" good news " too arrogant! River oil has two villages to be obtained on the province again commen

" good news " too arrogant! River oil has two villages to be obtained on the province again commend!

Good news, good news!

Our river oil has two villages this time to be obtained on the province again commend!

Wow oh! So arrogant?

" good news " too arrogant! River oil has two villages to be obtained on the province again commend!

The detail is such ~ ·

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" good news " too arrogant! River oil has two villages to be obtained on the province again commend!

Good news

Recently, famous produce brand and crackajack village official choose base of characteristic of village of 2018 Sichuan characteristic the result is common show. Choose this main around the industry civilization of wind of room of fitting of flourishing, zoology, countryside, processing effective, life is rich wait for a key, choose 10 beautiful property appropriate of 10 beautiful zoology resides flourishing village, Sichuan village, Sichuan 10 beautiful administer village of civilization of wind of 10 beautiful countryside, Sichuan effective village, Sichuan 10 beautiful life is rich village each 10. In addition, still chose brand of base of a batch of characteristic, famous produce and crackajack village official.

" good news " too arrogant! River oil has two villages to be obtained on the province again commend!

Square water of river oily town presses down Bai Yucun

Have the honor to win Sichuan 10 beautiful life is rich village

" good news " too arrogant! River oil has two villages to be obtained on the province again commend!

" good news " too arrogant! River oil has two villages to be obtained on the province again commend!

" good news " too arrogant! River oil has two villages to be obtained on the province again commend!

10 beautiful life is rich village, need safeguard of outstanding the people's livelihood, education (medical treatment, social security) quality of balanced development, farmer gets promotion, public infrastructure carries archives to upgrade, rate of farmer income growth is rapidder.

" good news " too arrogant! River oil has two villages to be obtained on the province again commend!

" good news " too arrogant! River oil has two villages to be obtained on the province again commend!

Bai Yucun calls Tang Jiaping again, be located in Sichuan river oil most Na Duansan ground (oil of continous this world, river, install a county) boundary.

1987, build removed 4 mus of grapery. 1994 up to now, already 18 travelling merchant invest 22 million yuan to do agriculture to develop in Bai Yucun, development area amounts to 3400 mus, the economy that is Bai Yucun grows infuse new vitality.

" good news " too arrogant! River oil has two villages to be obtained on the province again commend!

Square water presses down Bai Yucun or countrywide civilized village, here, you can experience picked fruity fun to field edge of a field not only, you are OK still and personal experience this full-bodied local amorous feelings.

" good news " too arrogant! River oil has two villages to be obtained on the province again commend!

" good news " too arrogant! River oil has two villages to be obtained on the province again commend!

Peace and tranquility of river oily city presses down secretary of Party branch of village of illuminate all things

Wang Tingquan

Have the honor to win Sichuan official of 10 beautiful village

" good news " too arrogant! River oil has two villages to be obtained on the province again commend!

Come, we understand Wang Tingquan its person its thing

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Wang Tingquan, male, the Han nationality, was born in June 1963, sichuan river oily person, university culture, intermediate (labour civilian builds an engineer) title, party member of the Communist Party of China. Currently hold the post ofcourse of study of treasure of total fine of Sichuan the court of a feudal ruler to serve limited company president, secretary of company Party branch; Secretary of general Party branch of chairman of guild of property of river oily city, guild; Members of standing committee of standing committee of National People's Congress of river oily city; Vice-chairman of business association of river oily city; Peace and tranquility of river oily city presses down the post such as secretary of Party branch of village of illuminate all things. Be awarded by Sichuan provincial Party committee " complete province is achieved contend for actor first outstanding communist " title, obtain for many times various commend award.

" good news " too arrogant! River oil has two villages to be obtained on the province again commend!

2010, wang Tingquan is held the position of by choose director of village of village of illuminate all things of town of peace and tranquility, 2013, be held the position of by choose secretary of Party branch of village of illuminate all things of town of peace and tranquility. He will guide whole village 735 2535 people become rich go straight towards well-off to regard first class as the important matter, in order to accelerate construction " course of study is promoted, rich, support of the people, village is beautiful " happy and beautiful new residential quarter is a target, catch Dang Jianjiang harmony of hurried of team, serious management, promote industrial hurried to develop, will " junior village " turn into cadre way is excellent, industrial development dominant position is prominent, the village allows village appearance to look brand-new, masses satisfaction spends what rise ceaselessly " aftereffect village " with the rich village with famed far and near, net income of average per capita achieved 19683 yuan 2017.

" good news " too arrogant! River oil has two villages to be obtained on the province again commend!

" good news " too arrogant! River oil has two villages to be obtained on the province again commend!

Since Wang Tingquan peace and tranquility presses down director of village of village of illuminate all things, each construction of village of illuminate all things goes in the front row of whole town, have the honor to win early or late " stimulative farmer is added stop advanced unit " " one village tastes characteristic industry village " " party of advanced basic level is organized " " civilized town is founded reach environmental punish to work advanced unit " " agricultural industrialization develops advanced unit " " the letter seeks safeguard steady work is advanced.

" good news " too arrogant! River oil has two villages to be obtained on the province again commend!

Where do you still care

Act according to on fair show full name sheet

Base of characteristic of village of 2018 Sichuan characteristic is famous produce brand and crackajack village official are public show list

One, Sichuan 10 beautiful industry is thriving village

1.The city proper and areas just outside its gates of pale river area presses down the Chengdu City 18 bays village

2.Heart in relief city is wide 3 water of Chinese town press down friendship village

3.Press down newly from vessel of county of tribute city flourish on the west lasher village

4.How does birthday of area of lukewarm river of the Chengdu City press down Tian Xingcun

5.Area of brook of accept of Lu state city protects village of Guo Zhenmei mountain

6.Cling to in estuarine of county of city smooth prosperous presses down great fortune village

7.Peaceful county of crown of cool hill state revives the town builds a village

8.Kapok city east Ou Yinjiang presses down A arrange to amount to a village

9.A mountainous area Huang Feng of Peng of eyebrow hill city presses down abundant China village

Temple of Xuan Han county of 10. Dazhou city brings country 8 temple village

2, appropriate of 10 beautiful zoology resides 2018 Sichuan village

1.City of Xi Chang of cool hill city on the west village of country country phoenix

2.Village of fine and soft of sheep of much countryside of sanded stone of county of black water of A dam city

3.Broods tall county of appropriate guest city is large press down big house village

4.Tall temple of Hong Ya county of eyebrow hill city presses down 7 lis of villages

5.The Ou Yongan in river city town presses down Shangteng new residential quarter inside

6.The wide fierce that bring city gets the better of village of tall hole of countryside of prefectural white level ground

7.The elegant name that bring city is a mountainous area village of eternally countryside red grass

8.Green heart of county of city of country of pleasant Zi city presses down Zhong Decun

9.Wide village of yuan of dam of month of rural area of white court of district of city benefit state

10 thousand source city peace and tranquility of 10. Dazhou city press down village of level ground of bovine the fourth of the twelve Earthly Branches

3, Sichuan village of civilization of wind of 10 beautiful countryside

1. Inside river city east the Tian Jiazhen that start a division child village

2.City appearance Gansu is filled south the garrison post is new wet village of politics town Anxi

3.Cling to in city favour in relief Ou Mingyang presses down tall store community

4.Lu of pleasant Zi city decides prefectural cold moraine to press down unitive village

5.Ou Dongfeng of river of wild goose of city of endowment this world presses down village of land for growing field crops

6.North of continous in relief city village of roc of countryside of dragon of plain county peach

7.Skin of the bamboo of appropriate guest city vacates even the county village of the spring breeze that amount to a town

8.Sanded bay of area of sanded bay of happy hill city presses down village of 3 high mountain

9.Collect of county of the river in heart in relief city Feng Zhenshi strip of land between hills child village

Channel of ancient Er of county of reason of state of 10. A dam presses down grave ground village

4, 10 beautiful administer Sichuan effective village

1.County of river of cattail of the Chengdu City presses down two rivers village on the west

2.Village of on county of a kind of jade of appropriate guest city Home Luo Zhen acting

3.City of endowment this world is happy to village of temple of empty sparrow of prefectural peacock countryside

4.County of Jin Chuan of A dam city blocks countryside of transport persons or goods by cart at a charge 2 general village

5.Fizzle out from area of beach of tribute city edge village of abundant of small towns farming

6.Happy village of alcalde of dam of temple of county of Dazhou city big bamboo

7.The city that satisfy peace shoots big county too with village of temple of town white horse

8.The city zone of the elegant rain that bring city adds up to village of home of Jiang Zhen the Kingdom of Wei

9.County of prosperous of heart of cool hill city cling to the hole presses down Song Baicun

Shrimp of countryside of wood of appropriate of suddenly county of heat of city of 10. pleasant Zi pulls village of a small bay in a river

5, Sichuan 10 beautiful life is rich village

1. Hill of door of dragon of city of state of Peng of the Chengdu City presses down treasure mountain village

2.Kapok city benevolence with the area total hair country stands new residential quarter

3.Pi of the Chengdu City Ou Tangchang is street battle banner village

4.Yun Jin of county of Lu of Lu state city presses down rice village

5.Square water of oily town of river of continous in relief city presses down Bai Yucun

6. Lira of sweet case of county of city of paddy of pleasant Zi city is pressed down inferior Ding Cun

7.From tribute city rich suitable county east village of dam of lake town

8.Bright and beautiful screen presses down county of hill of screen of appropriate guest city village of bright and beautiful screen

9.The town austral county of green god of eyebrow hill city orchid channel village

10. is wide bring city An Xiangqun of the wide dragon that bring a district plan village

6, sex of structure of side of supply of 10 beautiful agriculture reforms Sichuan demonstrative base

1. The elegant countryside that bring city revitalizes tea industry to bring base (the name is a mountainous area part)

2.Double flow to always bring day seat of government red carry garden

3.From rotate of paddy of dish of county of tribute city flourish the industry sets an example garden area

4.Wide yuan of city flourishing dark green 3 close demonstrative base of property of tea of area of contemporary agriculture garden

5.Factory of deer of meeting manage county presses down cool hill city base of characteristic of industry of agriculture of copper mine village

6.Cling to in city makes the same score prosperous county base of tea of rich Selenium of 32 bridge zoology

7.Base of characteristic of oily camphor tree of county of guest of appropriate of appropriate guest city

8.Demonstrative base of core of Tian Baomi shaddock of catalpa Tong of continous in relief city

9.Forest of 7 lis of level ground of eyebrow hill city health raise base

Dong Yun dam of city of 10. Lu state is contemporary area of agricultural demonstrative garden

7, Sichuan card of general articles for use of area of 10 beautiful produce

1.Valve of beans of county of Pi of the Chengdu City

2.Cool hill city is big produce of cool hill characteristic

3.Cling to in city cling to feed Ba Kuo

4.Wide yuan of city is wide yuan of a four-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme

5.Flavour of eyebrow hill city is in eyebrow hill

6.City of endowment this world installs Yue Ning Meng

7.The city that satisfy peace satisfies peaceful delicacy

8.Elegant bring city the elegant tea that install Tibet

9.Zi of holy pleasant of pleasant Zi city

10. Na Chongjia is made

8, Sichuan actor of 10 beautiful name is particular produce brand

1.Kapok city acute China. Kapok mango

2.Happy Shan Zhuxie is green

3.Highland of A dam city is red former yak milk powder

4.Continous in relief city Shengdile Inc. of village zoology food

5.Happy from tribute city beauty sweet thick chili sauce

6.Inside river city Huang Laowu

7.Dish of bud of broken rice of appropriate guest city

8.Dazhou city " the Eastern Han Dynasty " product of series of card fermented glutinous rice

9.Wide yangtao of yuan of hearts of brook of city dark green

Beef of city China precious is filled south 10.

9, Sichuan official of 10 beautiful village

1. Gu Qing of secretary of Party committee of village of treasure mountain of city of Chengdu Peng state

2.Chengdu Pi Gao Demin of secretary of general Party branch of village of area battle banner

3.Jiang Yijia of secretary of Party committee of village of city of arch of town of Chang Le of county of brook of bitter fleabane of the city that satisfy peace

4.Arris of red of county of arris of red of eyebrow hill town presses down dragon to target swan Luochao of secretary of village Party branch carries

5.County of classics of the elegant Xing that bring city installs Wang Fujun of secretary of Party branch of village of Jing Xiangshun river

6.Equestrian ancestor of city of Fang of assorted of heart in relief city presses down Zhong Chuanhua of secretary of Party branch of Dong Yue village

7.Inside Yang Zhenghui of secretary of Party branch of village of station of rain of town of high-rise of the county in city endowment

8.Kapok city east Ou Yinjiang presses down A arrange to amount to village village appoint conference chairman Bao Jinzhi

9.Yang Zhengjiang of secretary of Party branch of village of bridge of home of land of county of the wide Yue Chi that bring city

Peace and tranquility of oily city of river of 10. continous in relief city presses down Wang Tingquan of secretary of Party branch of village of illuminate all things

10, 10 beautiful take off Sichuan official of village of deficient assault fortified positions

1.Cool Shan Zhouzhao becomes aware the county asperses village of strike a light of Er of countryside of the slope that pull the land Li Yu of the first secretary

2.Lu of pleasant Zi city decides a county to get appropriate to press down Tian Chishan village the first secretary peak of 10 thousand annals

3.Gram of town of Ta of plain county continous fills short of Wenshui River of A dam city village Cao Gong of the first secretary

4.Village of horse of stone of town of slope of week of happy hill city Wang Jingchuan of the first secretary

5.Wide Jia Chuan presses down yuan of city 5 red villages Zhao Ping of the first secretary

6.Lu state city rub Hu Xiaorong of secretary of branch of village of Ni Zhenjin a list of names posted up

7.Cling to in city torch presses down Gou Jiaba village Ding Jiang of the first secretary

8.Town is filled south village of courtyard of Tuo of cover of countryside of star of day of fine hill area Pu Chunyu of the first secretary

9.Village of channel of home of pleasant of countryside of ginkgo of county of green god of eyebrow hill city Yang Jie of the first secretary

The Tujia nationality of spring of dragon of Xuan Han county of 10. Dazhou city Li Yongtai of secretary of Party branch of countryside compass village

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