How many money are 9 silver?

Knight-errant drama is to be being accompanied 80 hind, 90 hind grown, " celestial being sword " " day of water month hole " " new Xiao Shiyi man " these familiar to the ear can the drama name of detailed, what will surely cause everybody is resonant, in one's childhood most a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct that of envy is be apt to of evil raise of those wander from place to place and earn a living by juggling, punish people, they often are in hotel, wine shop big fast a cheek, draw out a silver to pay cumshaw after that. Feel only at that time a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct people forthright and extraordinary, look now however bellyful is interrogative. Poor of much one's previous experience of a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct and without livelihood, how to move ostentatious at every turn of a few lose outside? So the issue came, how many money are 9 silver of ancient time worth after all?

There is the magnitude of value that mentions a money in economics principle, silver serves as general equivalent in ancient time namely money, it " costly " depended on how many of the turnover of the silver on the market, silver turnover is more it nots worth more money, jump over conversely costly. Archaic bullion shorts, silver-colored mine disentombs degree low, silver treatment coin also is having not small loss, because this silver is in ancient time is very valuable. Amount of circulation of the commodity on different dynasty market, money is different, conversion of every two silver becomes the rate of the RMB to also differ somewhat.

How many money are 9 silver? A few dynasty of the outbalance on Chinese history are listed below, in order to states silver conversion becomes the measure of the RMB.

Only then the confused of the Warring States of imperial end age sets up a separatist regime by force of arms in disorder, row " half money " , at that time population increase sharply, golden silver hair digs a quantity little, what connect in Qin Chaoliu then is cupreous coin.

Have before with Shi Weijian with civilian the Li Shimin that is water, there are the Wu Zetian of yuan of flourishing age and Li Longji after, tang Chao makes a name at that time world each country, dispatch the Tang Dynasty makes in an endless stream, the country carries prosperous, species is abundant, people lives and work in peace and contentment, but the economic shift that because weigh farming curb business,even if is the Tang Chao that such developing, goods economy got restrain, what the money uses as the agency of flow of goods is not much, the government uses at that time remain cupreous coin, bullion is used at the noble merely between big trade, silver-colored price is commanding all the time. Have scholastic analysis, watch in chastity year 9 silver approximate left and right sides of 6000 yuan of RMBs, that is to say the white-collars of 559 reach monthly pay Tang Chao's monthly pay is mere 9, come down one year also 12 2, so the silver that appears into box in drama of movie and TV but true awkward, this also is the consequence of knowledge of playwrite lack history.

How many money are 9 silver? Arrived eventually the Song Chao that economy developeds, the development of economy of profit from goods, songchao is extensive and current bullion monetization, the Sichuan area at that time still invented the first kind soft -- hand in child, be it only approbate degree, current degree low what use as bullion is general. The phase after going to what economy grows, bullion cannot satisfy a money to use an amount, cupreous coin, iron coin is appropriative also and general equivalent, each state seat of government go each its, monetary system disorder can'ts bear, silver appraise value of Song Chao is very so difficult, according to estimation of a few historical data, the Song Dynasty is approximated toward 9 silver 1400 multivariate RMB, so will let me remember forereach however " hero ejaculation vulture is passed " , foolish boy Guo Jing Chu sees Huang Rong was placed a, was slaughtered 9897 money 4 minutes, conversion becomes a RMB fully nearly 20 thousand yuan, guo Jing still is a person really foolish money is much, what the set of youth of promising of this as poor as him boy differs is a bit far, look when Jin Yong's Great Master also has a horse to break forepaw ah!

It is bright Qing Dynasty next two generation. Silver is the legal and current general equivalent of Ming Dynasty. Be opposite from silver in the purchasing power of rice can indirect cipher out the value of 9 silver. " bright history. Eat money 2 " in have talk: "Then the Ministry of Revenue in feudal China decides: Bank note one ingot, fold Mi Yishi " , and bright Dai Yishi is approximated show 94 kilograms of nowadays, again conversion now the common feline tooth rice in the supermarket, close two-spot a jin the sort of, reach the result is bright generation 9 silver approximate 660 yuan of RMBs.

How many money are 9 silver? Qing Chaoshe will be complex, the purchasing power of silver is delimited by Kang Qiancheng world departure comes, qingchao has monetization of silver, silver dollar, the value of silver sees par value, 2 see quality, in big powers turnover of the silver when entering China nots worth consequently more money, quiet day by a large number of silver outflow after door of prize found a state, economy is destitute what silver changes again is costly. Li Baojia is in " Na Ting takes notes " in account: Emperor of mother of an emperor everyday board expense gets ten thousand and two silver at least, can be imagined, this is a how huge number. Chinese silver just exited current domain after national government announced to abandon two change the designation of an imperial reign 1932, such calculating, silver is holding quite significant position on the current history of our country, also used more than 1000 years continuously.

Work builds outstanding theatrical work to go up in the knowledge with broad and profound playwrite, alleged conscience drama is not to point to investment square how with great quantity, actor how big shop sign, specially good effect how flowery high-tech, point to the degree in however, experience the ablution of time, what imprint in people head finally often is perceptual element, this enough shows the value of gut rationality, open-armed hope China can have more outstanding and provide savoured dramatist alone, can change Chinese teleplay market to be full of treasures so garrulous is defeated outside its among them sodden piece.

Most propbably everybody was given to astonish by this 9 silver euqally with me, if I pass through ancient time, with the meager bank savings in bag, also can be with the day only by it is a bed with the ground, drink the northweat wind-have nothing to eat of the whole day lived!

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