Frequently who is soddener: Fabaceous valve grading is low 4 when come 2 minutes homebred animation,

Here says the homebred animation of a few hot eyes, borrowed calculated, copy still so manufacture in a rough way is very awkward...

1, " big mouth toot toots " (2007)

Below the personal experience of a lot of netizen and parent, discovery " big mouth toot toots " and " crayon is small new " set in gut, person, setting is changeless. See this, before you can discover this is old " crayon is small new " low match edition borrowed!

Frequently who is soddener: Fabaceous valve grading is low 4 when come 2 minutes homebred animation, copy copy so soddenly!

There is a parent speech on the net: "Ask this toot toot when the child why He Xiaoxin when an appearance, I do not know how to reply. " although do not support,pressure is removed from TV later, but the effect that cause is not too good.

Frequently who is soddener: Fabaceous valve grading is low 4 when come 2 minutes homebred animation, copy copy so soddenly!

2, " Lei Feng's story " (2010)Frequently who is soddener: Fabaceous valve grading is low 4 when come 2 minutes homebred animation, copy copy so soddenly!

This invests 21 million yuan (2010 21 million) thematic education piece, manufacture to just be moved for Shenyang age free, oneself go asking degree of woman to know.

Frequently who is soddener: Fabaceous valve grading is low 4 when come 2 minutes homebred animation, copy copy so soddenly!

International evaluation:

Current, foreign media stated to this height pays close attention to, also have relevant story at the same time.

2011, " new York Times " the caricature career that the comment points out China is passed " Lei Feng's story " the story shows a swift and violent development tendency one piece, those who realized pair of Japan caricature span type develops; Be used to China to develop pattern increasingly in people today, of caricature career this kind spans type develops also not beyond the expect of people.

And in reporter law the gram asks Japan famous cartoonist to Gao Qiao leaves the United States child right " Lei Feng's story " when the evaluation, what this caricature Great Master often also reveals pair of Chinese caricature careers to develop speed and pattern is open-eyed with envy.

The team signs up for even royal Madrid " A Si signs up for " report: Go back media admits to want to let the player in the team people great in this great " Lei Feng's story " come the skill that kickball faces in derive.

But, the photograph is masterly to Japan the work of 2 dimension animation of practised, should make behavioral language collocation be shown slightly curt, move free enterprise with respect to what at present China is rising abruptly nevertheless and character, had been quite not easy.

3, " Gao Tiexia " (2012)Frequently who is soddener: Fabaceous valve grading is low 4 when come 2 minutes homebred animation, copy copy so soddenly!

This picture wind and gut and we look in one's childhood 1997 broadcasted day is overflowed " a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct of iron bravery train " basic be identical, do those who laugh is, the map that connects Japan even was illuminating a picture to go up.

Frequently who is soddener: Fabaceous valve grading is low 4 when come 2 minutes homebred animation, copy copy so soddenly!

4, " car person general mobilization " (2015)

The placard that sees this movie at the beginning I think really is " car general mobilization " , in those days the film cries " cycle racing general mobilization " . Actually " car person general mobilization " dot of first in season should be con, just be to borrowed next.

Frequently who is soddener: Fabaceous valve grading is low 4 when come 2 minutes homebred animation, copy copy so soddenly!

Title and general mobilization of car of car model mountain fastness, placard is con, obscure intentionally still with tire " person " word, the friend of a lot of unidentified truths thinks is car general mobilization was taking the child to enter a theater so.

Frequently who is soddener: Fabaceous valve grading is low 4 when come 2 minutes homebred animation, copy copy so soddenly!

The circumstance of bear the palm of car person general mobilization:

A list of names posted up of year of film of valve of the 2nd beans is odd: Xin of film of valve of the 6th beans resembles the Chinese movie of grading lowest award: Residue from bean after making soya-bean milk is unit -- most broken bits film (Chinese) (nomination) Xin of film of valve of the 6th beans resembles award: Residue from bean after making soya-bean milk is unit -- most broken bits is directed (Chinese) (nomination) Zhuo Jianrong

See these, I want to say: ? I never had seen so bold-faced person, the watch says duplicate, borrowed namely.

We hope these films are all-time, also be never to be seen again.

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