3 branches release promotive measure, inform against this kind of crime top award 300 thousand yuan

3 branches release promotive measure, inform against this kind of crime top award 300 thousand yuan

The country bans poisonous council office, the Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of finance to combined print and distribute recently " drugs violates crime to inform against promotive method " (the following abbreviation " method " ) , the requirement is saved each (municipality, municipality directly under the Central Government) reach Xinjiang to produce construction large unit to ban poison to do, Public Security Department (bureau) , finance hall (bureau) comply with is carried out.

" method " in all 18, to informing against a person, inform against accept an orgnaization to wait undertook limitting, inform against source of standard of promotive condition, award, financing, terms of payment, confidential requirement, need clearly to chase after duty case, normative still inform against award to deal with what program, capital extends to supervise wait with the examination.

3 branches release promotive measure, inform against this kind of crime top award 300 thousand yuan

Inform against what to accept an orgnaization to have?

" method " clear, mechanism of office of the various council that prohibit toxin, public security ought to be appointed, announce inform against accept a telephone call other perhaps accept way. Inform against drugs to violate guilty clew to the Ministry of Public Security directly, by the Ministry of Public Security the bureau that prohibit toxin is served as appoint accept an orgnaization. After the Ministry of Public Security, country bans poisonous council office to accept manage to inform against drugs to violate guilty clew continuously, ought to fill in seriously " inform against drugs to violate guilty case registration form " , area, branch is checked related seasonable pass on. Mechanism of various public security ought to according to apanage administer the principle investigates processing in time to informing against clew.

What is informing against promotive standard?

" method " regulation, inform against drugs to violate crime, give one-time award.

To informing against drugs crime activity or clew, inform against the factory that make toxin, inform against the other clew making toxin such as the article that make toxin, equipment that make toxin to uncover the case that make toxin, inform against suspect of crime of great experience poison, inform against gather a crowd suck drugs personnel, motor vehicle drives after informing against drugs of suck, inject, inform against cultivating the case such as opium poppy or marijuana illegally, make poisonous chemical amount drugs, easily with capture, seize guilty suspicion number, hunt down number of drug taking personnel to wait for the basis, give 300 yuan to come 200 thousand yuan of not less than award that differ.

Inform against a person or what its offer in informing against information to do in detect of case of particularly great narcotics, produce main effect or make special contribution, can reward 300 thousand yuan.

Inform against a person at the same time to mechanism of two above public security or office of the council that prohibit toxin, have money reward by the public security mechanism that uncovers a case directly, do not repeat award. In addition, each district can consult " method " the level that raise, according to our region actual condition gives adjust.

3 branches release promotive measure, inform against this kind of crime top award 300 thousand yuan

Where to inform against promotive fund to come from?

" method " regulation, award informs against capital to execute classification responsible, classification the principle of safeguard, bring into budget of office of various public security, manage as a whole. Ban poisonous council office to inform against to the Ministry of Public Security or country directly and the major case handhold that does by scout of lead of the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Public Security assumes promotive funds, be in charge of examining and approve and extend; The Ministry of Public Security turns approve each province (municipality, municipality directly under the Central Government) the case handhold that detect of put on record does and the case clew that each district accepts by oneself cash promotive fund is in charge of by mechanism of the public security that be the same as class. By the Ministry of Public Security or country office of the council that prohibit toxin is cashed directly award informs against, according to " country of the Ministry of Public Security bans drugs of poisonous council office to violate crime to inform against award to deal with a program to set " deal with.

Inform against a person to should be in charge of to informing against behavior

" method " clear, after informing against clew to investigate case of broken drugs crime according to masses, mechanism of various public security ought to inform against a person to receive award in the announcement inside 15 weekday. Inform against a person to receive award oneself inside 2 months since the announcement, ought to by oneself effective identity document is gotten. Inform against a person to get bonus inconvenience or inconvenient directly, can entrust other generation to get. Office of the mechanism of various public security, council that prohibit toxin should be built inform against confidential system. Agree without informing against a person, must not inform against person information data with any forms are made public or be being divulged.

Inform against a person to ought to be in charge of to informing against behavior. Other of bring a false charge against sb of intended to lending the name that inform against concoctive fact, circumvent perhaps gets illegal benefit, investigate legal duty lawfully.

It is reported, each district bans mechanism of poisonous council office, public security to will be appointed, announce inform against accept a telephone call other perhaps accept way, 24 hours accept drugs to violate crime to inform against clew.

3 branches release promotive measure, inform against this kind of crime top award 300 thousand yuan
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