Chongqing promotes conference chairman, China western youth of city of poineering alliance vice-president, Chongqing does poineering work stimulative meeting vice-chairman Mr Liu Xiang, capital of countrywide poineering adviser, Shanghai chasing the deer-fight for the throne is advanced copartner, first good science and technology (group) president Ms. Li Chanchan, garage coffee (Chongqing) general manager Mr Tan Fei.

British first " do poineering work in British " total final of innovation poineering contest rings down the curtain satisfactorily

Lichan Chan adviser to taking part in the match the way develops a project to undertake commenting on

On competition ground, achieve objectives passion emerges move, wisdom is glaring, reveal poineering elegant demeanour in the round, commissioner teacher takes part in the match in the light of each the project was done comment on meticulously, professional evaluation. Pass nervous drastically contend, 15 poineering projects enter total final. Final, if Sichuan puts impressional medium limited company on the ice to be picked so that the head prepares, win large award of 5000 yuan of cash.

British first " do poineering work in British " total final of innovation poineering contest rings down the curtain satisfactorily

That day, finals activity scene is full, come from this world of hill of Chongqing, Chengdu, eyebrow, continous, bureau of obtain employment of controller of the delegate of the person that do poineering work that satisfies peaceful, British native land and other places, medium and small businesses, British county is relevant chief attended this second activity. It is reported, confused of window of current contest it may be said is shown, the hotspot is great. Take part in the match not only project origin wide, level is high, at the same time whole journey of news of finals spot media pays close attention to, the contest still invited those who come from plain change and other places to do poineering work new show, achieve join a group " big Ga " etc, what participate in before witnessing contest total final 3 armour jointly is culminating right definitely, be mixed by the high attention of social all circles approbate.

British first " do poineering work in British " total final of innovation poineering contest rings down the curtain satisfactorily

Poineering contest, from take part in the match sea signing up chooses a success to finish finals, last a period of time 2 many months, take part in the match of the number, what the society affects is wide it is unprecedented. The main platform that the contest built player and commissioner adviser, player and player are instant interactive communicating, the commissioner's every time is commented on, the every time communication between the player becomes a player to absorb poineering experience, promote poineering capability, enhance risk consciousness, increase the study chance of integrated quality.

Participate in degree tall, cover a range wide

95 poineering projects attend choose

Current contest is participated in degree tall, cover a range wide, besides this world of hill of Chongqing, Chengdu, eyebrow, continous, satisfy peaceful, British and other places to all the player signs up, the person that more American student studying abroad achieves guest, Jiang Zhe to do poineering work undertakes the match seeks advice sign up.

British first " do poineering work in British " total final of innovation poineering contest rings down the curtain satisfactorily

The contest was started formally in May, last a period of time 2 many months, attracted 95 projects to take part in the match in all, the project enclothes computation of business affairs of new and high science and technology, electron, new material and new energy resources, cloud and big data, intelligent hardware, and " Internet + " the much territory such as culture of industry, agriculture, education, much trade. Through the contest at the beginning of early days, intermediary heat, have final of promotion of 15 intermediary heat of 25 projects promotion, projects respectively.

Innovation leg contest is made

Contest brand force is large

Contest of whole contest leg makes rich and colorful, increase a road to perform link, spot interactive link; Act to contest project road, the link such as camp of the training that achieve an objective, intermediary heat, final undertakes whole journey media dogs report; Imitate all is held before every rounds of match the way develops and man-to-man groom... make the contest that achieve an objective ceaseless innovation job train of thought, make rectify frequency of field match window to show.

British first " do poineering work in British " total final of innovation poineering contest rings down the curtain satisfactorily

Countrywide poineering adviser, achieve an objective 360 author / wisdom build innovation of municipal Party committee of Chongqing of innovation president, civilian alliance to do poineering work only appoint stimulative meeting carries out poineering industry of city of conference vice director, Chongqing gentleman of chairman Yellow Sea, garage coffee (Chongqing) general manager Mr Tan Fei, chongqing boast promotes what president of industrial limited company Ms. Chen Xi wins third class award for the contest to take part in the match project player awards honorary certificate and prize.

British first " do poineering work in British " total final of innovation poineering contest rings down the curtain satisfactorily

Commissioner adviser Mr Liu Xiang, Ms. Li Chanchan is what the contest wins second-class award to take part in the match project player awards honorary certificate and prize.

British first " do poineering work in British " total final of innovation poineering contest rings down the curtain satisfactorily

Pu Zhong of director of bureau of British county obtain employment takes part in the match for what the contest wins first prize project player awards honorary certificate and prize.

It is reported, since the contest is started, british county innovation does poineering work wisdom build industrial hatch center to establish contest working group technically, begin a college actively to explain to public, do poineering work coach, the way performs evaluation, do poineering work groom wait for of all kinds activity 8, be benefited personnel achieves 300 person-time, promoted garden area innovation poineering atmosphere further.

This the contest guided British personage actively to devote into the masses to do poineering work eagerly, tide of innovation of millions of people, initiate new phase of poineering job of British county innovation!

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