Chaos of processing estate market is resembled! Guiyang establishs special operation to head a group

Chaos of processing estate market is resembled! Guiyang establishs special operation to head a group

Recently, guiyang city establishs chaos of processing estate market to head a group like special operation, be in charge of coordinating in the round advance whole town to administer estate market chaos to work like special operation.

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The reporter learned from municipal government general office on August 24, leader group basically leads a group leader by municipal government, leader of municipal government be assigned personal responsibility for holds the post of assistant group leader, the member includes chief of city relevant branch, director branch chief, each division (city, county) main leader waits for the government.

Leader group office is set in city to live build bureau, be in charge of leading group routine, coordinate each member unit to begin chaos of processing estate market actively to resemble special operation as a whole, key blow spec fries room, estate " black intermediary " , estate development company breaks the law violate compasses, release the action such as false estate advertisement.

Each area (city, county) government, developing zone is in charge of appoint the punish that can be in charge of market of the estate inside limits of this area under administration works.

Before this, city lives build a system to already started by a definite date the real-estate project of 3 months centers orgnaization of broker of estate of go on a tour of inspection, 2018 year the punish such as special inspection acts. In punish of go on a tour of inspection, already had 8 buildings dish be rectified by requirement close down; Orgnaization of 23 estate broker is rectified and reform by close down, among them two refus are not rectified and reform, the enterprise that be brought into sincere letter " blacklist " .

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