Girl of 20 years old of lukewarm cities is killed by evil by downwind car incident answer dish downw

On August 24 afternoon, zhao Mou of girl of city of happy Qing Dynasty of Zhejiang lukewarm city takes a drop to arrange the windmill to head for in rainbow bridge town always fine county, send in Xiang Pengyou " help " couplet is broken after message. On August 25, police seizes guilty suspect Zhong Mou in willow small towns, zhong Mou of this drop driver explained pair of Zhao Mou to carry out a rape, the guilty fact that kills its.

Zhao Mou's family and friend express, ever contacted a drop respect to ask for information of body of department machines and tools for many times after the accident, when 4 just get final feedback in one's childhood. As we have learned, accident before today also ever somebody complains this driver to drop drop platform, but was not handled immediately. To this, drop drop platform expresses to feel feel sorry, admit to have cannot the responsibility of shirk.

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Girl of 20 years old of lukewarm cities is killed by evil by downwind car incident answer dish downwind car business suspends Zhejiang of Piao drop drop

20 years old of girls of city of happy Qing Dynasty of Zhejiang lukewarm city of ▲ be murdered Zhao Mou. Data picture

The girl is sent " help " couplet is broken after information

On August 25, some relatives and friends of Zhao of be murdered girl introduces, zhao Mou graduates from major of preschool education of lukewarm state college, ever held the position of young division, just came home before long, "It is a person that has affinity particularly " .

Friend Xiaoli of Zhao Mou (alias) the process that arranged its happening. On August 24 13 when 30 minutes, zhao Mou expresses to already took downwind car. 14 when 29 minutes, zhao Mou is in small letter group in express to enter nobody a mountainous area and intercurrent come " be afraid of be afraid of " , "The hill way that this master opens, a car is done not have " information, afternoon 14 when 14 time-sharing are given out respectively " help " , " rescue " .

Xiaoli transmits location to Zhao Mou instantly and dial a telephone, but the mobile phone is in all the time close plane position, xiaoli immediately and another friends are young 4 (alias) get in touch. Small contact Zhao Mou more than 4 times not after fruit, at 24 days ever since ever 15 when 42 minutes, 16 when, 16 when 13 minutes, 16 when 28 minutes, 16 when 30 minutes, 16 when 36 minutes, 16 when 42 minutes of second connection drip, clarifying after the thing is passed, drop drop platform ever expressed " will have this matter of intervening processing of relevant and safe expert, can reply inside 1 hour " .

See a thing and do not have progress, small Li Yu 24 days 16 when police station of the or so pond on Yu Yongjia reports a case to the security authorities, the mobile phone that police carries Zhao some friend during and drop drop platform communicate a requirement to obtain information of body of department machines and tools (the) such as phone, plate, but without if really. Policeman of pond police station confirms on, there was a policeman to participate in processing to should have event inside police station yesterday.

Girl of 20 years old of lukewarm cities is killed by evil by downwind car incident answer dish downwind car business suspends Zhejiang of Piao drop drop

▲ Zhao some family member searchs person advertisement in what release on the net. Webpage cut pursues

Drop drop customer service ever replied the girl did not get on a car

Zhao Mou's mother was controlled for many times at 3 o'clock afternoon that day dial daughter telephone, all cannot put through. Told Zhao Mou's father the circumstance subsequently. Zhao Fu is recollected, controlled him to contact the daughter's classmate at 4 o'clock, call the police to apanage police station instantly after cicada is relevant circumstance.

Till 24 days 20 when, small the 4 informations that receive a drop company with the friend, say drop drop already offerred plate information to give police.

Participate in search, Liu Xiaoguang says the chief that rescuing Long Zhiye helps rescue aid group, he controlled those who received girl Zhao some family member to appeal at 5 o'clock afternoon in 24 days phone, join subsequently come to help. Introduce according to him, police attune takes information of road surface monitoring to discover the driver did not take groovy course, took hill route however, and stayed for a long time on hill. "This wants many to compare normal distance a hour, a hour that conjectural at that time possibility gives in this sky produced what thing on immanent hill. " subsequently, 32 people and police reach rescuing group together the person is sought on hill, day before dawn was searched for at 4 o'clock and did not have a result up to now at 7 o'clock from 24 days of evening, because receive heavy rain,stop to search for considering safe problem.

The suspect is brought to justice girl remains is found below cliff

On August 25, branch of happy clear public security releases a bulletin to announce case detect to handle a case: After carrying out a rape to Zhao Mou, driver Zhong Mou kills his.

Girl of 20 years old of lukewarm cities is killed by evil by downwind car incident answer dish downwind car business suspends Zhejiang of Piao drop drop

Public security bureau of city of ▲ Le Qing releases case case. Webpage cut pursues

The spot captures video presentation, one youth man is captured inside the house, the upper part of the body is bare. Liu Xiaoguang says, its are taken to point to after police arrested a man in the morning that day know accident place. But because be not native, road of satisfy the need is not familiar also, him man also marks the not clear and specific place that fling dead body at that time.

Girl of 20 years old of lukewarm cities is killed by evil by downwind car incident answer dish downwind car business suspends Zhejiang of Piao drop drop

The suspect of ▲ killing Zhao Mou points to identify the site. Data picture

The video presentation that rescue, the park on the road between hill is worn ambulance and many patron wagon, many policeman and rescuer are rescued in the spot. Liu Xiaoguang says, be in fall finally to allot the remains that shows the girl for 78 meters cliff in Dan Xishan area. The girl wear the jeans, double leg is bound by list, there is bloodstain in left hand and fingernail. The rescuer ties woman carcass carry on litter piece.

Girl of 20 years old of lukewarm cities is killed by evil by downwind car incident answer dish downwind car business suspends Zhejiang of Piao drop drop

▲ dies the remains of girl Zhao Mou is found. Data picture

According to Introduction Liu Xiaoguang, the black car that drives via understanding a driver is Sichuan license plate, after the accident department car heads for green cropland direction, after a pair of false plate changing after, drive again return. The driving licence picture of this driver shows, zhong Mou obtained C1 driver's license for the first time in December 2011, had had nearly 7 years at present drive age.

According to participating in rescuing Zhao Fu the friend says, zhao Mou grows beautifully, elder people also like very much. "We still have a meal together before half month, of girl natural and graceful, did not think of to be able to give this kind of thing really. " the girl the body carries when coming up, rain falls particularly greatly, in attendant popular feeling very sad also.

"Use drop drop makes a car, this is a daily travel pattern, who thinks of to be able to give this kind of thing. " Zhao Fu did not sleep all the time after giving a thing, after finding a daughter, because concern also dare have not told a wife this sad news of the death.


Experience case driver before today Ceng Yin complains by female passenger:

"He drives the car devious place "

The thing ferments in the network hind, netizen forest lady expresses to ever complained experience thing driver before today in the accident.

Ms. Lin says, ever contacted drop drop platform in 23 days, made the telephone call of 6 minutes of bells, emphasize letting platform seal the Zhang date of this driver, but produce such tragedy unexpectedly.

Ms. Lin network explodes makings, used a drop platform to call a suitable windmill to Weng Yang in road of rainbow bridge red apricot midday the day before yesterday, driver find an excuse says to want evening a few minutes to let her cancel order, small letter turns money, she also agreed. The driver after getting on a car says to want to accept another person, open more devious more all the way, the inquiry is informed many times arrive immediately. Ms. Lin asks to call to another person, the driver begins to fumble, car bend arrives on a remote region, there is a building almost around, she realizes the driver has a problem. "Let a driver jockey immediately, otherwise I jump car, he just was forced to stop. Stop instantly flameout should lock up the door, left a heart to opened door to run immediately at the same time in his flameout fortunately. Left a heart to opened door to run immediately at the same time in his flameout fortunately..

Unexpectedly car turns around will chase after her, there still is car course on the road very much, the driver dogs hundreds of rice hind allow the car on her again. "I say you follow me again I call the police, he just leaves. " explode makings person is after the news that sees Zhao Mou, systemic gooseflesh rose.

Die after the father of girl Zhao Mou is informed this matter, very sad. "If can be handled at that time, affirmation also won't produce this thing. This can be the life of a person. This can be the life of a person..

To this matter, drop drop company replies, in this car advocate commit the crime before today passenger of another downwind car complains his " ask the passenger sits to in front of for many times, open devious place, the driver after getting off continued to follow a paragraph of distance " , customer service acceptance replies two hours but did not accomplish, also not was aimed at this in time to be complained undertake investigating dealing with, whatever reason, drop drop company is had cannot the responsibility of shirk.

Girl of 20 years old of lukewarm cities is killed by evil by downwind car incident answer dish downwind car business suspends Zhejiang of Piao drop drop

Friend of lady of ▲ passenger forest encircles accuse suspect to ever was opposite its conspire against the law. Mobile phone cut pursues


Drop drop company admits " have cannot the responsibility of shirk "

Punishment case happens to press legal standard on platform 3 times compensation

Drop drop company sends statement 25 days to express, arrange be related of be murdered of windmill passenger Ms. Zhao to happy Qing Dynasty, feel extremely distress, such tragedy happens during downwind car is rectified and reform, feel self-condemned remorse with ashamed. As platform, disappoint everybody's accredit, have cannot the responsibility of shirk.

In what be informed this matter for a short while, drop drop interior established safe and special group, cooperate police closely to begin a case to investigate the work, offerred passenger and car advocate travel contrail, assist police 14 hours inside fast crack a criminal case.

Via checking, the setting before this examines Zhong Mou to did not discover criminal record, it is to use its real id card, driver's license and travel evidence information (the brand that contain a car) be registered in downwind car platform and pass examine and verify, the person face that adopted platform before accept the order identifies, but department of case hair plate is forged temporarily below Zhong Mou line.

To the family member " why don't have for a short while the car advocate information offers a family member " doubt, drop drop company shows, because platform can receive a large number of other to enquire passenger or car everyday advocate the customer service phone of individual information, the authenticity of portion of incoming telegram person cannot be checked inside short time, also cannot affirm whether him user is willing platform gives another person pertinent information. Cannot mix the passenger so car director why the individual information of one party gives police the person besides. After receiving phone of Ms. Zhao relative to feedback the proposal calls the police as soon as possible, submitted pertinent information in time after receiving police to move the demand of card lawfully.

Drop drop company can continue to cooperate police actively, do work of deal with problems arising from an accident of follow-up of good family member with all one's strength at the same time. Affirmatory, no matter whether jural platform has duty, and ought to assume how many responsibility, all criminal case that produces on prospective platform, drop drop will consult the standard of person harm compensation that law sets offers the compensation of 3 times.

Girl of 20 years old of lukewarm cities is killed by evil by downwind car incident answer dish downwind car business suspends Zhejiang of Piao drop drop

The apology that ▲ drop drop gives to arrange case of windmill passenger be murdered with respect to happy Qing Dynasty all right is harmonic bright. Small gain cut pursues


Zhejiang carry is in charge of: Suspend a drop Zhejiang area arranging windmill business

On August 25, 2018 afternoon, carriage management board of Zhejiang province road is urgent talk about chief of division of Zhejiang of drop drop platform about, in view of drop drop platform downwind car business exists great and safe hidden trouble, zhejiang province road carries management board to ask drop drop platform is rectified and reform instantly, its suspend be in Zhejiang during rectifying and reform the downwind car business of area.

Before this, response of drop drop respect says, department of case hair plate is forged temporarily below Zhong Mou line, case hair before today the driver is complained, but customer service did not achieve seasonable return, also not was aimed at this in time to be complained undertake investigating dealing with, whatever reason, platform is had cannot the responsibility of shirk.

Chase after visit

Lawyer: Platform should build lash-up management system

Beijing judge the Yu Chao's lawyer of office of lawyer group Shanghai thinks, net of this kind of incident makes an appointment with car driver to ought to bear main responsibility. But drop drop is in of emergencies answer a respect, still put those who go up in management to be short of break, can find out its civil liability.

Yu Chao expresses, of responsibility of drop drop platform differentiate to want to see platform whether undertake abecedarian identity examine and verify to the driver above all, the error that whether is put on management when answering emergency, want to look to whether cooperate police investigation after the accident next. "The passenger is in the process that take a car, person is feedbacked to drip by the driver's menace, drop drop did not generate an early-warning signal, reaction brings about a harm not in time to expand, drop drop is about to assume responsibility. " but specific assume scale to want to be limitted according to forensic cognizance.

Whether should drop platform be a passenger to dripping or the family member provides driver information, yu Chao thinks, before clear without police put on record, the driver's information also attributes individual private matters one wants to hide, platform ought to give protection. But the net makes an appointment with car platform to also should build lash-up management system to break out incident in order to answer. "Photograph of monitoring on car for instance picture, when the regulation carries passenger transport battalion must open. If encounter emergency, also ought to have mechanism of a linkage with police, pass information in time to police. Pass information in time to police..


After happy clear girl multiplies a drop be murdered, will downwind car move toward He Fang?

After Zhengzhou empty elder sister takes downwind car be murdered 100 days, zhejiang happy Qing Dynasty in a route that 20 years old of girls took a drop to arrange the windmill on August 24 again be murdered.

According to Le Qing police is reported, police is to be in 24 days afternoon 17 when receive Zhao Mou of be murdered girl's family member 35 minutes report a case to the security authorities, say Zhao Mou is in 14 when control Xiang Pengyou to send " help " couplet is broken after message.

On August 25 before dawn, police seized guilty suspect Zhong Mou inside one place guesthouse (male, 27 years old, Sichuan person) . Zhong Mou fastens the downwind car driver that be murdered girl takes that day. Police says in the bulletin, classics is preliminary investigate, zhong Mou of this drop driver explained pair of Zhao Mou to carry out a rape, the guilty fact that kills its. Current, victim body already was found, the case is being investigated further in.

What differ with the incident of downwind car be murdered before this is, be murdered girl ever was in the accident is forward the good friend issues signal of clear ask for help, "Help " , " rescue " . And guilty suspect ever was complained before this by another woman passenger, drop drop admitted the act of against the law of intent of this driver existence in the response that after the event issues, but deal with without seasonable follow-up.

A variety of evidence are in make clear, this is the crime that can prevent beforehand together originally. The multinomial suitable windmill that drop drop undertakes since this year May rectifies and reform measure to appear to fail to have corresponding effect in incident of be murdered of happy clear girl.

In addition, drop drop is in deal with the nonfeasance when the user is complained suffers an user to oppugn likewise. On gregarious media, netizens ask in intense geology, there is seasonable follow-up when receiving those who be aimed at this driver the first case to complain to where, if be handled in time, the girl may spare accident.

Drop drop expresses in the response " extremely self-condemned " , "Whatever reason, we are had cannot the responsibility of shirk. We are had cannot the responsibility of shirk..

This incident also caused the masses to " share economy " think again. Internet is OK and online on sweep across everything, but in specific the generation that leaves setting to the line is fashionable often cannot be opposite however person, content has effective, strict government, no matter be to arrange the windmill to still share bicycle, revealed the flaw that business itself exists after high speed develops.

Girl of 20 years old of lukewarm cities is killed by evil by downwind car incident answer dish downwind car business suspends Zhejiang of Piao drop drop

Complain a mechanism to suffer doubt

In the light of this the focus of incident discussion depended on a drop whether using up the responsibility of platform.

After case hair, ms. Lin is accepting passenger of a woman of happy quiet place when media is interviewed, express, on August 23 afternoon, when she takes the car of guilty suspect Zhong Mou, guilty suspect takes his against the law of obscure part intent, but this passenger escapes successfully. Subsequently she complains this matter a drop platform, but did not get relevant feedback and processing result up to case hair.

Drop drop confirmed this one view in the response, "In this car advocate commit the crime before today, passenger of another suitable windmill complains his for many times to ask the passenger sits to in front of, open devious place, the driver after getting off continued to follow a paragraph of distance " .

But drop drop did not give enough attention. Drop drop says customer service acceptance replies inside two hours but did not accomplish, also did not complain in the light of this undertake investigating handling, "Whatever reason, we are had cannot the responsibility of shirk " .

Ms. Lin feels self-condemned after seeing news, she expresses to media: "Deep and self-condemned in, if do not go cringingly,call the police at that time, this girl can do not have a thing. This girl can do not have a thing..

And in incident of be murdered of empty elder sister of the Zhengzhou before this, before suspect on record is sent, crime is complained likewise by the passenger. Drop drop says in the response at that time, before suspect on record is sent, verbal sex is annoyed since Ceng Youyi complain a record, customer service communicates 5 times do not contact on suspect, because sentence duty regulation is unreasonable, sequel did not do appropriate processing to complaining.

Many good friend of be murdered girl thinks, drop drop has unpremeditated crime of the existence in incident in this, incur loss through delay rescuing optimal time. Good friend of girl of a be murdered issues the communication record with drop drop customer service in small gain, after saying the family member is calling the police, police asks the family member provides the plate information of a drop driver, but drop drop in order to protect a car advocate reject to offer for individual privacy.

Drop drop makes an explanation to this matter in the response afternoon, because platform is met everyday,say to receive a large number of other to enquire passenger or car advocate the customer service phone of individual information, and the authenticity that platform just cannot check portion of incoming telegram person inside short time, also cannot affirm whether him user is willing platform gives another person pertinent information. Cannot mix the passenger so car director why the individual information of one party gives police the person besides, hope to be able to score the community forgive. Expressed platform to submit pertinent information in time after receiving police to move the demand of card lawfully.

Later, mr Ma undertook complaining to drop drop customer service, drop drop respect expresses to will be opposite after check the driver undertakes condemnatory, but do not wish to announce condemnatory result to Mr Ma all the time, just express " had punished, complain meeting influence car advocate accept the order " .

Mr Ma says, in had communicated Cheng drop drop customer service exists for many times to relapse, after asking drop drop punishs a result publicly, customer service says to need to undertake checking to complaining again.

Drop of drop of Mr Ma proposal should make public pair of cars in time on platform advocate condemnatory information, such ability avoid the problem that an user complains. But drop drop protects a car with wanting likewise advocate for privacy, reject to make public.

After the communication that is as long as two weeks in the course, drop drop customer service expresses finally, will consider the proposal of Mr Ma seriously, undertake rectifying and reform again next.

Zhengzhou sky rectifies and reform measure to did not get effective after elder sister be murdered

This year May, an empty elder sister takes the be murdered after a downwind car in Zhengzhou aviation port area, woman passenger safety begins to be paid close attention to extensively by the public. After this, drop drop announces to undertake rectifying and reform to downwind car business, in get offline relevant business one week later, drop drop reveals the probability the label of user privacy and comment function to get offline, time-out came at 22 o'clock before dawn the nightly order 6 o'clock, roll out person face to identify a mechanism, car advocate need to identify through person face before each sheet accepts the order.

Drop of after this drop rolls out multinomial safety precaution in succession again, include to go up line new edition is urgent appeal function, get on line person car to not agree with evaluation mechanism, downwind car is offerred " convoy mode " (passenger open after this mode can share orbit automatically to give urgent contact, platform pays close attention to journey contrail in real time and be in unusual when intervene) etc.

But the effect that relevant measure did not have to should be used up it seems that. In incident of be murdered of happy clear girl, even if girl had been given out before the accident explicitly signal of ask for help, still fail to prevent the happening of guilty incident.

Gao Heguang of driver of a suitable windmill of Beijing (alias) say, if some person itself with respect to have ulterior motives, the safe mechanism of drop drop is differ the safety that will surely assure an user completely, face of even if VIP identifies, still flaw can be gotten. For instance, can identify in driver person face after test and verify is passed, change a person to continue to drive immediately.

Gao Heguang says, after incident of be murdered of Zhengzhou empty elder sister happens, drop drop person arranges windmill car to was restricted advocate receive odd amount dailily, "Just began one day to be able to receive 4 sheet only, one day receives 8 sheet at most now. With everyday the quantitative computation of 8 sheet, gao Heguang states one of day income are probably " 100 multivariate " , " earn money far from " .

Drop drop expresses in the response, the setting before this examines Zhong Mou to did not discover criminal record, it is to use its real id card, driver's license and travel evidence information (the brand that contain a car) be registered in downwind car platform and pass examine and verify, the person face that adopted platform before accept the order identifies, but the plate department when case hair is forged temporarily below Zhong Mou line.

"All criminal case that produces on prospective platform, drop drop will consult standard of compensation of harm of legal provision person offers the compensation of 3 times. " drop drop is affirmatory finally path.

Does downwind car move toward He Fang?

More analysises think, this shares downwind car burgeoningly to exist on security by car mode the flaw that cannot remedy, its have even if particular social value significance, but the security side that takes both sides considering department, no matter be platform,square or is governmental respect cannot give out effective assurance.

Contain inherently as " commonweal " of attribute share economic product, once roll out,downwind car is in get the encouragement of relevant policy. Initial stage develops in drop drop, express business wanders in gray region all the time, and downwind car got quickly handing in those who run a department to approbate. Will look from stricter definition, downwind car just is most accord with the product that shares economic mode.

Be in early 2014 Beijing traffic appoint encourage downwind car with respect to dispatch, spell the behavior such as the car, think its are to alleviate traffic is embraced, reduce what motor vehicle discharges pair of air pollution to settle one of way.

Second year, traffic Department of Transportation also issues policy, put forward clearly downwind car and concept spelling a car, encourage the run of illicit home car with downwind car form carry sexual behavior. Be in annual spring carry period, this spells downwind car car mode can get more more or less encourage.

But make an appointment with the battalion such as the car to carry car differs with taxi, net, the private property of downwind car increased the difficulty that superintends to its on certain level. Accuse to go up in car and personnel canal, no matter be platform or the branch that make a valve cannot have unified, effective government.

Drop drop serves as platform, can try to restrain to the driver in software level only, but the setting below the line that produces possibly in all sorts of circumstances, the tie of software level has been proved that he cannot produce established result for many times.

When even if is called to guilty suspect Zhong Mou in drop of drop of after the event, zhong Mou pretends the passenger did not get on a car, drop drop also cannot undertake checking for a short while. Drop drop rectifies and reform measure in what nearly 3 the middle of a month undertake, the fact proves the flaw that still has systematization exists.

Of course, in accident of two when happen this year suitable windmills, drop drop complains a respect to be put in error apparently in processing user as platform. In the inquiry that faces user family member, did not remove enough attention to the emergency of likelihood happening, it is to use official speech to undertake blindly merely " prevaricate " . In addition, the check that good friend of be murdered girl offers says in the graph, police requirement be murdered person the family member provides plate information, such practice makes a person indissoluble likewise.

Search China to achieve a guest to call a drop aspect after the accident, enquire drop of after this drop is aimed at those who arrange windmill business to rectify and reform measure, personnel of drop drop public relations expresses to will undertake announcing in after this.

Afternoon, carriage management board of Zhejiang province road is urgent talk about chief of division of Zhejiang of drop drop platform about, express to arrange windmill business to exist in view of drop drop platform great and safe hidden trouble, ask drop drop platform is rectified and reform instantly, its suspend be in Zhejiang during rectifying and reform the downwind car business of area.

In recent years, civilian constellation, net restricts a car, share charge treasure a series of sharing economic child is in of capital aid push next come greeting to develop at full speed, but relevant crime incident happens from time to tome however. Anyhow, need to ponder over the influence that shares economy to be brought to whole society afresh.

Li Sen grandson amounts to trainee of city of Chen Wei of star of Xue of Kang Jia of reporter of new capital newspaper

Edit beautiful of Zhang Tailing the Kingdom of Wei to proofread Liu Aiying

Greeting friend circle is shared

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