Plunge into a heart! Does Xuzhou chummage go up 14.5% ? Buy a house or rent a house?

Rent a house or buy a house?

It is all go all out in work in the city

The person that does not have him abode however wants the issue of the consideration

Hire room and buy a house, this is a problem!

Plunge into a heart! Does Xuzhou chummage go up 14.5% ? Buy a house or rent a house?

Someone says to buy Fang Duogui, one wants a lot of money

And the loan interest rate of housing rose again

Loan also is borrowed did not rise, buy a room to have pressure too

But feasibility condition is

Of house price rise

Also pull used the price that rents a house!

Plunge into a heart! Does Xuzhou chummage go up 14.5% ? Buy a house or rent a house?

These days the building that a friend leases is about to expire

Landlord announcement says to want to go up chummage

Went up after chummage, live again go down, sexual price is compared not tall

She plans to lease a building afresh

The result asks intermediary

The hire that rents a house also becomes tall!

Plunge into a heart! Does Xuzhou chummage go up 14.5% ? Buy a house or rent a house?

Actually " go up " this thing

The feeling is a respect, still want to view data

From net of quotations of Chinese house price newest data looks

Xuzhou hire existence rises apparently

Go up compared to the same period achieved 14.5%

Can hire 1000 yuan last year / month

Want to go up to 1140/ month almost this year

Plunge into a heart! Does Xuzhou chummage go up 14.5% ? Buy a house or rent a house?

Plunge into a heart! Does Xuzhou chummage go up 14.5% ? Buy a house or rent a house?

Someone can say, chummage went up

It is a worth while and glad thing

After all this is real ready money flows

But for the fund that buys a house relatively

Feel this is an utterly inadequate method in dealing with a severe situation only

The house price of Xuzhou rises one this year Yuan Chao passed 14.5% !

The experience of associate with also tells us

When chummage is stable, house price rises;

When house price is stable, chummage goes up.

Plunge into a heart! Does Xuzhou chummage go up 14.5% ? Buy a house or rent a house?

The average rent of a month is Xuzhou every make the same score rice 20.29 yuan / ㎡

Lease the building of a 100 square metre in Xuzhou that is to say

Will look with average rent, a month is 2029 yuan about

But actually absolutely and more than this price

Buy of v/arc be on the throne a little a bit better place

Small one room is controlled in 1000 yuan / month

A lot of one-room flat with a mountainous area spring had exceeded 1000 yuan even / month

Two rooms, 3 rooms door model meet more!

Plunge into a heart! Does Xuzhou chummage go up 14.5% ? Buy a house or rent a house?

In the major person that Xuzhou works

Taking 3000 yuan of or so salary every months only

Use even pay rent, expense lives

Be be worthy of the name really " moon a group of things with common features "

Salary more resemble Mom of mother's eldest sister

A month is sent

Left and right sides of a week did not have ~

Plunge into a heart! Does Xuzhou chummage go up 14.5% ? Buy a house or rent a house?

# is canned not afford change hire do not remove #

This was recently the topic of a hot search on small gain

The netizen of Shanghai of a lot of Beijing says in succession

Escaped tall house price, fail to escape tall chummage however

Plunge into a heart! Does Xuzhou chummage go up 14.5% ? Buy a house or rent a house?

And current situation of current Xuzhou building city:

Lodger disrelishs chummage expensive, landlord is disrelished time this slow!

Also be the current situation of the market of house of countrywide most town that rent

Although publish adjusting control policy ceaselessly, staring at house price to death

But the chummage besides the line of sight, run quickly madly all the way however

Plunge into a heart! Does Xuzhou chummage go up 14.5% ? Buy a house or rent a house?

The tall chummage of out of control, more terrible than tall house price.

Living is to just needed, not certain however need comes true through buying a house

Arrive high when house price when too high to reach

Hired a room to make the leeway with last people and bottom line

The chummage that rises ceaselessly, one step by step puncture bottom line

Can not afford a house, can rent a house

Hire do not have a house, how should do again?

Plunge into a heart! Does Xuzhou chummage go up 14.5% ? Buy a house or rent a house?

Many people think

After buying a house, can be bound by house place

The room of hundred thousands of is borrowed and every months of thousands of month is offerred

Can make our life quality drops

Hire Fang Kegen to occupy his income and ability

Will choose what to want living environment, area size

Also did not have so great pressure and burden

Can change a house ceaselessly according to working place, enjoy freedom

Can use those Fu Shoufu's fund make investment

Still can enjoy profit at the same time

Plunge into a heart! Does Xuzhou chummage go up 14.5% ? Buy a house or rent a house?

But we are in prospective time

Our monthly pay can rise ceaselessly according to working ability

And the month of the house is offerred is changeless however

Owned oneself building when us

Lead a wandering life feeling can decrease, contented feeling of the heart can increase

Living happiness feeling also is met substantially promotion

But major person hires a house to be able to have contrary feeling

The person that rent a house is met as the time that leases longer and longer and generation is panicky

So, we are done with its roam about rent a settle or live in a strange place, be inferior to making oneself landlord

Plunge into a heart! Does Xuzhou chummage go up 14.5% ? Buy a house or rent a house?

Still rent a house to buying a house actually

It is clear in our heart

After all what we need is a living house not merely

Still be a home, one OK and tired out after a day

Bring us warm, safe home

After all common saying says " golden pit silver-colored nest, the doghole that is inferior to oneself " ~

Plunge into a heart! Does Xuzhou chummage go up 14.5% ? Buy a house or rent a house?

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