Antique goes 9 big fraud! You perhaps meet unexpectedly passes, want discretion

From ancient up to now, because antique goes not to make a holiday, the folk that doing Bao Fumeng in great quantities collects lover to be decieved time and again, disastrous. After entering 21 centuries, especially recently these a few, what legerdemain is worth vigilance of broad height Tibetan friend again?

Antique goes 9 big fraud! You perhaps meet unexpectedly passes, want discretion

One, stay bead sell calf

Legerdemain feature: Taste really regard as fascia, entice the person that buy to be duped

★ of power ★ ★

Have in idiom buy calf to return bead literary quotation, a few crafty antique dealer have stay bead the source material that sells calf. To hawk fake, they put a few true antique bait is made in important niche, matching next new thing sells along with all the others piece, but when clinching a deal finally, however leave no stone unturned leaves true antique, and let taste sell piece.

Case: Hire come china makes bait

One day, I walk into an antique store, discovery became much a few pretty good antique, ask the price, the boss shakes his head say not to sell. Since be put in inn, why to sell? I remain puzzled after pondering over sth a hundred times. 18237188004 later, in adjoining inn, a friend of know the inside story tells me to say, the family is then " hire " a few china that come, make bait use.

Passed a few days, the friend tells me, bait happening action. Original, a china collects a novice to see the china in this inn is very much, let a boss recommend a few true things, then the boss chose 3 to him, among them one is taste really, two are counterfeit, the price is 3000 yuan only.

To invite a guest " be at ease " , before clinch a deal, inn boss lets that person be taken first among them a china lets person appraisal, say the thing was opposite, make money again not late. Natural, of appraisal letting a person that, be exclusive taste really. But, after appraisal ends be about to when the goods are delivered and the bill is cleared of payment for goods, the boss is staring at that to be tasted really suddenly looked up and down old a long time, say very disappointedly next: "Bad, this china is refoot so, how don't I have discovery? " that person listens to this to have damage, abandoned actively, 18237188004 bosses very generous, wanted an average price to selling those two china that go out: 2000 yuan.

After the guest goes, boss general this " hire " the true thing remand that come family.

Antique goes 9 big fraud! You perhaps meet unexpectedly passes, want discretion

2, tall plays the part of a farmer

Legerdemain feature: False with simple appearance, cover true aspect

★ of power ★ ★

This booth that it is the ground is common one scene. Booth advocate often dress up brokenly the garment is footy, be like rural old farmer quite, its camouflage pattern is endless and same, the mountain that has remote mountains old channel civilian model; The vegetable grower that has deficient to become rich; Still have building site farmer model, provincial farmer etc.

Those farfetched goods on ground booth, if see gentleman bites, that person the simple language with the farmer, these " antique " origin tirelessly path comes, what go to the countryside closes, dig on hill, collect in reject caboodle etc, lively, let you flatter oneself happy event receives good chance of leak huntingn/arc repair the leaky part of a roof.

This action terribly gets effective, rate of the court in the person that buy is not low. These cheater often run everywhere at countrywide each district, prevailed, hit one gun to trade a place, disappear into thin air.

Case: Antique store boss performs a farmer

The midday of sky of a week 1999, I am in ramble the new face that about of a farmer discovered when the ground spreads out, a few are being put to come up out of land on his booth bronze mirror fragment and a few broken crockery, with on the side those taste flush stall to compare character, here has bit of true thing it seems that. I crouched to look, discovery is putting the jade article with an earth full of stains or spots mark on fragment of a ceramic, modelling is Chinese generation around.

That farmer tells me, only this jade article is complete, come up out of land together with these crockery, bronze mirror. Read this jade article very picture so one and the same, I am bought 800 yuan with respect to the flower. When be being faced, that person exchanged telephone number actively still with me, say day brings better thing to me again next week.

After coming home, I erode jade article clean, discovered flaw very quickly, it is fake of a cheap so. I dial the telephone of that person hastily, the phone often is busy, arrived next on Sunday, also did not see its sign. About after half an year, I saw him in outer an antique store, business suit change walks on, and the boss that still is here.

Be him? I am exploring to talk to it, right, hearing oral speech sound is him, especially that black mole on nose lets my remain fresh in one's memory. Between conversation, I read the jade article in inn a few times, 18237188004 among them a few with what sell me that is color of cut from the same cloth. I must admire the masked skill of this person.

Antique goes 9 big fraud! You perhaps meet unexpectedly passes, want discretion

3, profess bandits

Legerdemain feature: Build " horrible " atmosphere, disturb nerve of the person that buy

★ of power ★ ★

There still is a few in antique dealer additional kind of character, not hesitate to profess with bandits, achieve bunco goal. The fellow flee hither and thither of thieves of these the blame that be like a thief between Tibetan home, live without calm place, fast-moving, features is various.

They are carried " spoil " also do not have surprise not to have: Or professing is to be people disposal of stolen or contraband goods, the thing is the popular Tibet such as china, calligraphy and painting is tasted mostly; Or professing is the one member in thief of rob a tomb, the thing that disposes of is naturally also come up out of land and so on of jade article, bronze ware; Or the shape of arrival not to be pooh-poohed that pretends to be track secretive, the person that let buy believes by the feeling this person is a thief, brought thing belongs to the antique top grade that sees inaccessibly on the market.

Anyhow, the goods on their hand is enough trice of your appetite " good thing " , if hide a see things but not people, so final result has only: Be duped.

Case: "Thief of rob a tomb " sell jade

A day of 2001 midday, an unfamiliar foreigner makes a telephone call, saying is I was known on antique market before a month, I thought, seem to have so one and the same. In the phone, mystery tells that person I say to there are a few true things in his friend hand, I like very much certainly, ask I have interest to see money. It is OK that I say, the other side broke the phone hastily.

Passed a little while, the phone is called again, ask me to work in door of the Ministry of Public Security. I say is not. At that time, the sound that a few people talk at the same time is transmitted in the phone, have a gang person it seems that discussing what issue. Passed about one minute, that person told me the time that sees money, place arrangement is in an a slap-bang shop near Wei lane station.

I am headed for as agreed upon, in the cubby of restaurant of a roadside, saw two hangdog people, among them that person that tells a telephone call namely, my telephone number is asked for to me on the booth before his month.

After seeing me, that person without preamble, say they are a group of rob a tomb, worked recently, gave dot thing, know I like antique, let me see money above all, I am bought or do not buy without giving thought to, must not go out this issue make public.

That person says, take a thing outside from the bag at the same time, at the same time signal is additional one person goes out cautionary. The thing is a few jade article that come up out of land, have broken Yu Yi piece, have the Bai Yuhuang of exquisite, and earthy ooze is mottled. See me be interested it seems that, he takes out a business to take the place of from the bag again formative jade person, saying this is from same come out in the grave.

I suddenly vigilant, chinese generation is later than business to take the place of 1000 old, how to meet out in a grave? I raise doubt face to face, that person is a bit confused. I am examined calmly again, decide these things are counterfeit undoubted.

Passed probably a month, friend having Tibet comes to my home, very great draws out a jade article to ask me to admire, I look even if before a month " thief of rob a tomb " one of those things that see to me. Did not wait for him to introduce, I was narrated with respect to the clue that shops him, character and process, he was stupefied, how to say you can know so clearly? I I and " thief of rob a tomb " the detail repeat that enrols too.

"Was duped, it is good to cheated me thousands of! " the friend is very vexed, "Was opposite, he still gave me telephone number! " the friend is dialed immediately " thief of rob a tomb " phone, natural, telephone number is spacing. Similar such experience I also had been experienced many times.

Antique goes 9 big fraud! You perhaps meet unexpectedly passes, want discretion

4, civilized bunco

Legerdemain feature: Boss tiring-room assume personal command, employ come " Confucian scholar " do hold in the palm

★ of power ★ ★

The point of this action is to let a person act the scholar of gentle to cooperate bunco. The person of that scholar figure is foreigner certainly, if one day fraud let the cat out of the bag, illegal businessman also can justify oneself, and the performance must have Zhang Youchi, the person of scholastic figure not only appearance scholar is elegant, and ad cool-headed and sedate, the manner is easy.

Case: Employ a person to should be held in the palm sell fake

A day of 1998, boss of one antique store tells me " good news " , say he has a friend to become a teacher in the county, because one's elders likes antique, the Tibet in the home is tasted quite abundant. Need capital because of the house is being built in be the home recently, so that teacher prepares very reluctantly give up what one favours one part china.

The friend still says, this person very keen on face-saving, do not be willing to sell in place, entrust him to seek next a few homes so. "When he will come tomorrow, you must firm firm ground cuts price, must not polite. " at last, the friend is returned very personal loyalty ground reminds me.

The following day, "Teacher " in the inn that comes to the friend, there is a cumbersome leather suitcase in the hand, the person is very cultured, dress suit, wearing glasses, conversation is very polite also, of a mixes accent of oral speech soundvoice, have a kind of strange taste.

Open a thing to look, it is to install a few blue and white porcelain in bright and beautiful box respectively implement, bright and beautiful box is old, the china inside is complete also very beautiful. The boss is in maintain his composure aside, the eye gives off peculiar ray however, encouraging me not to miss this it seems that once in a blue moon opportunity.

I take to ask him to help me see time, he tells I am Qing Kangxi stealthily. I took Qianbuduo that day, with respect to the flower 700 yuan bought pyxis of a young beautiful person. The following day the boss tells me, should buy a few more, those good things are in a long time in let someone else grab light.

Spent half an year, I see inadvertently on market of secondhand goods of Beijing Pan home with this exactly like china price, booth advocate say readily: "Trade price 100 yuan, the box is made old, very good sell! " I am very amazed.

After coming back from Beijing, I told a boss the thing, he appears very open-eyed: "Be? Look let him cheat us! " expression looks very helpless, very innocent. I ask about that " teacher " whereabouts, his head shakes so that resemble rattle-drum same, say they are early lose connection.

Antique goes 9 big fraud! You perhaps meet unexpectedly passes, want discretion

5, couplet of a two-man act sleeves

Legerdemain feature: Jia Yi together bunco, part each are not identical

★ of ★ of power ★ ★

Of a two-man act cover a road to have 3 roughly dramatically: The first, the actor is in in the open, two people are just as echo each other of comic dialogue actor, act that person that boosts a key point to must stand in " impartial " intermediate footing, it is the person that buy from time to time even be considerate ground " consider " ; The 2nd, two people division of labor is clear, one person is in the home wait for windfalls, one person goes out choose prey; The 3rd, one person is in in the open, one person is in shadow, in shadow that, pretend to reveal the secret that somewhere has good thing to the person that buy, the desire to buy that inspires him hard looks, and oneself are made in that general assembly of in the open by be kept inside a drum-be kept in the dark, want to design a few clues at the same time, the person that let buy produces the mood of leak huntingn/arc repair the leaky part of a roof, in this process, the front is contacted before the person that two actors are not being bought first and last.

Case: Echo each other sells Tao Ma

I confront such issue very more, say among them.

A day was 1998 then night, somebody makes a telephone call to me, the Chinese generation that says he discovered in some antique store one sees inaccessibly today comes up out of land Tao Ma, absolutely true taste really, but the attitude that sees host, did not regard this thing as it seems that taste really, say I can go leak huntingn/arc repair the leaky part of a roof.

"How are you bought? " I raise question. "My wife most object me coming home the thing belt that come up out of land, disrelish dirty. " if I believed him. "But, after buying and selling clinchs a deal, more or less should you give me cost of a bit advantage. " he raised a very reasonable requirement.

The following day in the morning, I come to that antique store. The boss is a middleaged person, see I come, nodded gently one below, continue to read his newspaper. I pretended to discover that Tao Ma accidentally, ask: "This thing how many money? " " sell to family generation, 800 yuan, do not sell less. " " is the thing true? " " yourself looks, the thing of others, I do not understand to crockery. " when answering a question, the boss is unmindful also.

I watch this thing carefully, discover its model is good, build is quite tall, although a leg was broken, but the cultural relic value that does not affect it and economic value.

I take this Tao Ma cautiously, weight is quite heavy, stick inside 18237188004 horses body cavity have dust collected on furniture, break gently with the hand, clod fell down.

At this moment, a detail that makes a person open-eyed appeared: In the clod that fall down, I discovered a scrip that resembles fingernail size suddenly, those who have faintness is return to presswork above handwriting.

Pass through this bit of clues, can authentic judges Tao Ma to be counterfeit undoubtedly, because Chinese generation is absolutely,won't appear of such presswork. After coming to light, I left that small shop.

Spent a week, I come to this antique store again, discover an appeal I come here that person of leak huntingn/arc repair the leaky part of a roof is chatting fervently with the boss, that Tao Ma already sold went out, tao Ma's place was displayed before, appeared markedly again a bronze ware. New a two-man act wants embark upon a political venture again.

Antique goes 9 big fraud! You perhaps meet unexpectedly passes, want discretion

6, lie between hill to sell a cattle

Legerdemain feature: Use a net to buy a resort, have fraudulent action

★ of ★ of power ★ ★

Sweep across the world in Internet today, antique of the buying and selling on the net gradually make good, a few person that harbor evil intentions also play the bunco medium that had them in network world.

The net bully of these people (the new expression that appears recently) the method basically is: One of, use professional software to undertake rework to the photograph of antique counterfeit, make its bag oar moist degree reach colour shade to spend more distinct; Secondly, right imperfect perhaps use professional software to undertake handling through the china that repair, Yu Li, concealed goes deformity, make its perfect; Thirdly, make bait attract the person that play to swallow the bait with true antique, when remittance calls account of the other side, bargainor or had stopped machine, or account has been cancelled, be like like a clay ox entering the sea-never to be heard of again, be not heard of any more.

Case: The net buys antique to become new implement

2005 spring, the author one good friend is collected for some antique website go to 580 yuan, buy blue and white porcelain of a clear acting metaphase implement. After a few days, the other side comes to goods hair, open a bag to look, it is new copy china unexpectedly, on comparative net photograph of original other people, just know objective and photograph difference very big. The good friend puts forward to return money, the other side thinks netizen generation sells gentle words to refuse.

Antique goes 9 big fraud! You perhaps meet unexpectedly passes, want discretion

7, street cheat is made up

Legerdemain feature: Make " pasty " false appearance, the person that cheat books covet petty gain

★ of ★ of power ★ ★

This is the fraud besides antique market, it is racketeer with antique. Be aimed at those literacy rate especially not tall, alarm not strong like the gender and the housewife bunco of covet petty gain, cheater people time and again procurable. Its behave means to have 2: Street " chance encounter " the person that hold treasure, let you think encountered once in a blue moon the opportunity that buy treasure; 2, encounter on the street " send treasure " guest, cheater plays the part of Shi Baoren, not was an opening ceremony in order to find a person if really, a paragraph of low lets the show the farce of treasure.

Case: Two antique bilk cases

1998, the author is interviewing the urban district in the process of police station of some public security, encounter the bilk case that is bait with antique two cases continuously, report a case to the security authorities the person is middleaged woman.

Woman worker of some clothing factory is in Wei lane in road going to work, encounter a male youth suddenly to ask its otherwise wants the jade article that comes out in the Imperial Palace, the price is very cheap, saying, draw out the Yu Chan of a white from bag. Workingwoman is preparing to refuse, from the side suddenly transversely gives a looking glass that wear a look, say the hand that holds that young person: "I saw, is what you take a Yu Chan is opposite? " male youth fumbles dare not reply, wear the drink like a fish of glasses: "That also is taken! " at that time, male youth appears aghast, ground of Duo shiver Suo draws out a same again from the pocket.

The laugh that wears glasses, say to workingwoman: "Do not fear, I just read newspaper today, said to be stolen in a museum of Beijing a pair of Yu Chan, it is the national treasure of invaluable. Still say this fellow escapes to us likely on newspaper here came, did not think of to let us encounter actually. " saying, wear glasses took out a piece of paper, that above publishing the report about this thing really.

See the work already fell through and stand exposed, young presses his suit the bestow favours that wears glasses puts him to go, say to want not to report a case to the security authorities only, he would rather sell them these two things. In invaluable " national treasure " before, workingwoman one'sed mind disturbed with what wear glasses, then, after the argy-bargy that passes use both hard and soft tactics, male youth sells one person of two people two Yu Chan with dog-cheap price. Workingwoman lent clothing factory the staff 3000 multivariate money, bought a worthless false cultural relic.

After a few days, again one woman comes police station reports a case to the security authorities, claim to be cheated by two cheater went 20 thousand yuan of money. The woman says, a day she encounters two laborers in street road, there is a piece of scrip in their hand ask the way, say to want to look for a Zhang Ke to grow, this woman says not to know Zhang Ke to grow, left after laborer express one's thanks to.

Went to do not have a few paces, one laborer is overtaken again for, can give a help, the thing of short duration that lets them send Zhang Ke to grow preparation keeps her home a little while, because very rare thing is in the case, those who be afraid of such show one's face in public is improper. This woman is busy asking is what thing, among them one person says they are firm hesitatingly gouge of building site of wherefrom edge construction comes one case antique, this work just in time was grown to see by that Zhang Ke, want them to send his home the thing, zhang Ke grows saying address is this place on brief note. At this moment, another person collect comes up to say stealthily, the golden a shoe-shaped gold or silver ingot used as money in feudal China that just came from building site gouge and antique are in the case, full one big case.

Hear have baby, this woman is busy ask the laborer into him home. After arriving home, this woman puts forward to want to examined the laborer in the case to open a box, look, there is a shoe-shaped gold or silver ingot used as money in feudal China of two jades figure of Buddha and Can of Can of a few golden lights inside. Take a shoe-shaped gold or silver ingot used as money in feudal China one weigh in hand, good lord, sufficient several jins are weighed! A shoe-shaped gold or silver ingot used as money in feudal China falls to still pressing a piece of wrinkled scrip, thickly dotted ground is writing brush word.

Antique goes 9 big fraud! You perhaps meet unexpectedly passes, want discretion

Spread out to look, it is later generations of one paper requirement must the writ that appropriate collects these cherished tradition, inscribe is quiet day between Guang Xunian, still keeping person establishing enjoin and sponsorial name clearly, and sign affix one's seal. Of the warm in this woman heart, immediately, concupiscent produced. After cutting price through, this woman spent 20 thousand yuan to be bought full one case " good thing " .

After a few days, just figure out treasure of so called gold dollar is one caboodle plating plumbic a knot in one's heart of copper, jade Buddha is made with glass. Then, this woman signed up for rapidly case, but cheater people early into thin air.

Antique goes 9 big fraud! You perhaps meet unexpectedly passes, want discretion

8, after carry out " service "

Legerdemain feature: Make appreciate false appearance, aim add performs fraud

★ of ★ of ★ of power ★ ★

On antique market, a few operator that are engaged in crooked means technically can be put very much feel people psychology, after although sell fake,going out, return can false play to be sung really, bring to bear on method, let you continue be kept inside a drum-be kept in the dark. Its method makes appropriate because of the person, or through others (namely oneself search hold in the palm) come confirm you the precious sex of this baby, the person that let buy be pleased with oneself. Or transmit false information to the person that buy secondhand, say to congratulation you this thing appreciation; Or before you hypocritically ground regrets the thing sells leakage, let you thought to occupy defecate appropriate really by accident.

Case: The story of bronze sword

A day 10 years ago, the flower in the family that I pursue antique trade in Wei lane 100 multivariate bought a small china, after coming home, studied a long time, also did not do stature Chou Yinmao. Look to the friend, someone says the thing is doubtful, then I put it aside, accurate for future reference reads data reentry to study all right.

Passed a few days, that person hits a phone to say, that china is a first-rate thing, must not send a person, well and enjoin me designedly, if where day did not like to this thing, he adds valence to call in. Heard his word, I think this person is worth association.

After a few days, I went to his home buying sword of a bronze again, modelling is period of the Warring States, engrave completely on handle have grain act the role ofing, and two are contained on sword body inscriptive.

Sword in one's hand the following day, he hits a phone to say, a thing wants to discuss with me, a few days ago a Peking Man takes a fancy to this sword, but he did not make known his position clearly at that time, this person takes this sword today on a special trip from the capital, be informed a thing to had sold, peking Man asks I make over him. Between conversation, still let that " Peking Man " greeted with me in the phone a few. I tell that " Peking Man " , say oneself like this thing very much, I won't make over, ask him to forgive.

Passed a few days again, that person again with respect to the cession of this bronze sword problem and I talk things over, the offer that says a someone already tower above my purchase price 1000 yuan, ask I sell? I still did not agree. He sees I am determined not to sell, say that thing is true very precious, because contain grain,be acted the role of and inscriptive, appreciate those who come latent capacity is inestimable. I am very excited after listening, rejoice had a precious bronze sword.

But did not pass how long, make cleaning smelling a pungent flavour is given out in cupreous rust to cupreous sword in me, I ask a friend to come to my home, the true travel with respect to this thing " consultation " , taking doubt to examine, its flaw is much all the more.

After this, I ask look over of bronze ware expert again, the expert says this is a counterfeit decisively. Subsequently, my phone is informed sell the home, the opinion that says I decide to press him makes over this thing, he agrees very delighted. But ten days went, he is done not have why activity, call to ask again, he does not say shifty-eyedly however to give a the reason why.

Spent a few times again, I ask to return money by cost price, he also agreed all the same, hear stair to ring only nevertheless, do not see a person come down. Later, he also did not receive even the telephone call actually. Be informed later, that china that he sells me also is counterfeit.

Antique goes 9 big fraud! You perhaps meet unexpectedly passes, want discretion

9, the fishing that put a line

Legerdemain feature: Long-term interests of have sth in mind, successive slaughters a person

★ of ★ of ★ of power ★ ★

This action is to use the trick that copes with fixed client, requirement handlers must have the mentality that comparative quality and excellent " go angling " skill.

Technical requirement is, the line should be put so that wave, float, Piao, the fish should angle get firm, accurate, firm.

It is to stress the skill that put a line above all, putting long term premise, exquisite want to hang, bait should drift along with wind from beginning to end, along with heart floating in the air, let prey be being stared at first and last, accordingly; 2 want beautiful, having fall is pole, it is line or bait, the appearance wants beautiful and beautiful, enough attracts prey, let them forever covet 3 feet; 3 want dimly discernible, do one's best builds a tender country that is like a dream like unreal, let prey faint like that, do not know ground of the reason why to be partitioned by others at will for a long time. As to firm, accurate, firm, be " fishing " the technical element in the process: Process drill pole pays attention to the hook below; of lacking in initiative and overcautious to want have a definite object in view, abstain from target warm be ignorant of; Firm firm wants to receive pole after waiting for a fish to bite, none hesitant. Angle the ten million after the fish cannot light up with pleasure, should continue elongated line, aim at bigger fish.

Case: Have a person only " tiger "

This is the story of boss of mill of a Wei. A day 10 years ago, send a few antique to give traveling trader, he walked into an antique store for the first time, did not think of to begin from this day, he liked to go up to collect, and send irremediable. Merchant is an off-duty workers of many years old 30, for person artful, popularity extreme difference, monicker " tiger " , very few someone comes and go to it inside antique circle. Realize when him be about to angle after a big fish, begin solid fire long term angle the crafty plot of big fish.

At first, "Tiger " use the machine that contacts again and again with the boss, often engraft to him play Gu Ke in order to send the idea of big money, was him to purchase a few antique for many times in the time of a many month, have china, have calligraphy and painting, also all wool and a yard wide.

Specially of Wei mill boss asks the eye on the expert to differentiate true bogus, the opinion is very good, from this, he is right " tiger " degree of belief also grows day and day.

Later, be in " tiger " below the proposal, of the boss collect interest thicker and thicker, what is high-grade calligraphy and painting of china, top grade, even the trader week bronze ware that value does not poor, entered him collect eye shot.

Ever since in much time of half an year, "Tiger " the ground after the horse before saddle is being displayed affable, clean out for the boss change many good things, make money to prove antique is OK, "Tiger " also snatch a little leisure from a busy life sold a few for the boss, let a boss earn a bit silver, such, the strength of boss beautiful money is greater and greater also.

After a year, "Tiger " begin to show the long and sharp teeth that has a person. He continues to be a boss at the same time " palm eye " , at the same time collude other, through a two-man act, bury all sorts of methods such as thunder, let a boss eat entered a large number of counterfeit.

Meanwhile, he still is searched everywhere by plane with ground of boss all over the country again and again " treasure " , make very quickly get rich the boss that the heart cuts cost many yuan 100. But, be in " tiger " when preparation continues to put a line to fish, the boss discovers the thing is a little bad eventually, "Tiger " pipedream ended ahead of schedule.

Allegedly, in around in a year of many time, "Tiger " the gold of diddle boss has 500 thousand yuan at least, major by him prodigal dropped.

"Tiger " final result is more miserable. After fraud discloses, he is avoid a creditor east hide Tibet, still taste the pain that sufferred flesh for this. Finally, his antique store closed down, person also from Wei lane " evaporate "

A Tibet tastes the 5 big essential conditions of skill:

1. Tibet has been tasted; 2. Choose good market; 3. Choose good platform; 4. Buy the home to have actual strength; 5. Price is reasonable.

Antique goes 9 big fraud! You perhaps meet unexpectedly passes, want discretion

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