In building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

In building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

One, fundamental project

1, backfill of cubic meter of earth

In building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

Common problem: Backfill of cubic meter of earth may use building rubbish, mix into to wait into lime, not statified tamp, put in slack off behavior

Solve measure: Press blueprint construction strictly, to earthy requirement, press standard and earth of ordinal tamp backfill, inspect manage strengthens a process to supervise

2, fill up a layer

In building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

Common problem: Mat layer is not caused take seriously, construction ply is insufficient, put in jerry behavior

Solve measure: Deduct amount of construction unit project and expense not quite to filling up a ply according to the contract; Inspect manage is strengthened the process is superintended and elevation ply is compound

2, main body project

1, pattern plate material

In building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

Common problem: Pattern plate damaged is serious, irrigate to later period concrete build the exterior influential, cause concrete quality defect

Solve measure: Requirement construction unit washs out shabby pattern plate in time, purchase new pattern plate to have complement

2, pattern plate is sectional dimension

In building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

Common problem: Bridge column pattern plate is sectional dimension, liang Gao, board large size exceeds normative requirement

Solve measure: Maintain inside the setting inside bridge; The person specially assigned for a task after pattern plate installation is finished is complex, rectify and reform the reentry after ending to go next working procedure

3, material of reinforcing steel bar

In building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

Common problem: Material does not accord with the reinforcing steel bar that construction unit enters the arena to not agree with with brand, norms, diameter normative requirement, existence steals makings behavior

Solve measure: Strengthen what material enters the arena to check and accept, not agree with the material of the requirement forbids to enter the arena

4, concrete

In building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

Common problem: Concrete slag inclusion, the blemish such as face of hole beehive hemp, break

Solve measure: Face of hemp of small area beehive uses rehabilitate of coequal class mortar; Hole of large area beehive needs authentic to divide irrigate afresh build; Requirement break, requirement construction unit issue solution and rectify and reform measure, make sure later period floor is not slack

5, project of body of build by laying bricks or stones

In building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

Common problem: Verticality, flatness nots agree with requirement, tectonic column setting nots agree with body of muscle of requirement, establish, wall pulls mouth of an opening in a wall of knot muscle, door prefab piece, turn over cage to wait

Solve measure: Requirement construction unit does good technology tell sb one's real intentions and process to supervise, ask strictly according to blueprint and standard construction, demolish to the wall body of not compound requirement

6, plasterer Cheng

In building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

Common problem: Empty beat, craze, fall off

Likelihood reason: Basic level processing does not reach the designated position, did not brush difference of the interfacial agent, quality that throw a thick liquid, leakage to hang net, later period not conserve

Solve measure: Early days makes good technology put all one's card on the table, execute example active, strengthen in the process supervise, eradicate new plasterer to rousing the plasterer layer of craze for nothing

In building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

Common problem: Verticality, flatness nots agree with requirement, horn of yin and yang nots agree with requirement, differ in roll end diameter

Solve measure: Implement 3 check system, namely manage of construction, inspect, Party A is checked threefold, seasonable discovery is rectified and reform in time

7, design an issue

In building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

Build by laying bricks or stones builds partition to not be on bridge

Be like: Build by laying bricks or stones builds partition to be absent bridge is classy

Solve measure: 1, blueprint joint hearing is strengthened before construction, make standardization door model, structure 2, good three-layer is done in construction process meeting produce the expected result, discover a problem in time, after issueing plan again bedding face construction

In building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

The wall takes up inside wave window board position

Be like: The wall takes up inside wave window board position

Solve measure: 1, blueprint joint hearing is strengthened before construction, make standardization door model, structure 2, good three-layer is done in construction process meeting produce the expected result, discover a problem in time, after issueing plan again bedding face construction

3, outside establish a range

1, outside wall heat preservation

In building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

Common problem: Whether does the function of insulation material, material entering the arena accord with a requirement, whether to amount to normative requirement by graph construction, construction

Solve measure: Material sends check, enter the arena check and accept, face construction stands outside complex, need to do good technology tell sb one's real intentions and blueprint joint trial strictly, discover a problem in time and communicate with design respect

2, outside the wall is decorated - patch block

In building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

In building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

Common problem: Quality of construction of stone material chromatism, ceramic tile (difference of discretion of flatness, juncture)

Solve measure: Implement system of example go ahead of the rest, embroil needs to design make a final decision please to the construction of bedding face exterior, example is checked and accept, quality is strengthened to check and accept in the process,

3, outside wall paint

In building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

In building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

Common problem: Coarse, detail does not handle construction to reach the designated position, coating show-through, organic extreme difference

Solve measure: Implement system of example go ahead of the rest, embroil needs to design make a final decision please to the construction of bedding face exterior, example is checked and accept, quality is strengthened to check and accept in the process,

In building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

In building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

Common problem: Coarse, detail does not handle construction to reach the designated position, coating show-through, generation crackle, organic extreme difference

Solve measure: Make special rectify and reform plan and cut truly fulfil reach the designated position, concealment strictly check and accept

4, exterior wall tile

In building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

Common problem: Vertical stroke is seamed seam processing closely, t-joining is ticked off do not seam reach the designated position, organic extreme difference

Solve measure: Knock off do poorly done work over again is handled, hold to system of example go ahead of the rest, optimize a design, do not involve vertical stroke to seam, have T-joining only

5, windowsill looks for slope

In building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

Common problem: Did not look for slope or look for slope insufficient

Solve measure: Certain to look for slope afresh

6, drop waterline

In building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

Common problem: The balcony, windowsill did not do a waterline by the design

Solve measure: Break new construction

7, aluminium alloy a place of strategic importance is seamed

In building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

Common problem: A place of strategic importance is seamed not close-grained, have sundry

Solve measure: New stuff is seamed, make good examination and technical put all one's card on the table

8, window of aluminium alloy door

In building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

In building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

Common problem: The window leaves to be protected inside window baluster is held off cannot open, the window leaves to be held off by faucet inside the kitchen cannot open

Solve measure: Example decorates go ahead of the rest, construction of the bedding face after can be being checked and accept, sum up experience, optimize a design, form a standard

9, lanai leakage water

In building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

In building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

Common problem: Lanai upside ooze is slack

Solve measure: Carry out strictly according to plan and design do good drainage and waterproof reach covering layer

10, roofing leakage water

In building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

In building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

Common problem: Roofing structure and waterproof construction do not reach the designated position

Solve measure: Do poorly done work over again, strengthen rectify and reform and concealment check and accept an examination

11, floor leakage water

In building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

In building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

Common problem: Construction of main body structure does not reach the designated position or water and electricity opens groove to walk along tubal processing not to reach the designated position

Solve measure: Strengthen in construction process manage and concealment check and accept the job, discover to structural store water already the floor of leakage water is used do waterproof the way that perhaps notes an oar is solved, with store water experiment qualification is a standard

12, outside wall leakage water

In building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

Common problem: Plasterer craze

Solve measure: Do poorly done work over again, authentic drops new plasterer

In building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

Common problem: Outside wall ooze water

Solve measure: Note an oar to rectify and reform

9, flueIn building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

Common problem: Ply nots agree with requirement, did not sink according to normative construction flue, plasterer craze

Solve measure: Uniform be bungled, new construction

10, project of water and electricity

1, socket is buried beforehand

In building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

Common problem: Bury deviation beforehand too big (exceed 1 centimeter) , base case buries socket to pass greatly big

Solve measure: Processing of do poorly done work over again

2, air conditioning

In building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

Common problem: Leakage of air conditioning mouth of a cave is buried beforehand

Solve measure: Later period punch, the attention prevents leakage

11, balusterIn building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

Common problem: Baluster installation height and design deviation - 5mm above (normative 3mm) , above of verticality deviation 5mm (normative 3mm)

Solve measure: Baluster installation needs to consider layer of shave of make level layer, outfit highly, with the building 1 meter of lines are firm accuse, ask to notting agree with rectify and reform

In building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

Common problem: Baluster is secured not firm

Solve measure: Uniform do poorly done work over again

12, finished product protectionIn building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

Common problem: Complete already finished product protection does not reach the designated position

Solve measure: Ask deadline is rectified and reform, do good education and government, strengthen protective consciousness

13, winter constructionIn building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

In building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

Common problem: Plasterer suffers aspic craze, remove a skin, fall off

Solve measure: Make practical winter the programme of construction be carried out strictly by this, and keep away from as far as possible winter construction

In building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

Common problem: Ceramic tile suffers aspic to fall off

Solve measure: Make practical winter the programme of construction be carried out strictly by this, and keep away from as far as possible winter construction

In building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

In building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

Common problem: Coating suffers aspic to bubble, craze

Solve measure: Make practical winter the programme of construction be carried out strictly by this, and keep away from as far as possible winter construction

In building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

In building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

Common problem: Waterproof suffer aspic with vitreous glue bubbly, contractive

Solve measure: Make practical winter the programme of construction be carried out strictly by this, and keep away from as far as possible winter construction

In building construction whole process, enumerate of common quality problem is narrated!

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