Faker hold a memorial ceremony for gives clockwork spring cruel make Vietnam group, netizen: How doe

August 28, the battle of project of alliance of hero of competition of performance of contest of Asia Game report once more start shooting, korea group meets Vietnam group head-on. This one is opposite definitely in, reserve of Score of old team leader, small earthnut enters the court.

Faker hold a memorial ceremony for gives clockwork spring cruel make Vietnam group, netizen: How does Li Ge have such teammate to be defeated?

The match leaves bureau, vietnam hits wild male gun to inbreak wild area suffers small earthnut is pursued and attack send one blood. Subsequently Korea group begins to launch offensive to leaving a way, take next double individual heads and one blood tower directly in an aggression of 13 minutes.

Faker hold a memorial ceremony for gives clockwork spring cruel make Vietnam group, netizen: How does Li Ge have such teammate to be defeated?

In follow-up belligerence, bring about after a sky that Faker is issueing 2 towers to be in is big be pursued and attack by Vietnam group, most go up eventually wild suffer male gun double kill. 21 minutes, faker encounters Bao Ga in start off, below the help of tower Mu, final Faker attacks the at present that kill luck successfully and escape.

Faker hold a memorial ceremony for gives clockwork spring cruel make Vietnam group, netizen: How does Li Ge have such teammate to be defeated?

26 minutes, after Korea group is taking next big a surname, undertake one is advanced, both sides erupts below the upland round battle, although male gun wants to attack desperately,kill Faker, but lived to come down below Faker or the protection in teammate, final Korea group takes advantage of a favorable situation one advances a success to win next contests.

Faker hold a memorial ceremony for gives clockwork spring cruel make Vietnam group, netizen: How does Li Ge have such teammate to be defeated?

Faker hold a memorial ceremony for gives clockwork spring cruel make Vietnam group, netizen: How does Li Ge have such teammate to be defeated?

On output, the clockwork spring of Faker hit the output with highest full-court, MVP gave Faker, the data of 4/1/5.

Faker hold a memorial ceremony for gives clockwork spring cruel make Vietnam group, netizen: How does Li Ge have such teammate to be defeated?

After contest netizens also are right this bureau match undertook giving out heat discussing, the netizen expresses:

After Korea group gained, ligedi stands up for a short while laughed

Hey, li Ge has such teammate, I do not know how to be defeated

Wang Zhe teammate of Li Ge experiences Ka Zhenxiang

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