Final of group of winner of team of China of project of Asia Game AOV defeats Vietnam team! Final of

Beijing time on August 26 at 19 o'clock, performance of sports of Asia Game electron surpasses AOV (edition of international of Wang Zherong boast) final of project winner group ends, chinese delegation 2:1Beat the final with Vietnam team final push forward continuously, contend for final champion!

Final of group of winner of team of China of project of Asia Game AOV defeats Vietnam team! Final of successful push forward!

The first bureau:

The Ban of Chinese team is: Assist Neal (Liu Bang) , Ai Rui (east emperor too one) , quark (Zhong Kui)

The Ban of Vietnam team is: Hideous (old master) , preterhuman (Guan Yu) , beautiful jade the base of a fruit (into Jisaihan)

The Pick of Chinese team is: Fan En (Di Renjie) , Jin (Sun Shangxiang) , in love (Gong Benwu hides) , Lang Bo (bovine demon) , Ka Li (Ying Zheng)

The Pick of Vietnam team is: Chagenaer (Zhuang Zhou) , carry rice (too second true person) , Kelixi (Xiaoqiao) , Nakeluosi (Han Xin) , department

Open bureau both sides to choose peace to leave bureau, did not erupt the round battle of one class. Subsequently bone dragon is taken by Vietnam team, next roads erupt miniature round battle, vietnam team 0 change 2 take early days advantage, begin to inbreak the red wild area of Chinese team, next the fluctuation of Chinese team two one tower is taken off. Be in after 5 minutes in in a round battle of the road, chinese team seizes an opportunity, on the offensive flies a group, but however by Vietnam team carry rice to revive entirely, the result is hit instead, economic difference pulled open 4K.

It is subsequently in a round battle of start off, the Jin of Chinese team is attacked to kill by on the offensive, but because Vietnam team stands bad, be attacked to kill two people as before, economy gradually even up.

After team of 10 minutes of China takes off demon dragon, in in road on the offensive flies a group, use the character of two archer in the battle array, use up the enemy ceaselessly, with be being changed 2 pullback economy slowly. Subsequently Chinese team gather is attacked triumphant scatter, take triumphant after the Buff that scatter, use Vietnam line double auxiliary, output insufficient characteristic, economy proper bring to the same level, the match enters great later period, bilateral economy and defence tower keep balance.

Be caught by Vietnam team in the love of the start off when 17 minutes opportunity, on the offensive flies a group, but Chinese team teammate is assisted seasonable, gank is abortive, chinese team begins to attack the upland of Vietnam team, when attacking Vietnam team upland, back row stands too close together, be accused by 2 skill of Kelixi, depletion of numbers 3 people, subsequently Vietnam team begins to undertake turning over hitting, but not the upland of breach China team. In loot triumphant in the battle royal that scatter, triumphant scatter be attacked successfully to kill by Chinese team, had triumphant after scattering Buff, chinese team imposing manner is like rainbow, cooperate the upland in arms line strong before last, after waiting for arms line to arrive, direct forced releasing is crystal, with one action takes next competitions.

Final of group of winner of team of China of project of Asia Game AOV defeats Vietnam team! Final of successful push forward!

The 2nd bureau:

The Ban of Chinese team is: Hideous (old master) , Ai Rui (east emperor too one) , assist Neal (Liu Bang)

The Ban of Vietnam team is: Fan En (Di Renjie) , Chagenaer (Zhuang Zhou) , preterhuman (Guan Yu)

The Pick of Chinese team is: Kelixi (Xiaoqiao) , Sikede (amount to rub) , the United States is graceful (Bai Qi) , beautiful jade the base of a fruit (become Jisaihan) , Aduen (Xia Hou

The Pick of Vietnam team is: Maluosi (Lv Bu) , pull at present (do not know igneous dance) , quark (Zhong Kui) , in love (Gong Benwu hides) , Shilanci

Open eye shot of explore of each other of bureau both sides, peace leaves bureau, in a round war that leaving a way subsequently, the quark success of Vietnam team ticks off the Sikede of Chinese team the tower to fall, take below one blood. In small dragon round battle of 3 minutes, si Kede takes an error, by the position that quark draws danger, immediately by forcibly on the offensive flies a group, after Xiaolong is taken by the success, vietnam team face about is hit instead, with one 0 change the 4 big advantages that take earlier stage.

When refresh of 6 minutes of the 2nd small dragon, next roads erupt the 2nd round battle, but because economic difference is too big, vietnam team with 0 change 2 enlarge the advantage further, but the defence tower of Chinese team was not defeated, instead shatter the start off of Vietnam team one tower.

7 minutes when Chinese team seizes an opportunity, the error that pulls at present will be captured while arms line has been taken, economy difference is turned gradually time.

When 13 minutes in the road erupts large-scale round battle, quark and Maluosi's perfect control cooperates with 2 change 5 groups to destroy Chinese team, the time that uses Chinese team to revive is wrong, inbreak the wild area of Chinese team pushs a tower, of Chinese team outside the tower is accused entirely broken.

The quark on the offensive of team of the Vietnam when 17 minutes flies a group, but did not receive in love on skill, round battle is in 4 dozens 5, chinese team with 2 change 4, economy slowly even up. Subsequently brushwood of quark carelessness explore, be ambuscaded to succeed by Chinese team, instantaneous second is killed, condition slowly changeover, but appear in the round battle in area of Vietnam team Gong Ye be out of line, the opportunity that be captured is hit instead.

Team of the Vietnam when 21 minutes wants not to have crystal of arms line forced releasing, right now of Chinese team so team member just revives, defended crystal, at the same time Vietnam group depletion of numbers 2 people, bilateral at a stand.

The road in 26 minutes erupts finally last round battle, the quark of Vietnam team notes divine check mark, of team of instantaneous general China blast model throw into confusion, chinese group depletion of numbers 3 people. Defending finally in battle, the another hook that remember an expression ticks off quark Sino-US graceful, the force that Chinese team defends with notting have, crystal cup with one action is accused broken.

Final of group of winner of team of China of project of Asia Game AOV defeats Vietnam team! Final of successful push forward!

The 3rd bureau:

The Ban of Chinese team is: Quark (Zhong Kui) , Ai Rui (east emperor too one) , assist Neal (Liu Bang)

The Ban of Vietnam team is: Fan En (Di Renjie) , hideous (old master) , preterhuman (Guan Yu)

The Pick of Chinese team is: Maluosi (Lv Bu) , lightning a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct, Lang Bo (bovine demon) , beautiful jade the base of a fruit (into Jisaihan) , in love (Gong Benwu hides)

The Pick of Vietnam team is: Chagenaer (Zhuang Zhou) , Si Kede (amount to rub) , Jin (Sun Shangxiang) , pull at present (do not know igneous dance) , Aduen (

Open peace of bureau both sides bureau, inbreak without the choice and change Buff, subsequently start off erupts miniature round battle, bilateral bad news comes incomplete blood, did not erupt poll. Refresh of two minutes of small dragon, vietnam group leaves dragon, but however by the Maluosi of Chinese team a big move is grabbed, chinese group is whole a 4 class, begin to be hit instead, take one blood, early days takes an advantage.

In a round war that leaving a way subsequently, lightning a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct walks along an error to be caught, bring about next roads one tower by forced releasing, the early days advantage of Chinese team is pullbacked gradually. When 9 minutes, start off erupts round battle, the Chagenaer of Vietnam team is reached by bad news incomplete blood, start off one tower is taken successfully by Chinese team. Subsequently Xiaolong accuses in the palm of Chinese team in, chinese team takes an advantage again.

After it is good arms line operation that team of the China when 10 minutes is in, taking the advantage of Vietnam team to answer during preventing, take triumphant scatter (dark black oppressor) , begin the defence tower of suppress Vietnam team subsequently. Be in in in a round battle of the road, after Vietnam team is circled by lightning a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct accuse by force, add Chinese line triumphant scatter Buff, group of with one action destroys adversary, push by force in start off directly, take next competitions.

Final of group of winner of team of China of project of Asia Game AOV defeats Vietnam team! Final of successful push forward!

Chinese team and Vietnam team are in these 3 matches, have will have time, arrive from the miniature round battle of early days arms line operation, to the ancient biology contention of later period, fight hard 3 bureaus let us look dripping wet of merry and lively, chinese team also took the entrance ticket that leads to total final directly, let us thank the wonderful show that both sides brings to us! Also expect Chinese team can carry off a gold of project of contest of Asia Game report!

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