So much of tall salt issue! The world defends an organization to instruct you 3 court, salt does not

Nowhere is not in salt, conceal in you to like stuff of eating meal, sauce, even in biscuit. In the food that many salt slips into the dish of the daily life of a family, cooked food that pack and you, became cardiovascular disease to send ill main factor.

Day all the health that more than 6 grams can give saline intake you brings a risk. Be in China, average per capita is daily double saline intake is 6 grams almost.

"I am young still, need not worry about blood pressure. " mistake!

So much of tall salt issue! The world defends an organization to instruct you 3 court, salt does not cross 6g very simple

Eat too much salt to be able to let any ages paragraph person blood pressure is elevatory. Children period salt is overmuch, bring about blood pressure easily to lift, had been used to salty taste, also increased the risk of disease of heart and vessels of grown future trouble. China has 270 million adult to have high blood pressure, and this can prevent. Begin to notice saline intake is very important from children period.

"Add bit of salt less? So taste is not quite good. " mistake!

So much of tall salt issue! The world defends an organization to instruct you 3 court, salt does not cross 6g very simple

Consider to make clear, although reduce the of 25% amount containing salt in food, you also won't be aware of somewhat. "Oh, taste bud, why do you cheat me? " the taste bud that trains you. As saline intake decrease, the food taste that taste bud can become less to salt is more sensitive. It is after 9 months, you will enjoy the food that reduce salt more possibly!

"Salt does not pass 6 " , how should do?

1, when cooking put salt less: The evening that add salt is earlier than adding salt good

So much of tall salt issue! The world defends an organization to instruct you 3 court, salt does not cross 6g very simple

"Salt does not pass 6 " begin from the kitchen, be in our country, add salt through be in the home to cook and the natrium of more than 80% is absorbed. Adding salt late is better than adding salt early, add when meal gives boiler a few salt, is not salt is added in cooking process, let salt be absorbed, can put salt less thereby and do not reduce saline taste.

2, outer low salt requirement raises when having a meal

So much of tall salt issue! The world defends an organization to instruct you 3 court, salt does not cross 6g very simple

If your choice is outer,sell, requirement meal low salt. In our country prandial the medium salt of 80% comes from the salt that adds in domestic cooking process. But, this changes according to happening possibly also, as the change that food is used to, more and more natrium are to pass pack or treatment food, or have a meal in cafeteria and absorb.

3, read food label!

So much of tall salt issue! The world defends an organization to instruct you 3 court, salt does not cross 6g very simple

Be packed beforehand and machine food to contain salt the volume is very high. Inspection ticket, take care the quantity that contain salt. The nutrient part that contains by every 100 grams has designation food ticket of China, wanting computational place to choose food to whether be contained so when salt is exorbitant, the likelihood needs a few little skill.

① world defends constituent Guan Wei: The salt that nowhere is absent, do you understand really?

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