Black rice sponge cake

Black rice sponge cake

With makings

Black ground rice 100

Pink of polished glutinous rice 120

Candy pink 40g

Saline 2g

Pumpkin 1

Currant 1

Yeasty 2g

Practice measure

1, all sorts of good according to equipment of the watch that feed capable person feeding material.

Black rice sponge cake

2, pumpkin husks cut man.

Black rice sponge cake

3, black ground rice and pink of polished glutinous rice are put into the basin, put salt, yeast adds right amount bleb to leave, enter flour. Use clear water additionally, water must bit by bit cent second add.

Black rice sponge cake

4, water cannot much, add divide evenly of a bit agitate, reoccupy two tactics opens face rub with the hands into farinaceous, can add again, again rub.

Black rice sponge cake

5, make a face much more bibulous as far as possible portion, but achieve finally can hold a group, one rub is returned can it is OK that rub becomes pink.

Black rice sponge cake

6, wet flour sift out, quiet place half hours.

Black rice sponge cake

7, after half hours, join candy pink to mix divide evenly.

Black rice sponge cake

8, equipment is good model of 8 inches of cake, the oilpaper on oil or shop is wiped inside. The flour that sifts a half is inside.

Black rice sponge cake

9, pumpkin go in with currant tile.

Black rice sponge cake

10, sift flour of other in part again. Go up basket evaporate 35 minutes. Close fire to cover tightly 5 minutes.

Black rice sponge cake

11, give boiler, deck, finish.

Black rice sponge cake
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